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Ilya Teternikov




Moscow, RU





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Understand semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation from downward-facing drone images

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What data should you label to get the most value for your money?

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Interactive embodied agents for Human-AI collaboration

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Airborne Object Tracking Challenge

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Machine Learning for detection of early onset of Alzheimers

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3D Seismic Image Interpretation by Machine Learning

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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graded 125232

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Grouping/Sorting players into their respective teams

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5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

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graded 64249
graded 64229

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Predict viewer reactions from a large-scale video dataset!

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Use an RL agent to build a structure with natural language inputs

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Language assisted Human - AI Collaboration

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Estimate depth in aerial images from monocular downward-facing drone

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Perform semantic segmentation on aerial images from monocular downward-facing drone

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  • tetelias SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Challenge
  • tetelias Scene Understanding for Autonomous Drone Delivery (SUADD'23)

Visual Product Recognition Challenge 2023

📥 Guidelines For Using External Dataset

Over 1 year ago

At the bottom of the main page of CVPR 2021 AliProducts Challenge: Large-scale Product Recognition_算法大赛_天池大赛-阿里云天池 it says “If you find the dataset is helpful in your research, please consider citing our paper:” which implies it can be used for research purposes. One can download the dataset via links in AI_Product-Competition/get_dataset_AiProducts.sh at 4464263490143d0376a344520b0717ee91b0ff7b · pengxiaoxiao/AI_Product-Competition · GitHub.
@snehananavati Is it ok to use?

📥 Guidelines For Using External Dataset

Over 1 year ago

Link to DyML Product doesn’t work for me.
Also web scraping is a very sensitive subject since you need to ensure that every image comes with Creative Commons license.
As mentioned above Shopee dataset was allowed only for that Kaggle competition.

🚨 Deadline Extension

Over 1 year ago

@snehananavati Can you comment on my previous post and also clarify, where we should post additional datasets?

🚨 Deadline Extension

Over 1 year ago

I don’t see a dedicated thread so can you clarify where we should declare used dataset by April, 9th?

Also on Products-10k page (Large scale product recognition challenge) it is said:
“The database can only be used for non-commercial research and educational purposes.”, so does it mean, dataset with any license can be used as long as it is public?

Global Wheat Challenge 2021

📕 Discussion on Baseline | Global Wheat Challenge 2021

Over 3 years ago

I noticed in the Rules that “The participant agrees to exclusively use the Global Wheat Head Dataset for the purpose of participating in this competition.”. What does “exclusively use” mean in this context? Since it is declared in the next sentence that one is allowed to use Global Wheat Head Dataset outside of this challenge, I assume, it means no external data use in the challenge, correct? Then I noticed use of pretrained model looking through baseline. If everything up to this point is correct, you should define datasets that pretraining is allowed on.

tetelias has not provided any information yet.