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Gokula Krishnan


Eloop mobility solutions private limited


Chennai, IN





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graded 250719

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Small Object Detection and Classification

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Understand semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation from downward-facing drone images

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failed 209207

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failed 215966
graded 215914
failed 215913

Using AI For Building’s Energy Management

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What data should you label to get the most value for your money?

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Interactive embodied agents for Human-AI collaboration

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Airborne Object Tracking Challenge

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Improving the HTR output of Greek papyri and Byzantine manuscripts

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Machine Learning for detection of early onset of Alzheimers

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Measure sample efficiency and generalization in reinforcement learning using procedurally generated environments

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3D Seismic Image Interpretation by Machine Learning

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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Multi-agent RL in game environment. Train your Derklings, creatures with a neural network brain, to fight for you!

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Predicting smell of molecular compounds

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graded 69906
failed 69845
failed 69843

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Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

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Grouping/Sorting players into their respective teams

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Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

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Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains.

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Project 2: Road extraction from satellite images

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Project 2: build our own recommender system, and test its performance

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PlantVillage is built on the premise that all knowledge that helps people grow food should be openly accessible to anyone on the planet.

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Recognizing bird sounds in monophone soundscapes

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Localization, SLAM, Place Recognition, Visual Navigation, Loop Closure Detection

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Estimate depth in aerial images from monocular downward-facing drone

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failed 209207

Perform semantic segmentation on aerial images from monocular downward-facing drone

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Participant Rating
ashwani_rathee 0
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  • Taka Food Recognition Challenge
  • taka Generative Interior Design Challenge 2024

Generative Interior Design Challenge 2024

Top teams solutions

4 months ago

Impressive! The contest was really interesting. I was not able to submit,I was able to generate some pretty pictures :slight_smile: Very very inconsistent pipeline though!
Approach: Direct SDXL generation with MLSD controlnet (0.7) - Negative prompt - Doors/ Windows. Used OneFormer to detect floors and cleaned the line segments on the floor. Used the given seg controlnet to inpaint back the windows and doors using SD1.5 (+ MLSD controlnet + IP style adapter). The model initiation time was wonky ranging from 60s to 190s on A10.

SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Chall

Updated starter kit & submission evaluation

About 3 years ago

That’s unfortunate. Awaiting more information regarding this year’s procedure.

Updated starter kit & submission evaluation

About 3 years ago

Hi Shivam,
Any updates on the starter kit and evaluation server?


Confirmation on the prizes for Round 5

Over 3 years ago

Hi Picekl,
Is the evaluation server up yet?

Submitting your kit: image_build_failed

Over 3 years ago

Thanks for the update Picekl. Will the last date to submit submissions be May 7th as well?

Submitting your kit: image_build_failed

Over 3 years ago

Hi Picekl,
When can we expect the evaluation server to be ready along with the round 5 starter kit?

Conda won't install efficientnet

About 4 years ago

I used environment.yml file and EfficientNet-pytorch as a pip package.
Reference ( https://github.com/GokulEpiphany/contests-final-code/blob/master/aicrowd-snake-species/inference/environment.yml )

Evaluation Error but Image built successfully

About 4 years ago

@akash18014 @picekl From what I remember, we have to explicitly set only cuda version 10.0 (Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?) . Maybe downgrade cuda toolkit 10.1 to 10.0 and make sure corresponding tensorflow works with 10.0.
This is the only link which helped me downgrade (https://dmitry.ai/t/topic/33)

Evaluation Error but Image built successfully

About 4 years ago

What specific version of tensorflow are you using?

System confirmation for submissions

About 4 years ago

Could you please confirm the CUDA version of the K80? [Edit:] Found it in the logs, its 10.0 still. Thanks

Evaluation Error but Image built successfully

About 4 years ago

In your aicrowd.json file, try adding β€œdebug”: True, you will get the logs as to why the submissions are failing

SnakeCLEF how to submit, when and how many?

About 4 years ago

Could you please confirm this? Couple of CLEF challenges end at 23:59 UTC. BirdCLEF ends at 12:00 UTC.


Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

Over 4 years ago

A relevant discussion.

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

Over 4 years ago

Please use
conda env export --no-build > environment.yml
Also, Inference happens on a K80 (if you enable GPU). Make sure CUDA version is 10.0 and not 10.1

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

Over 4 years ago

Could you please clarify on the last date for the contest? On the home page it shows β€œ2 days remaining” but Timeline mentions Jan,17,2020.

Winner announcement + Round 3!

Almost 5 years ago

Wrote a blog post:

Winner announcement + Round 3!

Almost 5 years ago

Thanks, @amdurso and the moderators behind aicrowd @mohanty @arjun_nemani for providing instant logs and helping with reproducing results.

Planning to put together a blog post /upload the code to GitHub and will link here.

It was a great experience participating in this challenge.

Evaluation stuck [Edit : Evaluation took a long time]

Almost 5 years ago

Evaluation has not started yet then. Evaluations happen in a sequence, there are still two submissions ahead of you.You can see it here

Evaluation stuck [Edit : Evaluation took a long time]

Almost 5 years ago

Mine got evaluated a while ago. What is the status of your submission? If the evaluation status is β€œEvaluation started/pending”, then wait a while, I guess.

gokuleloop has not provided any information yet.