AI Blitz XI: Completed #educational #blitz

AI Blitz XI saw 200 participants from over 23 countries making 2300+ submissions. We thank you for your participation. πŸŽ‰

After 3 weeks of intense competition, here are the winners of AI Blitz ⚑️ XI

πŸ† Winner's Solutions

πŸš€ Leaderboard Winners


  1. Obstacle Prediction
  2. Lidar Car Detection
  3. Environment Classification
  4. Object Detection
  5. Scene Segmentation

denis_diachkov and konstantin_diachkov

  1. Obstacle Prediction
  2. Lidar Car Detection
  3. Environment Classification
  4. Object Detection
  5. Scene Segmentation


πŸ““ Community Contribution Winner

1. eric_parisot notebook explaining Keras Classification for Lidar Car Detection

2. coderXYZnk notebook explainer for Semantic Segmentation 101


πŸŽ₯ Blitz XI Winner AMA


✨ Join the first AIcrowd Winner AMA on 9th October, Saturday 2021 at 2.30 PM UTC.

Have all your questions and queries about Computer Vision and AI Blitz 11 answered by the top participants. The winners of the challenge will explain their solutions and share valuable advice that can accelerate your AI journey!

Tap here to join our discord channel to ask your question!

Don't miss it!

⏰ Saturday, October 9th, 2021 | 2.30 PM UTC

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Click here to ask your question.