Seismic Facies Identification Challenge
[Explainer] - EDA of Seismic data by geographic axis
Here’s my EDA notebook on how the seismic data varies by geographic axis, along with some ideas for training.
EDA on variation by geographic axis
Here’s my EDA notebook on how the seismic data varies by geographic axis, along with some ideas for training.
A peek some of the stuff in the notebook
How the patterns look per label:
How the facies vary by z-axis
Splitting the data for training based on the EDA results
Do share your feedback.
AICrowd Seismic Facies Identification Challenge¶
The goal of the Seismic Facies Identification challenge is to create a machine-learning algorithm which, working from the raw 3D image, can reproduce an expert pixel-by-pixel facies identification.
Problem description: 3D image Semantic Segmentation¶
Setup Environment 📚¶
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Domain knowledge 💡¶
The following are the geologic descriptions of each labels:
1 : Basement/Other: Basement - Low S/N; Few internal Reflections; May contain volcanics in places
2 : Slope Mudstone A: Slope to Basin Floor Mudstones; High Amplitude Upper and Lower Boundaries; Low Amplitude Continuous/Semi-Continuous Internal Reflectors
3 : Mass Transport Deposit: Mix of Chaotic Facies and Low Amplitude Parallel Reflections
4 : Slope Mudstone B: Slope to Basin Floor Mudstones and Sandstones; High Amplitude Parallel Reflectors; Low Continuity Scour Surfaces
5 : Slope Valley: High Amplitude Incised Channels/Valleys; Relatively low relief
6 : Submarine Canyon System: Erosional Base is U shaped with high local relief. Internal fill is low amplitude mix of parallel inclined surfaces and chaotic disrupted reflectors. Mostly deformed slope mudstone filled with isolated sinuous sand-filled channels near the basal surface.
According to the literature, the facies are identified using the curves in the readings
📌 Remember¶
The curves seems to be low level to mid level features, so a majority of the prediction likely depends on that, but the broader context may also help
Load data 💾¶
# Downloading Data
# Download Labels
# Download Labels
train_full = np.load('data_train.npz', allow_pickle=True, mmap_mode='r')["data"]
labels_full = np.load('labels_train.npz', allow_pickle=True)["labels"]
test = np.load('data_test_1.npz', allow_pickle=True)["data"]
A tiny peek at the data ❕¶
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, sharey=True);
fig.set_size_inches(20, 8);
fig.suptitle("2D slice of the 3D seismic data volume", fontsize=20);
yc = 100
print(np.unique(labels_full[:, :, yc]))
ax[0].imshow(train_full[:, :, yc], cmap='terrain');
ax[0].set_xlabel('X Axis: West - East', fontsize=14);
ax[0].set_ylabel('Z Axis: Top - Bottom', fontsize=14);
ax[1].imshow(labels_full[:, :, yc]);
ax[1].set_xlabel('X Axis: West - East', fontsize=14);
ax[2].imshow(train_full[:, :, yc], cmap='terrain');
ax[2].imshow(labels_full[:, :, yc], alpha=0.4, cmap='twilight');
ax[2].set_xlabel('X Axis: West - East', fontsize=14);
EDA on images 📷¶
## Data histogram, min, max, mean, std
tr_ravel = train_full.ravel()
minval, maxval, mean, std = np.min(tr_ravel), np.max(tr_ravel), np.mean(tr_ravel), np.std(tr_ravel)
print('Min: %0.4f, Max: %0.4f, Mean: %0.4f, Std: %0.4f' %
(minval, maxval, mean, std))
hist = plt.hist(tr_ravel, bins=100);
plt.title("Histogram of data values");
📌 Remember¶
Data is nearly zero mean, range is much higher than std. Probably good to normalize inputs
## Let's increase the contrast on the above data view by clipping at mean ± 3*std
normclip = lambda img: np.clip(img, mean-3*std, mean+3*std)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, sharey=True);
fig.set_size_inches(20, 8);
fig.suptitle("2D slice of the 3D seismic data volume", fontsize=20);
ax[0].imshow(normclip(train_full[:, :, yc]), cmap='terrain');
ax[0].set_xlabel('X Axis: West - East', fontsize=14);
ax[0].set_ylabel('Z Axis: Top - Bottom', fontsize=14);
ax[1].imshow(labels_full[:, :, yc]);
ax[1].set_xlabel('X Axis: West - East', fontsize=14);
ax[2].imshow(normclip(train_full[:, :, yc]), cmap='terrain');
ax[2].imshow(labels_full[:, :, yc], alpha=0.4, cmap='twilight');
ax[2].set_xlabel('X Axis: West - East', fontsize=14);