3 Follower
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Oussama Boussif




Paris, CA






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Machine Learning for detection of early onset of Alzheimers

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3D Seismic Image Interpretation by Machine Learning

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graded 93188
graded 89593

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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Predicting smell of molecular compounds

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failed 120742
failed 120649
failed 120643

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5 Problems 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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graded 124918
graded 124917
graded 124916

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

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graded 88699
graded 88689
failed 88685

5 Puzzles, 3 Weeks | Can you solve them all?

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graded 119420
graded 119372
graded 119363


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graded 93188
graded 92730
graded 92490

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Recognise Handwritten Digits

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graded 72926
graded 72924
graded 72893

Predict Wine Quality

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graded 73563
graded 73562
graded 73549

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graded 124153
graded 124031
graded 124030
Participant Rating
anass_elidrissi 0
contrebande 0
wut2do 76
Participant Rating
anass_elidrissi 0

AI Blitz #6

#1 Solution to Blitz6 ChessWin prediction

Almost 4 years ago

Yes we used the same technique but got a slightly lower score, but I only saw this post after the competition ended where they say that it’s only human players and not an engine that generated winners. That explains why your approach had better score since you didn’t use a high depth, whereas we use a 20 depth lookahead :confused:

Congrats :wink:

How to deal with draws

Almost 4 years ago

Oh wait I think I got it mixed up. When it’s black’s turn, it means that the board is given from black’s perspective right? Because I thought that it was always given from white’s perspective that’s why I assumed it was a draw (since white pawn can only go up and not check the king) but if the board is given from black’s perspective, then in that case it’s a checkmate.

How to deal with draws

Almost 4 years ago


After further examination, there seem to be only one draw (9008.jpg) but there are many boards that I think are illegal (around 3000)

Have a good day!

How to deal with draws

Almost 4 years ago

Hello everyone :wave:

I noticed that some boards in the test set are actually draws (9008.jpg), in that case what are we supposed to output in the label?

P.S: I also noticed that there are many boards that are just not legal (for example black king already in check but it’s white’s turn)

Thanks in advance and have a good day!

Time Series Prediction

#1 Solution to TIMSER Blitz5

About 4 years ago

Perfect! I couldn’t find a satisfying term so I stuck with that one :rofl:, I’ll edit it right away!

#1 Solution to TIMSER Blitz5

About 4 years ago

It would be interesting if you posted solutions that led you to reduce the MSE to 333333 rather than the 0 MSE one because it doesn’t provide much value for beginners. I understand that the goal of this solution is to pinpoint weaknesses of some competitions that can be “hacked” (several kaggle competitions had this) which is good for beginners but I think it would be even better to include a ML solution too.

Anyways, I was looking forward to seeing your solutions since you slayed everything and thank you for providing them, I am sure they are full of insights for aspiring AIcrew.

Have a nice day :wink:

Sound Sentiment Prediction

Everybody can be a champion here!

About 4 years ago

Can we get more information about which f1-score exactly is computed? Is it the weighted f1 score or macro (which I doubt given the results) or the micro one as in sklearn?

Have a good day :wink:

REAL 2020 - Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning

Requesting logs

Over 4 years ago

Dear ec_ai team,

The submission part is now working without errors, however, the score on the leaderboard and the one displayed in the “submission” tab is 0 for all configurations which doesn’t correspond to the score we get for the last submission v0.9 tag. Is it something we missed in the config too?

We also only sent the transitions file for 15e5 iterations because the one with 15e6 would simply not be pushed (3.5GB file) and it gives rise to:

fatal: Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate x bytes)

Is this problem coming from our submission or is the host not handling it well?

Also, I think I might have missed it somewhere, but the extrinsic trials is only 5 for the submission, isn’t it supposed to run for 50 trials?

Thank you in advance for answering our questions.

AICrows team

Requesting logs

Over 4 years ago


Anass’s teammate here. We no longer get the agent error that apparently came for the environment.yml but this now it’s ‘error’ instead. It’s weird since it works perfectly on my ubuntu environment even after clearning Anaconda and only executing the environment.yml.

Is it possible to have a look at the logs again?

Thanks in advance and have a good day :slight_smile:


Graduate student at CentraleSupélec and an M2 MVA student at ENS Paris-Saclay - Université de Paris Saclay