Round 1: Completed Post Challenge Round: Completed


ACL-BioNLP Shared Task


Problem Statements

🕵️ Introduction

MEDIQA 2021 tackles three summarization tasks in the medical domain:

In this shared task, we will also explore the use of different evaluation metrics for summarization.

MEDIQA 2021 will be organized at the NAACL-BioNLP 2021 workshop.


The registration & data usage agreement form is available under the Resources section of the AIcrowd projects. The form covers the three tasks. You can download it from any of the three MEDIQA projects: QS@AIcrowdMAS@AIcrowd & RRS@AIcrowd.
To register, you need to complete, sign, and upload the form. When approved, you will be able to download the official test sets and to submit your runs on the AIcrowd submission systems.

📅  Timeline

  • December 16, 2020: First call for participation, with information about the training data.

  • December 22, 2020: AICrowd projects go public. Release of the training set for Task 3.

  • January 29, 2021: Release of the validation sets. 

  • February 26, 2021: Release of the test sets. Run submission opens on AIcrowd.

  • March 5, 2021: Run submission deadline. Participants' ROUGE scores will be available on AIcrowd.

  • March 10, 2021: Release of the official results.

  • March 17, 2021: Papers due date (Submission website and instructions).

  • April 15, 2021: Notification of acceptance.

  • April 26, 2021: Camera-ready papers due (hard deadline).

  • June 11, 2021: BioNLP Workshop @NAACL'21 


📜 Rules

1) Each team is allowed to submit a maximum of 10 runs.

2) Please choose a username that represents your team, and update your profile with the following information: First name, Last nam, Affiliation, Address, City, Country.

3) For each run submission, it is mandatory to fill in the submission description field of the submission form with a short description of the methods, tools and resources used for that run.

4) The final results will not be considered official until a working notes paper with the full description of the methods is submitted.



📱 Contact us



01 ChicHealth 22.000
02 med_qa_group 28.000
02 yamr 28.000
03 I_have_no_flash 29.000