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Nilabha Bhattacharya




Bangalore, IN






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ASCII-rendered single-player dungeon crawl game

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Improving the HTR output of Greek papyri and Byzantine manuscripts

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failed 156823
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graded 154780

Machine Learning for detection of early onset of Alzheimers

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graded 140046
graded 137355
graded 137339

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graded 174025

Measure sample efficiency and generalization in reinforcement learning using procedurally generated environments

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Self-driving RL on DeepRacer cars - From simulation to real world

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Robustness and teamwork in a massively multiagent environment

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failed 144468
graded 144444
graded 144327

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

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failed 93962
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graded 89210

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graded 144152

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graded 9963
failed 9876
failed 9775

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graded 9744
graded 9743

5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

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Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

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Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains.

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failed 32805
failed 32778
failed 32758

Recognise Handwritten Digits

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graded 60255
failed 60250

Online News Prediction

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failed 60273
graded 60271

Crowdsourced Map Land Cover Prediction

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graded 60285

Project 2: Road extraction from satellite images

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Project 2: build our own text classifier system, and test its performance.

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Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

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Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

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Participant Rating
hagrid67 103
Participant Rating
hagrid67 103

Learn-to-Race: Autonomous Racing Virtual Challenge

πŸ—οΈ Claim Your Training Credits

Almost 3 years ago

Submission Id : 174025
Work in Finance Domain as a day job and experienced in RL across a range of projects and competitions.


Current status of imitation agent in baseline repository

Over 4 years ago

The above script was for doing PPO and IL alternately…

If you want a pure IL, you can try
train.py -ef baselines/custom_imitation_learning_rllib_tree_obs/pure_imitation_tree_obs.yaml --eager --trace

Current status of imitation agent in baseline repository

Over 4 years ago

The imitation trainer works. We have generated results for them. You could do a training and simultaneous evaluation using the script
train.py -ief baselines/custom_imitation_learning_rllib_tree_obs/ppo_imitation_tree_obs.yaml --eager --trace
(drop -e flag if you don’t want to do evaluation)
The only thing is the OR expert solution uses was for an older flatland version where the malfunction rate was different. So if you are training with malfunctions, you can workaround it by doing the below changes in the flatland source code

change below line in method malfunction_from_file in the file flatland.envs.malfunction_generators.py

mean_malfunction_rate = 1/oMPD.malfunction_rate

The documentation here https://flatland.aicrowd.com/research/baselines/imitation_learning.html is a bit old , we will update it soon.
You can refer to this Google Colab notebook also which has the details along with the results https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1oK8yaTSVYH4Av_NwmhEC9ZNBS_Wwhi18#scrollTo=P_IMrdL27Ii7
Let me know if you are facing any issues.

RLLib Baselines on Colab!

Over 4 years ago

We have taken the repo from https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/flatland/neurips2020-flatland-baselines
and made it into a simple colab notebook

Open In Colab

All training scripts are also provided, so one can modify the configs and do runs of their own. Evaluation is also run and the script to calculate scores on an independent test set is also provided.

Using a trained agent in RLlib

Over 4 years ago

Your approach seems correct in principle … not sure why the trainer cannot restore from checkpoint. You could compare with the example provided.

Using a trained agent in RLlib

Over 4 years ago

you can refer to the rollout.py script in the AIcrowd baselines for flatland

And the corresponding script

Note that this runs small environments with a custom seed. You will have to change the environment logic for your purpose.

Expert demonstrations for Imitation Learning: Recreating Malfunctions

Over 4 years ago

The flatland-rl version has been updated to 2.2.2. (Upgrade it using the command pip install -U flatland-rl). Can you check if the malfunctions are replicable with the same seed? Let us know if you are facing any issues.

Expert demonstrations for Imitation Learning: Recreating Malfunctions

Over 4 years ago

It does it slightly different from the MARWIL/Apex-DQfD versions in that it runs every episode alternatively via IL and RL (the ratio is defaulted to 50% ratio but it can be changed and also decayed over time by changing the configs).

Expert demonstrations for Imitation Learning: Recreating Malfunctions

Over 4 years ago

You could also try our online RL Solution which does not require any of these intermediate steps like generating experiences. It runs everything on the fly…
You can find a pure IL and IL + PPO solution here

We haven’t documented it but we will do it soon. It uses the last year’s 2nd place solution from CkUA. Unfortunately, it was from an earlier flatland version, so as of now you have to change the malfunction behaviour as per previous versions as follows

change below line in method malfunction_from_file in the file flatland.envs.malfunction_generators.py

mean_malfunction_rate = 1/oMPD.malfunction_rate

Expert demonstrations for Imitation Learning: Recreating Malfunctions

Over 4 years ago

Are you using the same flatland versions for both creation and loading environments? The solution for creating the experiences in the AICrowd baselines for MARWIL and APE-X DQfD were mostly used in environments without malfunctions and they used the seed value of 1001 (https://flatland.aicrowd.com/research/baselines/imitation_learning.html).

Flatland Challenge

Solution Codes and Approaches

About 5 years ago

I haven’t submitted it yet. But I can share the results of few envs from the local evaluation

Evaluation Number : 1
Reward : -43.83333333333334

Evaluation Number : 1
Current Env Path : ./test-envs/Test_5/Level_1.pkl
Env Creation Time : 0.42258167266845703
Number of Steps : 1120
Mean/Std of Time taken by Controller : 0.01895513470683779 0.0018288652394336735
Mean/Std of Time per Step : 0.1480530451451029 0.00961317459096298

Evaluation Number : 2
Reward : -43.41666666666668

Evaluation Number : 2
Current Env Path : ./test-envs/Test_3/Level_0.pkl
Env Creation Time : 0.29577183723449707
Number of Steps : 960
Mean/Std of Time taken by Controller : 0.02316151708364487 0.002471594250438426
Mean/Std of Time per Step : 0.14834324022134146 0.01293447105111391

Evaluation Number : 3
Reward : -52.00000000000002

Evaluation Number : 3
Current Env Path : ./test-envs/Test_6/Level_0.pkl
Env Creation Time : 1.5495717525482178
Number of Steps : 1760
Mean/Std of Time taken by Controller : 0.02436668398705396 0.0039495335690074304
Mean/Std of Time per Step : 0.19943869560956956 0.024274925544436107

Solution Codes and Approaches

About 5 years ago

I have added another code file with a different approach that does not use a model.

The code can be found in the local Github location

For a simple demonstration of how we solve a dense railway network, simply run the file
This file does not use any additional packages other than the ones required for flatland and can be run with the latest flatland-rl version 2.1.10

Solution Codes and Approaches

About 5 years ago

I have put up some code here

This includes actorcritictrainer.py file which implements an actor critic approach and ESStrategyTraining.py which implements an evolutionary strategy approach.
The results seem to be similar to the Duelling Double DQN approach. I have saved sample results and pre-trained weights.
This has been done using stock observations.

Adding to Erik’s comments, my observations are

  • These models do not show improvement even after training for longer periods and show comparable performance, suggesting that we need to do better feature engineering.

As of now, I next plan to do some visualizations and add documentation to the code to better.

Any comments/suggestions are most welcome.

Submission Errors Flatland

Over 5 years ago

Hi @mohanty @ashivani

I am getting an error on evaluation

Can yo help with the logs

Submission Errors Flatland

Over 5 years ago


I am not able to see logs but I can see comments on the issue though only the first line.

2019-08-03T15:15:13.396985671Z Traceback (most recent call last):…

Submission Errors Flatland

Over 5 years ago


I am getting an error in evaluation

Somehow I cannot see any error logs though debug=True
I have tested this in the local environment (using redis server etc…) and it is working.
Can you please help with the error logs.


SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Chall

Submission Errors

Over 5 years ago

Thanks kongas
I used the below code to remove the images

filter_func = lambda x: str(x) not in lsRemove
test_img = (ImageList.from_folder(path).filter_by_func(filter_func))

Though there is another error…

Has the competition ended or will it restart again. Would have liked to get a score as my validation results were good.
Is it possible to get the error logs?

Evaluation stuck [Edit : Evaluation took a long time]

Over 5 years ago


all submissions seems to be queued for a long time.
Is there some problem?


Submission Errors

Over 5 years ago

I have put a workaround to find the images which fail loading and delete them and later add these probability which are all equal to 1/45
However I still get an error

Can you please help with the error?


nilabha has not provided any information yet.


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