
Lingua Franca Translation

Getting Started Notebook for Lingua Franca Translation

A getting started notebook for Lingua Franca Translation challenge using SeqSeq.


Getting Started with Language Translation

Using Seq2Seq Model

  • In this puzzle, the problem statement is quite simple. We need to build a translator that should be able to translate to English from a fake language. There are many ways to build a machine translator. In this notebook, we'll use a seq2seq model.

  • This notebook is inspired by NLP from: Translation with a Seq2Seq and Attention

  • A generalized architecture of machine translator we are going to build in this notebook: seq2seq.png

Download the files 💾¶ using AIcrowd CLI

We will first install aicrowd-cli which will help you download and later make submission directly via the notebook.

In [1]:
!pip install aicrowd-cli
%load_ext aicrowd.magic
In [2]:
%aicrowd login
Please login here: https://api.aicrowd.com/auth/1qeOWxKEVVQ6hOD1AweWxJgv5tjeYws3G9bDzq1qz80
API Key valid
Saved API Key successfully!
In [3]:
!rm -rf data
!mkdir data
%aicrowd ds dl -c lingua-franca-translation -o data

Importing Libraries

In [4]:
!pip install torchtext==0.6.0 --quiet
In [5]:
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import spacy
import random

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from torchtext.data import Field, BucketIterator, TabularDataset

from torchtext.data.metrics import bleu_score
from pprint import pprint
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from torchsummary import summary

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

Understanding Dataset

In [6]:
train_df = pd.read_csv("data/train.csv")
In [7]:
test_df = pd.read_csv("data/test.csv")
In [8]:
sample = pd.read_csv("data/sample_submission.csv")
In [9]:
id crowdtalk english
0 31989 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix lo... upon this ladder one of them mounted
1 29884 treuns schleangly kriaors draotz pfiews schlio... and solicited at the court of Augustus to be p...
2 26126 toirts choolt chiugy knusm squiend sriohl gheold but how am I sunk!
3 44183 schlioncy yoik yahoos dynuewn maery schlioncy ... the Yahoos draw home the sheaves in carriages
4 19108 treuns schleangly tsiens mcgaantz schmeecks tr... and placed his hated hands before my eyes
In [57]:
'wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts'
In [10]:
id crowdtalk
0 27226 treuns schleangly throuys praests qeipp cyclui...
1 31034 feosch treuns schleangly gliath spluiey gheuck...
2 35270 scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl clield whaioght...
3 23380 sqaups schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk schnaunk ...
4 92117 schlioncy yoik psycheiancy mcountz pously mcna...
In [11]:
english = train_df.english.values
crowdtalk = train_df.crowdtalk.values
In [12]:
print("Length of english sentence:", len(english))
print("Length of fake sentence:", len(crowdtalk))
Length of english sentence: 11955
Length of fake sentence: 11955
In [13]:
id           0
crowdtalk    0
english      0
dtype: int64


Here, We've 19286 samples of fake and english sentences. We can see that we need to build a model that can translate the fake language to English. So, going ahead we need to prepare data to feed the translator model.

Data Preparation:

We'll focus on two things:

  • Tokenization: Tokenization is a way of separating a piece of text into smaller units called tokens.

  • Encoding: We'll encode the sentence with the help of tokenizer and pad sequence(It helps to keep the length constant).


  • We will use Pytorch Torchtext. From Torchtext, we will use Fields, TabularDataset, BucketIterator to do all the heavy preprocessing for NLP tasks, such as numericalizing, padding, building vocabulary, which saves us a lot of time to focus on actually training the models!

  • Since the crowdtalk language is derived from English we will use Spacy's English Tokenizer for both English & Crowdtalk sentences

In [14]:
nlp = English()
tokenizer = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab)

def tokens(text):
  return [token.text for token in tokenizer(text)]
In [15]:
sample_text = "I am in love with Machine Translation."
['I', 'am', 'in', 'love', 'with', 'Machine', 'Translation.']
In [16]:
english = Field(sequential=True, use_vocab=True, tokenize=tokens, lower=True)
crowdtalk = Field(sequential=True, use_vocab=True, tokenize=tokens, lower=True)
In [17]:
train, test = train_test_split(train_df, test_size=0.25)
In [18]:
# Get train, test data to json and csv format which can be read by torchtext
train.to_json("train.json", orient="records", lines=True)
test.to_json("test.json", orient="records", lines=True)
In [19]:
fields = {"english": ("eng", english), "crowdtalk": ("crowd", crowdtalk)}
In [20]:
train_data, test_data = TabularDataset.splits(
    path="", train="train.json", test="test.json", format="json", fields=fields
In [21]:
english.build_vocab(train_data, max_size=10000, min_freq=2)
crowdtalk.build_vocab(train_data, max_size=10000, min_freq=2)
In [22]:
e = list(english.vocab.__dict__.values())
for i in e:
Counter({'the': 4960, 'of': 3289, 'and': 3052, 'to': 2725, 'i': 2540, 'a': 1849, 'my': 1542, 'in': 1534, 'was': 1131, 'that': 1052, 'me': 837, 'with': 792, 'his': 684, 'had': 682, 'as': 677, 'he': 622, 'for': 621, 'it': 611, 'which': 605, 'by': 596, 'but': 576, 'not': 527, 'be': 499, 'they': 445, 'on': 443, 'at': 440, 'their': 429, 'from': 414, 'this': 399, 'were': 387, 'have': 346, 'so': 313, 'is': 306, 'or': 297, 'her': 288, 'all': 280, 'would': 278, 'could': 272, 'when': 270, 'an': 263, 'them': 258, 'you': 251, 'upon': 246, 'some': 232, 'one': 230, 'him': 228, 'are': 215, 'who': 214, 'into': 205, 'we': 197, 'great': 182, 'our': 174, 'been': 168, 'very': 167, 'should': 162, 'no': 162, 'any': 158, 'more': 156, 'she': 156, 'these': 152, 'those': 151, 'your': 150, 'made': 150, 'than': 148, 'only': 144, 'if': 143, 'other': 143, 'about': 140, 'might': 135, 'two': 133, 'out': 131, 'what': 125, 'up': 125, 'own': 124, 'most': 124, 'then': 124, 'much': 123, 'being': 122, 'every': 120, 'before': 119, 'several': 117, 'time': 117, 'first': 116, 'myself': 115, 'did': 111, 'will': 111, 'where': 110, 'such': 110, 'there': 108, 'same': 106, 'do': 104, 'found': 101, 'after': 101, 'now': 97, 'many': 96, 'saw': 94, 'country': 91, 'came': 87, 'three': 87, 'yet': 86, 'among': 86, 'shall': 84, 'little': 84, 'never': 84, 'how': 83, 'me.': 80, 'down': 80, 'well': 79, 'life': 78, 'eyes': 75, 'man': 75, 'its': 73, 'day': 72, 'can': 72, 'took': 71, 'people': 70, 'often': 70, 'must': 69, 'good': 69, 'us': 67, 'over': 67, 'ever': 67, 'see': 67, 'gave': 66, 'has': 65, 'master': 65, 'whom': 65, 'like': 65, 'may': 65, 'against': 65, 'although': 64, 'while': 64, 'thought': 64, 'towards': 63, 'heard': 63, 'am': 63, 'long': 62, 'having': 62, 'without': 62, 'take': 61, 'because': 60, 'part': 59, 'each': 59, 'soon': 58, 'again': 58, '“that': 57, 'put': 57, 'sometimes': 57, 'desired': 56, 'make': 56, 'least': 56, 'both': 56, 'observed': 55, 'left': 55, 'words': 54, 'mind': 54, 'hundred': 54, 'another': 53, 'world': 53, 'old': 53, 'manner': 53, 'said': 53, 'place': 53, 'few': 52, 'whole': 52, 'almost': 51, 'appeared': 51, 'nature': 51, 'still': 51, 'rest': 50, 'let': 49, 'house': 49, 'under': 49, 'days': 48, 'give': 48, 'honour': 48, 'able': 48, 'always': 48, 'death': 47, 'island': 47, 'even': 47, 'during': 46, 'last': 46, 'hand': 45, 'men': 45, 'through': 45, 'years': 45, 'return': 45, 'reason': 45, 'near': 45, 'father': 45, 'majesty': 45, 'whose': 45, 'account': 45, 'indeed': 44, 'feet': 44, 'kind': 43, 'far': 43, 'between': 43, 'night': 43, 'emperor': 43, 'himself': 42, 'sea': 42, 'went': 42, 'hands': 41, 'passed': 41, 'began': 41, 'king': 41, 'seemed': 41, 'large': 41, 'half': 41, 'side': 41, 'nor': 41, 'felt': 40, 'yahoos': 40, 'court': 40, 'sun': 40, 'thus': 40, 'person': 40, 'above': 39, 'till': 39, 'body': 39, 'thousand': 39, 'times': 39, 'whether': 39, 'within': 39, 'called': 39, 'language': 38, 'brought': 38, 'four': 38, 'set': 38, 'off': 38, 'ship': 38, 'young': 38, 'love': 38, '“i': 37, 'family': 37, 'ground': 37, 'head': 37, 'know': 37, 'small': 37, 'lay': 37, 'thing': 37, 'five': 37, 'think': 36, 'already': 36, 'since': 36, 'therefore': 36, 'taken': 36, 'given': 36, 'placed': 35, 'high': 35, 'neither': 35, 'feelings': 35, 'new': 35, 'carried': 35, 'human': 34, 'friends': 34, 'away': 34, 'greatest': 33, 'come': 33, 'fear': 33, 'persons': 33, 'heart': 33, 'here': 33, 'voice': 32, 'received': 32, 'understand': 32, 'got': 32, 'discovered': 32, 'face': 32, 'months': 32, 'became': 31, 'use': 31, 'once': 31, 'end': 31, 'state': 31, 'it.': 31, 'too': 31, 'length': 31, 'leave': 31, 'common': 30, 'miserable': 30, 'nothing': 30, 'them.': 30, 'also': 30, 'creature': 30, 'feel': 30, 'majesty’s': 29, 'told': 29, 'learned': 29, 'boat': 29, 'work': 29, 'home': 29, 'cannot': 29, 'air': 29, 'elizabeth': 29, 'journey': 29, 'cause': 29, 'animal': 28, 'whereof': 28, 'power': 28, 'together': 28, 'room': 28, 'go': 28, 'moment': 28, 'sight': 28, 'word': 27, 'knew': 27, 'seen': 27, 'looked': 27, 'friend': 27, 'round': 27, 'reader': 27, 'certain': 27, 'six': 26, 'done': 26, 'glumdalclitch': 26, 'fell': 26, 'poor': 26, 'way': 26, 'easily': 26, 'arrived': 26, 'idea': 26, 'forced': 26, 'find': 26, 'full': 26, 'observe': 26, 'back': 25, 'better': 25, 'hardly': 25, 'right': 25, '”': 25, 'different': 25, 'strange': 25, 'enough': 25, 'care': 25, 'sat': 25, 'greater': 25, 'countenance': 25, 'present': 24, 'hours': 24, 'until': 24, 'beheld': 24, 'captain': 24, 'ill': 24, 'allowed': 24, 'fixed': 24, 'prince': 24, 'affection': 24, 'knowledge': 24, 'opinion': 24, 'understood': 24, 'order': 24, 'morning': 24, 'sent': 24, 'joy': 24, 'royal': 23, 'pleased': 23, 'light': 23, 'general': 23, 'town': 23, 'discover': 23, 'spoke': 23, 'felix': 23, 'appear': 23, 'returned': 23, 'author': 23, 'water': 23, 'best': 23, 'others': 23, 'happened': 23, 'girl': 22, 'door': 22, 'walked': 22, 'believe': 22, 'misery': 22, 'making': 22, 'english': 22, 'queen': 22, 'longer': 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'endure': 9, 'william': 9, 'advanced': 9, 'flesh': 9, 'discovery': 9, 'moved': 9, 'murder': 9, 'taught': 9, 'governor': 9, 'dozen': 9, 'friends.': 9, 'continual': 9, 'divine': 9, 'fellow': 9, 'otherwise': 9, 'master’s': 9, 'beside': 9, 'run': 9, 'dark': 9, 'waves': 9, 'world.': 9, 'forget': 9, 'assembly': 9, 'european': 9, 'causes': 9, 'lower': 9, 'nine': 9, 'officers': 9, 'pay': 9, 'violence': 9, 'unhappy': 9, 'task': 9, 'dare': 9, 'moments': 9, 'conceal': 9, 'forty': 9, 'following': 9, 'opportunity': 9, '“my': 9, 'applied': 9, 'especially': 9, 'ideas': 9, 'finished': 9, 'lady': 9, 'die': 9, 'iron': 9, 'strongly': 9, 'supposed': 9, 'single': 9, 'relate': 9, 'warm': 9, 'garden': 9, 'canoe': 9, 'coast': 9, 'trouble': 9, 'surprised': 9, 'passage': 9, 'object': 9, 'share': 9, 'behold': 9, 'figure': 9, 'standing': 9, 'desolate': 9, 'eight': 9, '“they': 9, 'luggnagg': 9, 'defence': 9, 'promise': 9, 'instant': 9, 'thou': 9, 'fancy': 9, 'murderer': 9, 'agony': 9, 'mistress': 9, 'council': 9, 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1, 'bladder': 1, 'heatless': 1, 'pitiable': 1, 'altitude.': 1, 'treasures': 1, 'incoherent': 1, 'self-reproaches.': 1, 'kneeling': 1, 'analysed': 1, 'spurned': 1, 'deserted': 1, 'junto': 1, 'golden': 1, 'pacify': 1, 'remarkable': 1, 'patients.': 1, 'repent:': 1, 'praise.': 1, 'orientalists.': 1, 'completion': 1, 'tremulous': 1, 'stirred': 1, 'me—not': 1, 'base': 1, '14th': 1, 'pocock': 1, 'fairly': 1, 'wafer': 1, 'half!”': 1, 'multiplied': 1, 'hardships': 1, 'entered:': 1, 'exotic': 1, 'gardener': 1, 'dying.': 1, 'incur': 1, 'chastened': 1, 'sensibility': 1, 'heart-rending': 1, 'criminality': 1, 'saintly': 1, 'sufferer.': 1, 'tenderness.': 1, 'wafted': 1, 'hay.': 1, 'faintness': 1, 'imply?': 1, 'withered': 1, 'vines': 1, 'skin.': 1, 'behind:': 1, 'contemplation': 1, 'didst': 1, 'keel': 1, 'servants.': 1, 'not.': 1, 'act—i': 1, 'fettered': 1, 'caroline': 1, 'paramount': 1, 'that.': 1, 'buccaneers.': 1, 'moralizing': 1, 'opinion:': 1, 'straits': 1, 'borrow': 1, 'fluctuating': 1, 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1, 'weeping': 1, 'weaver’s': 1, 'shuttle.': 1, 'hit': 1, 'stoop': 1, 'cabin-window': 1, 'extraordinary.': 1, 'enigmatic.': 1, 'prostrate': 1, 'order)': 1, 'adorns': 1, 'dwelling-places.': 1, 'by.': 1, 'forget:': 1, 'teachers': 1, 'beasts': 1, 'concerts': 1, 'subservience': 1, 'empty': 1, 'dispute': 1, 'commands.”': 1, 'compact': 1, 'piecemeal': 1, 'external': 1, 'extravagant': 1, 'wishes.': 1, 'vacancy': 1, 'invading': 1, 'mysterious': 1, 'meanings': 1, 'called.': 1, 'evian': 1, 'overhung.': 1, 'cheeks.': 1, 'indication': 1, 'trials': 1, 'party-man.': 1, 'defence.': 1, 'agreeably': 1, 'conversations.': 1, 'ladders.': 1, 'pasted': 1, 'go.': 1, 'design?': 1, 'household': 1, 'february.': 1, 'feet.”': 1, 'apprehensive': 1, 'exasperate': 1, 'rage.”': 1, 'doted': 1, 'feels': 1, 'repent.': 1, 'chaise': 1, 'grosser': 1, 'times.': 1, 'munodi': 1, 'pain?': 1, 'collecting.': 1, 'amazing': 1, 'rapidity': 1, 'barrel.': 1, 'hinges.': 1, 'hunger?': 1, 'blefuscudians': 1, 'flunec': 1, 'frenchwoman': 1, 'courtier': 1, 'wretchedly.': 1, 'condescend': 1, 'imposed': 1, 'win': 1, 'stept': 1, 'reconcilement': 1, 'yahoo-kind': 1, 'publicly': 1, 'make.': 1, 'alluring': 1, 'gloves': 1, 'heavy': 1, 'indignity': 1, 'rooms.': 1, 'cordage': 1, 'affirmative.': 1, 'swords': 1, 'discoverers.': 1, 'perth': 1, 'coffers': 1, 'forfeitures': 1, 'satisfaction.': 1, 'polish': 1, 'undistinguishing': 1, 'instructor': 1, 'pursues': 1, 'lantern': 1, 'spots': 1, 'traces': 1, 'fetch': 1, 'confined.': 1, 'growing': 1, 'shallower': 1, 'accepting': 1, 'invitation': 1, 'thinks': 1, 'indulgence': 1, 'prosperous': 1, 'morning’s': 1, 'dawn': 1, 'vomit': 1, '“take': 1, 'slavish': 1, 'prostitute': 1, 'chaplains': 1, 'nobleman': 1, 'loss!': 1, 'inexorable': 1, 'endowments.': 1, 'upward': 1, 'animal’s': 1, '(with': 1, 'copious': 1, 'increasing': 1, 'fourscore.': 1, 'argument': 1, 'child-bearing.': 1, 'glutted': 1, 'shrieks': 1, 'able.”': 1, 'nags': 1, 'repressed': 1, 'tears.': 1, 'timid': 1, 'salt': 1, 'client': 1, 'insinuating': 1, 'tired': 1, 'modulated': 1, 'vehicle.': 1, 'lordship': 1, 'enemy?': 1, 'bulls': 1, 'withstand': 1, 'demands.': 1, 'clutches': 1, 'wide.': 1, 'soften': 1, 'attract': 1, 'mutiny.': 1, 'begin.': 1, 'ecstatic': 1, 'frosts.': 1, 'beckoning': 1, 'attend:': 1, 'vexation': 1, 'mrs.': 1, 'mary': 1, 'leyden:': 1, 'studied': 1, 'physic': 1, 'performance.': 1, 'assignments': 1, 'treasury:—for': 1, 'demesnes': 1, 'beggarly': 1, 'eluded': 1, 'precipitation.': 1, 'romantic': 1, 'castle': 1, 'dimming': 1, 'quenched': 1, 'settled:': 1, 'inclinations.': 1, 'slacken': 1, 'religious': 1, 'sect': 1, 'paw.': 1, 'change.': 1, 'minutest': 1, 'disorder.': 1, 'slits': 1, 'hurt.': 1, 'rose.': 1, 'signs?': 1, 'averse': 1, 'expression.': 1, 'shellfish': 1, 'thoughtful': 1, 'nurseries': 1, 'unravel': 1, 'reference.': 1, 'drives': 1, 'waters.': 1, 'positions': 1, 'directs.': 1, 'opening': 1, 'slightest': 1, 'disclose': 1, 'introduce': 1, 'nangasac': 1, '10': 1, 'southward': 1, 'cape': 1, 'slipping-board': 1, 'suspecting': 1, 'treachery.': 1, 'eminently': 1, 'deserving.': 1, 'compass': 1, 'threepence': 1, 'pots': 1, 'kettles': 1, 'wandering': 1, 'system': 1, 'strongly.': 1, 'robbed': 1, 'pox': 1, 'cashiered': 1, 'places.”': 1, 'solemnity': 1, 'reveries': 1, 'imposing': 1, 'decided': 1, 'fed': 1, 'operated': 1, 'maids': 1, '(when': 1, 'calcine': 1, 'gunpowder': 1, 'form.”': 1, 'alteration': 1, 'livid': 1, 'etymology.': 1, 'accordingly.': 1, 'charge.”': 1, 'vacant': 1, 'flap': 1, 'communicating': 1, 'entrancingly': 1, 'tranquilly': 1, 'staggered': 1, 'profoundly.': 1, 'instrument.': 1, 'screw': 1, 'analysing': 1, 'minutiae': 1, 'causation': 1, 'lady’s': 1, 'arising': 1, 'pearly': 1, 'whiteness': 1, 'owe': 1, 'country:': 1, 'destroying': 1, 'consolation?': 1, 'tack': 1, 'windward': 1, 'soon?': 1, 'blefuscu.': 1, 'rankling': 1, 'confer': 1, 'seldom.': 1, 'bowlful': 1, 'absurd': 1, 'disown': 1, 'acts.': 1, 'legible': 1, 'inscriptions—“you': 1, 'maligners': 1, 'lived.': 1, 'parched.': 1, 'late:': 1, 'informer': 1, 'concern.': 1, 'disquietudes': 1, 'unsound': 1, '(merely': 1, 'money)': 1, 'appeal': 1, 'dictated': 1, 'stag': 1, 'park)': 1, 'vials': 1, 'peaceably': 1, 'fiend—“i': 1, 'wedding-night!”': 1, 'weather-bowlings': 1, 'length.': 1, 'plunder': 1, 'angling': 1, 'rods': 1, 'couples': 1, '“find': 1, 'gather': 1, 'detrimental': 1, 'peck': 1, 'accomplishment': 1, 'mine)': 1, 'philosophise': 1, '“on': 1, 'solicited': 1, 'friendship?': 1, 'mourner.': 1, 'henry.”': 1, '“whoever': 1, 'caper': 1, 'rope': 1, 'canst': 1, 'compassion.': 1, 'sentences': 1, 'pulpit': 1, 'mirth': 1, 'conclude': 1, 'lost.': 1, 'similarity': 1, 'diligence': 1, 'universe': 1, 'water-mill:': 1, 'attest': 1, 'guiltlessness.': 1, 'guiltless': 1, 'murder.': 1, 'unbridled': 1, 'hilarity.': 1, 'market-town': 1, 'fatiguing.': 1, 'friends.”': 1, 'waistband': 1, 'adventure.': 1, 'trebled': 1, 'submissive': 1, 'affirmative': 1, 'imitation.”': 1, 'globes': 1, 'spheres': 1, 'be:': 1, 'listless': 1, 'uncomfortable': 1, 'near—he': 1, 'persuasive': 1, 'tables': 1, 'vogue': 1, 'determined.”': 1, 'incite': 1, 'perplex': 1, 'diadems': 1, 'intermission': 1, 'assistance.': 1, 'benches': 1, 'body’s': 1, 'reach.': 1, 'eighteenth': 1, 'protestations': 1, 'acquit': 1, 'faults': 1, 'everybody': 1, 'same.”': 1, 'wilt': 1, '“without': 1, 'awl': 1, 'spoiling': 1, 'unpractised': 1, 'fever.': 1, 'degenerate.': 1, 'uncleanly': 1, 'filth.': 1, 'sympathising': 1, 'legislature': 1, 'committed.': 1, 'veal': 1, 'harp.': 1, 'concealment': 1, 'epicurus': 1, 'palatable': 1, 'lilliput.': 1, 'analysis': 1, 'discrimination': 1, 'death-knell': 1, 'engross': 1, 'inasmuch': 1, 'flight.': 1, 'thatch': 1, 'invention.”': 1, 'patting': 1, 'extorted': 1, 'watchful': 1, 'impressions': 1, 'breakers.': 1, 'retain': 1, 'pilgrimage.': 1, 'advocate': 1, 'stated': 1, 'recommendation': 1, 'worst.': 1, 'ruinous': 1, 'irrevocably': 1, 'excluded.': 1, 'vigilant': 1, 'governors': 1, 'grandees': 1, 'lay:': 1, 'guilt.': 1, 'conspiracy': 1, 'clock-work': 1, 'perfection)': 1, 'artist.': 1, 'whistling': 1, 'stuff': 1, 'trusted': 1, 'be.”': 1, 'fitting': 1, 'jabbering': 1, 'fold': 1, 'overblow': 1, 'incredulous': 1, 'soon.': 1, 'hopes?”': 1, 'partitions': 1, 'narrowness': 1, 'degenerating': 1, 'benefactor?': 1, 'burthen': 1, 'supporting': 1, 'affair.': 1, 'knitting-needle.': 1, 'deathbed': 1, 'perpetrate': 1, 'knotted': 1, 'rugged': 1, 'ranks': 1, 'holla': 1, 'besieging': 1, 'successively': 1, 'prominence': 1, 'avenue': 1, 'enjoyment.': 1, 'degraded': 1, 'branch': 1, 'tailors': 1, 'manned.': 1, 'numbered': 1, 'prophets': 1, 'grin': 1, 'charges': 1, 'month’s': 1, 'policy': 1, 'shroud': 1, 'thoughts.': 1, 'occupy': 1, 'infantile': 1, 'amusements': 1, 'forming': 1, 'distributed': 1, 'horseback.': 1, 'element': 1, 'graze': 1, 'untie': 1, 'enforce': 1, 'second:': 1, 'poisons': 1, 'movable': 1, 'rim': 1, 'studiously': 1, 'million': 1, 'sprugs”': 1, 'treading': 1, 'meditating': 1, 'hampden': 1, 'patriot': 1, 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1, 'lorbrulgrud': 1, 'welcome': 1, 'inspiring': 1, 'repugnance.”': 1, 'heart’s': 1, 'content.': 1, 'nose.': 1, 'breeding': 1, 'fiend.': 1, 'desire.”': 1, 'sincere.”': 1, 'strasburgh.': 1, 'evacuations': 1, 'violated': 1, 'artists': 1, 'souls': 1, 'skilled': 1, 'befits': 1, 'inclination': 1, 'danced': 1, 'usefully': 1, 'weasels': 1, 'luhimuhs': 1, 'sombre': 1, 'religions': 1, 'authors.': 1, '“william': 1, 'dead!—that': 1, 'preceding': 1, 'flash.': 1, 'all:': 1, '‘our': 1, 'tom': 1, 'piles': 1, 'paracelsus': 1, 'humankind.': 1, 'frail': 1, 'image': 1, 'shade.': 1, 'theory': 1, 'enthusiasm.': 1, 'goods.': 1, 'becomes': 1, 'devil.': 1, 'exposing': 1, 'stable': 1, 'impartially': 1, 'cattle.': 1, 'roast': 1, 'closeness': 1, 'comet.': 1, 'motionless': 1, 'speechless': 1, 'instruction.': 1, 'prosecution': 1, 'farmer’s': 1, 'commotions': 1, 'fomented': 1, 'leagues.': 1, 'pierce': 1, 'poked': 1, 'kingdom:': 1, 'calamity': 1, 'observe.': 1, 'name.': 1, 'presumption': 1, 'affectation': 1, 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'ridiculed': 1, 'monster.’': 1, 'protect': 1, 'fancied': 1, 'destroyer.': 1, 'comparable': 1, 'mine.': 1, 'protraction': 1, 'splintered': 1, 'wouldst': 1, 'landlord': 1, 'hovels': 1, 'cucumbers': 1, 'nook': 1, 'highlands': 1, 'forsake': 1, 'heresy': 1, 'brooding': 1, 'lip.': 1, 'joining': 1, 'howlings.': 1, 'innocent.': 1, 'binding': 1, 'berries.': 1, 'exhort': 1, 'rendezvous.': 1, 'high-admiral)': 1, '“has': 1, 'swam': 1, 'voluntary': 1, 'avert': 1, 'captain.': 1, 'sufficiency': 1, 'pistols.': 1, 'strive': 1, 'recluse': 1, 'pleased.”': 1, 'tunnels': 1, 'graces': 1, 'unchained': 1, 'revel': 1, 'with.': 1, 'miss': 1, 'mansfield': 1, 'congratulatory': 1, 'englishman': 1, 'submit.': 1, 'inexpressible': 1, 'untaught': 1, 'uses.': 1, 'forefeet.': 1, '‘hateful': 1, 'life!’': 1, 'debated': 1, 'land-sledge': 1, 'inequalities': 1, 'ascribe': 1, 'exploits': 1, 'recall': 1, 'chinese.': 1, 'butcher.': 1, 'slaves.': 1, 'peeped': 1, 'shipwreck': 1, 'pursuit.': 1, 'managed': 1, 'field-bed': 1, 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'wretchedness!': 1, 'incomplete': 1, 'catastrophe.': 1, 'abhorrent': 1, 'intimated': 1, 'lightened': 1, 'plunged': 1, 'ravine': 1, 'arve.': 1, 'cranny': 1, 'lurking-hole': 1, 'flocking': 1, 'unnecessary': 1, 'flapper': 1, 'cure.': 1, 'mouth:': 1, 'compensate': 1, 'outrages': 1, 'damaged.': 1, 'remonstrate': 1, 'resignation.': 1, 'heaven!”': 1, 'detecting': 1, 'any)': 1, 'enjoys': 1, 'massacred': 1, 'commences': 1, 'dominion': 1, 'right.': 1, 'transfer': 1, 'disdaining': 1, 'evasion': 1, 'occult': 1, 'adventures.': 1, 'agile': 1, 'subsist': 1, 'pities': 1, 'balmy': 1, '2nd': 1, 'docility.': 1, 'planks': 1, 'retreat.': 1, 'politest': 1, 'beg': 1, 'altered:': 1, 'not:': 1, 'at.': 1, 'affording': 1, 'pasture': 1, 'veneration.': 1, 'lingered': 1, 'dungeons': 1, 'austria': 1, 'displeasure': 1, 'scabbard.': 1, 'schools': 1, '(meaning': 1, 'side-board': 1, 'postpone': 1, 'tonquinese': 1, 'correct': 1, 'positiveness': 1, 'contentment': 1, 'memorial': 1, 'flood': 1, 'equitable': 1, 'pride!”': 1, 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'doubtful': 1, 'suspicious.”': 1, 'hide-and-seek': 1, 'humours': 1, 'laputians': 1, 'disapprobation': 1, 'awe': 1, 'beholders.': 1, 'horror)': 1, 'report': 1, 'pistol': 1, 'enjoying': 1, 'minute’s': 1, 'throwing': 1, 'collar.': 1, 'apparatus': 1, 'rated': 1, 'cant': 1, 'jargon': 1, 'condemned.': 1, 'congeal': 1, 'despair:': 1, 'breaches': 1, 'reaping-hook.': 1, 'packet': 1, 'fruit': 1, 'committing': 1, 'omit': 1, 'material': 1, 'circumstance:': 1, 'dominions.': 1, 'milanese': 1, 'nobleman.': 1, '“after': 1, 'presides.': 1, 'seated': 1, 'conceit': 1, 'stung': 1, 'seclusion.': 1, 'ledges': 1, 'fenced': 1, 'tells': 1, 'torrent': 1, 'ended': 1, 'expecting': 1, 'associated': 1, 'lighthearted': 1, 'gaiety': 1, 'boyhood.': 1, 'nightmare': 1, 'savoury': 1, 'star': 1, 'montalègre': 1, 'judgments': 1, 'bank': 1, 'sport.': 1, 'lamentations': 1, 'heard!': 1, 'suspense.': 1, 'clog': 1, 'business.”': 1, 'grimaces': 1, 'verge': 1, 'prostituting': 1, 'daughters': 1, 'slash': 1, 'considers': 1, 'habits': 1, 'three-pence': 1, 'arm)': 1, 'sunny': 1, 'silence.”': 1, 'unkindness': 1, 'rippling': 1, 'high:': 1, 'purest': 1, 'earth?': 1, 'expedite': 1, 'remissness': 1, 'procure.': 1, 'convulsed': 1, 'violation': 1, 'dealt': 1, 'writings': 1, 'diffident': 1, 'stitched': 1, 'hempen': 1, 'making.': 1, 'attraction': 1, 'magnet.': 1, 'banging': 1, 'recollection.': 1, 'ornament': 1, 'bulwark': 1, 'repentant': 1, 'wading': 1, 'tumultuous.': 1, 'stages': 1, 'probable.': 1, 'immured': 1, 'defectiveness': 1, 'angered': 1, 'ours:': 1, 'ponderous': 1, 'creations': 1, 'unfavourable': 1, 'augury': 1, 'coarseness': 1, 'brownness': 1, 'tempting': 1, 'came.': 1, '‘that': 1, 'months’': 1, 'rent': 1, 'garden?': 1, 'weave': 1, 'oat': 1, 'sweeter': 1, 'quadruped': 1, 'descartes': 1, 'disengaged': 1, 'glowed': 1, 'hopes.': 1, 'perception': 1, 'allowances': 1, 'downward.': 1, 'conjecturing': 1, 'mainmast': 1, 'sovereign': 1, 'churchyard': 1, 'receptacle': 1, 'son’s': 1, 'sorrow.': 1, 'tilbury': 1, 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1, 'resistance': 1, 'perform:—': 1, '“1st': 1, 'hazards': 1, 'run?”': 1, 'inured': 1, 'hardships.': 1, 'changeable': 1, 'shoals': 1, 'pattered': 1, 'dismally': 1, 'bullets': 1, 'lived.”': 1, '“circumstances': 1, 'wedding-night.”': 1, 'palaces': 1, 'village.': 1, 'traveller’s': 1, 'wiser': 1, 'tow': 1, 'monkey’s': 1, 'dimples': 1, 'grooved': 1, 'necromancy': 1, 'pleases': 1, 'details': 1, 'bloodshed': 1, 'seventy-six': 1, 'strengthening': 1, 'vivacity:': 1, 'contemn': 1, 'flapped': 1, 'exordium': 1, 'hundred:': 1, 'tingling': 1, 'long-lost': 1, 'displeasing.”': 1, 'fondling': 1, 'retreated': 1, 'existence.': 1, 'readily': 1, 'ears?': 1, 'avail.': 1, 'intermissions': 1, 'hollander': 1, 'seventy': 1, 'cautioned': 1, 'disliked': 1, 'guile': 1, 'glimmering': 1, 'laudable': 1, 'pack': 1, 'arrange': 1, 'classifications': 1, 'maritime': 1, 'pumpkin': 1, 'brother’s': 1, 'oysters': 1, 'limpets': 1, 'highway': 1, 'resign': 1, 'crudeness': 1, 'maturity': 1, 'hand.”': 1, 'overflowing': 1, 'comply.': 1, 'overcome.’': 1, 'emergency.': 1, 'metals': 1, 'case.': 1, 'secheron': 1, 'nettled': 1, 'esteemed.': 1, 'punished': 1, 'traitor.”': 1, 'commands:': 1, 'upholsterer': 1, 'appropriate': 1, 'embittered': 1, 'anticipation': 1, 'future.': 1, 'acquaintances': 1, 'drivest': 1, 'misdeed.': 1, 'consent.”': 1, 'squash': 1, 'ill-looking': 1, 'eggs.': 1, 'heartless': 1, 'frightened': 1, 'mould': 1, 'pallisados': 1, 'combs': 1, 'wight': 1, 'necessary.”': 1, 'restorers': 1, 'nations.': 1, 'whirlwinds': 1, 'rage.': 1, 'intellect': 1, 'helm.': 1, 'unhappily': 1, 'embroiled': 1, 'factions': 1, 'feelings:': 1, 'imprecations': 1, 'persecutor.': 1, 'benefit!': 1, 'females.': 1, 'screamed': 1, 'countenance.—ay': 1, 'extending': 1, 'pleaded': 1, 'division': 1, 'gratefully': 1, 'salary': 1, 'pension?': 1, 'temples': 1, 'reared': 1, 'befallen': 1, 'rabbits': 1, 'departure.': 1, 'considering.': 1, 'aversion': 1, 'rests': 1, 'menaced': 1, 'made.': 1, 'navigators': 1, 'celebrated.': 1, 'transmitted': 1, 'ages:”': 1, 'phaeton': 1, 'intelligence.': 1, 'feat': 1, 'giant.': 1, 'france.': 1, 'hurry': 1, 'stir.': 1, 'am.': 1, 'deceit': 1, 'quitting': 1, 'landing-place': 1, 'stolen': 1, 'jewel': 1, 'pity.': 1, 'radiance': 1, 'moonlight': 1, 'discovered—”': 1, 'discovered!': 1, 'budding': 1, 'crown.”': 1, 'abstract.': 1, 'heated': 1, 'victors': 1, 'creature.’': 1, 'precipitated': 1, 'letter.': 1, 'polluted': 1, 'below.': 1, 'mortifying': 1, 'found.': 1, 'rivers.': 1, 'river.': 1, 'infinity': 1, 'comforter?': 1, 'cabinet-maker': 1, 'energy': 1, 'sustained': 1, 'demonstrated': 1, 'presumed': 1, 'affections': 1, 'compliments': 1, 'remark': 1, 'ernest!': 1, 'masculine': 1, 'niece': 1, 'diffidence': 1, 'bride.': 1, 'asunder': 1, 'sashes': 1, 'abstained': 1, 'need.': 1, 'copulating': 1, 'parent': 1, 'wages': 1, 'gazes': 1, 'stillness.': 1, 'knowledge.”': 1, 'closing': 1, 'ruled': 1, 'farmers’': 1, 'attitude.': 1, 'unrelaxed': 1, 'breathless': 1, 'eagerness': 1, 'confession:': 1, 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'everyone': 1, 'ignorant.': 1, 'seal.': 1, 'presenting': 1, 'debates': 1, 'cheered': 1, 'balminess': 1, 'infusing': 1, 'hilarity': 1, 'discreet': 1, 'die?': 1, 'jig': 1, 'consoles': 1, 'pallisadoed': 1, 'adding': 1, 'epithet': 1, 'befalls': 1, 'burdens.': 1, 'shutters': 1, 'public:': 1, 'hospitals': 1, 'boils': 1, 'injustice.': 1, 'sweat': 1, 'interchanging': 1, 'orifice': 1, 'disturbances.': 1, 'seizes': 1, 'lazy': 1, 'retrod': 1, 'alchemists.': 1, 'riders': 1, 'shove': 1, 'dismissed': 1, 'cow.': 1, 'ornaments': 1, 'away.': 1, 'satan': 1, 'emblem': 1, 'usual.': 1, 'consciousness': 1, 'person.”': 1, 'imprinted': 1, 'cloud:': 1, 'interference': 1, 'claimed': 1, 'infested.': 1, 'scream': 1, 'venturing': 1, 'amused': 1, 'tumult.': 1, 'insinuation': 1, 'letter:': 1, 'build': 1, 'deck': 1, 'waves.': 1, 'grandee': 1, 'damps': 1, 'actual': 1, 'commences.': 1, 'mountain-stream': 1, 'situation.': 1, 'shouting.': 1, 'disputed': 1, 'rights': 1, 'multiply': 1, 'electricity.': 1, 'bowed': 1, 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1, 'recalled': 1, 'thickest': 1, 'over.': 1, 'muzzle': 1, 'gradual': 1, 'guides': 1, 'view:': 1, 'breathe.': 1, 'idol': 1, 'splacnuck': 1, 'finely': 1, 'casualties': 1, 'titles': 1, 'distinctions': 1, 'retarded': 1, 'ensuing': 1, 'transport': 1, 'priding': 1, 'encourage': 1, 'thirst.': 1, 'dusk': 1, 'utterance': 1, 'simply': 1, 'transaction.': 1, 'presence.': 1, 'events.': 1, 'need.’': 1, 'convert': 1, 'idolatrous': 1, 'supper.”': 1, 'wreak': 1, 'relatives.': 1, 'glimmerings': 1, 'reason.”': 1, 'graves.': 1, 'corns': 1, 'portrait': 1, 'securely': 1, 'dress.': 1, 'toasted': 1, 'chivalrous': 1, 'holy': 1, 'sepulchre': 1, 'infidels.': 1, 'ruffled': 1, 'sheet': 1, 'fronting': 1, 'appeased': 1, 'purchased': 1, 'use.': 1, 'drove': 1, 'contumely?': 1, 'balmuff': 1, 'hewn': 1, 'furnishing': 1, 'fowl)': 1, 'hast': 1, 'thrice-accursed': 1, 'hands!': 1, 'concerns': 1, 'appealed': 1, 'dazzled': 1, 'disobey': 1, 'slackened': 1, 'obliquely': 1, 'd.': 1, 'september': 1, 'scraps': 1, 'string': 1, 'kite.': 1, 'presence-chamber': 1, 'brawling': 1, 'fragment': 1, 'cope': 1, 'sullen': 1, 'europe:': 1, 'days’': 1, 'conjured': 1, 'fancy.': 1, 'quench': 1, 'riches': 1, 'temple': 1, 'impenetrable': 1, 'darkness.': 1, 'lassitude': 1, 'tumult': 1, 'comfortable?”': 1, 'tuns.': 1, 'abstinence': 1, 'pleasantly': 1, 'maps': 1, 'charts': 1, 'lake.': 1, 'astounding': 1, 'lament?”': 1, 'incredulity': 1, 'returned.': 1, 'cutting': 1, 'notwithstanding': 1, 'retrospect': 1, 'lindalinians': 1, 'rebellion.': 1, 'tractable.”': 1, 'posterity’s': 1, 'proceedings.': 1, 'illegal': 1, 'apartment.': 1, 'pilgrimage!': 1, 'visibly': 1, 'starve': 1, 'openly': 1, 'predecessors': 1, 'hospitality': 1, 'strangers)': 1, 'not?”': 1, 'routine': 1, 'immensity': 1, 'illustrated': 1, 'opprobrium': 1, 'memory.': 1, 'dispatched': 1, '(being': 1, 'day)': 1, 'hot': 1, 'favourite.': 1, 'ghost': 1, 'nameless': 1, 'asking': 1, '(together': 1, 'coverlet': 1, 'changed.': 1, 'berry': 1, 'wretched.': 1, 'hindrance': 1, 'household.': 1, 'fetlock': 1, 'skirted': 1, 'steed': 1, 'tacks': 1, 'familiarities': 1, 'region': 1, 'vapours': 1, 'submitted': 1, 'punishment.': 1, 'bathe': 1, 'near.': 1, 'mouthfuls': 1, 'agonised': 1, 'possibility': 1, 'reverse': 1, 'venice': 1, 'increased.': 1, 'spurn': 1, 'sinks': 1, 'lifelessness.': 1, 'seizing': 1, 'judicial': 1, 'astrology': 1, 'towardly': 1, 'forcibly': 1, 'syndics': 1, 'loaves': 1, 'lagado.': 1, 'shadows.”': 1, 'curdles': 1, 'mine?': 1, 'playmate': 1, 'supposition.': 1, 'lord:': 1, 'assurance': 1, 'unfit': 1, 'kind.”': 1, 'cider': 1, 'licentiousness': 1, 'obey.': 1, 'folks': 1, '“perhaps': 1, 'improving': 1, 'refresh': 1, 'vow': 1, 'too.': 1, 'enticements': 1, 'loathing.': 1, 'intense.': 1, 'back.': 1, 'forest.': 1, 'recollections.': 1, 'trickling': 1, 'culled': 1, 'man-mountain”': 1, 'today': 1, 'disciple.': 1, 'rebuild': 1, 'coins.': 1, 'redriff.': 1, 'innermost': 1, 'primary': 1, 'planet': 1, 'diameters': 1, 'shiver': 1, 'head:': 1, 'care.': 1, 'reasonably': 1, 'wits': 1, 'stomach.': 1, 'lion': 1, 'rends': 1, 'antelope.': 1, 'relied': 1, 'multiplicity': 1, 'squall': 1, 'bridge': 1, 'chelsea': 1, 'preside': 1, 'tufts': 1, 'audience': 1, 'spouted': 1, 'kindred': 1, 'offices.': 1, 'morose': 1, 'complexion.': 1, 'belrive.': 1, 'finally': 1, 'triumphed': 1, 'me:—': 1, 'renewing': 1, 'outhouse': 1, 'aforesaid.’': 1, 'architecture.': 1, 'dugs': 1, 'foe': 1, 'destroy.': 1, 'gall': 1, 'mistaken.': 1, 'furies': 1, 'compliers': 1, 'villa': 1, 'lavenza': 1, 'stood.': 1, '“although': 1, 'blessing—what': 1, 'peace?”': 1, 'girt': 1, 'choosing': 1, 'universally': 1, 'recovering': 1, 'boxes': 1, 'repetitions': 1, 'peplom': 1, 'selan': 1, 'spoke.”': 1, 'calmness': 1, 'inaction': 1, 'deprives': 1, 'milked': 1, 'necessaries.': 1, 'rapturously': 1, 'curses': 1, 'injurious': 1, 'afford.': 1, 'wrist': 1, 'translations': 1, 'misfortune.': 1, 'penalty': 1, 'compliment.': 1, 'horror-struck': 1, 'telescopes': 1, 'heart-sickening': 1, '[the': 1, 'moon]': 1, 'distinguish.': 1, 'obligations': 1, 'unworthy': 1, 'condescension.': 1, 'combat': 1, 'momentarily': 1, 'hero': 1})
['<unk>', '<pad>', 'the', 'of', 'and', 'to', 'i', 'a', 'my', 'in', 'was', 'that', 'me', 'with', 'his', 'had', 'as', 'he', 'for', 'it', 'which', 'by', 'but', 'not', 'be', 'they', 'on', 'at', 'their', 'from', 'this', 'were', 'have', 'so', 'is', 'or', 'her', 'all', 'would', 'could', 'when', 'an', 'them', 'you', 'upon', 'some', 'one', 'him', 'are', 'who', 'into', 'we', 'great', 'our', 'been', 'very', 'no', 'should', 'any', 'more', 'she', 'these', 'those', 'made', 'your', 'than', 'only', 'if', 'other', 'about', 'might', 'two', 'out', 'up', 'what', 'most', 'own', 'then', 'much', 'being', 'every', 'before', 'several', 'time', 'first', 'myself', 'did', 'will', 'such', 'where', 'there', 'same', 'do', 'after', 'found', 'now', 'many', 'saw', 'country', 'came', 'three', 'among', 'yet', 'little', 'never', 'shall', 'how', 'down', 'me.', 'well', 'life', 'eyes', 'man', 'its', 'can', 'day', 'took', 'often', 'people', 'good', 'must', 'ever', 'over', 'see', 'us', 'gave', 'against', 'has', 'like', 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'ground', 'head', 'know', 'lay', 'small', 'thing', '“i', 'already', 'given', 'since', 'taken', 'therefore', 'think', 'carried', 'feelings', 'high', 'neither', 'new', 'placed', 'away', 'friends', 'human', 'come', 'fear', 'greatest', 'heart', 'here', 'persons', 'discovered', 'face', 'got', 'months', 'received', 'understand', 'voice', 'became', 'end', 'it.', 'leave', 'length', 'once', 'state', 'too', 'use', 'also', 'common', 'creature', 'feel', 'miserable', 'nothing', 'them.', 'air', 'boat', 'cannot', 'cause', 'elizabeth', 'home', 'journey', 'learned', 'majesty’s', 'told', 'work', 'animal', 'go', 'moment', 'power', 'room', 'sight', 'together', 'whereof', 'certain', 'friend', 'knew', 'looked', 'reader', 'round', 'seen', 'word', 'arrived', 'done', 'easily', 'fell', 'find', 'forced', 'full', 'glumdalclitch', 'idea', 'observe', 'poor', 'six', 'way', 'back', 'better', 'care', 'countenance', 'different', 'enough', 'greater', 'hardly', 'right', 'sat', 'strange', '”', 'affection', 'allowed', 'beheld', 'captain', 'fixed', 'hours', 'ill', 'joy', 'knowledge', 'morning', 'opinion', 'order', 'present', 'prince', 'sent', 'understood', 'until', 'appear', 'author', 'best', 'discover', 'felix', 'general', 'happened', 'light', 'others', 'pleased', 'returned', 'royal', 'spoke', 'town', 'water', 'believe', 'box', 'continued', 'door', 'english', 'girl', 'live', 'longer', 'making', 'mine', 'misery', 'parts', 'queen', 'strength', 'walked', 'child', 'cottage', 'dead', 'desire', 'distance', 'employed', 'held', 'kept', 'less', 'rather', 'resolved', 'short', 'strong', 'themselves', 'trees', 'yahoo', 'yards', 'alone', 'children', 'close', 'country.', 'course', 'endeavoured', 'except', 'him.', 'hope', 'houyhnhnms', 'natural', 'next', 'occasion', 'point', 'proper', 'public', 'servants', 'shore', 'spent', 'subject', 'table', 'tell', 'things', 'thoughts', 'turned', 'war', 'youth', 'answer', 'attended', 'bed', 'blood', 'cut', 'england', 'entered', 'expressed', 'filled', 'fire', 'hear', 'horror', 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'voyage', 'wish', 'wished', 'affairs', 'appearance', 'become', 'city', 'concerning', 'conversation', 'dear', 'difficulty', 'enemy', 'generally', 'grief', 'houses', 'imperial', 'notice', 'past', 'quantity', 'race', 'rage', 'read', 'servant', 'sort', 'spirits', 'story', 'suffer', 'sufficient', 'us.', 'utmost', 'various', 'vessel', 'whence', 'woman', 'wonder', 'around', 'behind', 'black', 'clothes', 'companion', 'danger', 'despair', 'determined', 'draw', 'driven', 'entirely', 'fifty', 'formed', 'free', 'gently', 'horse', 'laws', 'led', 'life.', 'living', 'looking', 'middle', 'nearly', 'noble', 'objects', 'obliged', 'observing', 'open', 'particular', 'peace', 'princes', 'purpose', 'raise', 'remained', 'retired', 'showed', 'signs', 'stranger', 'suffered', 'tears', 'usually', 'vast', '(for', 'anguish', 'answered', 'approach', 'asked', 'bound', 'certainly', 'cold', 'conceive', 'continue', 'convenient', 'cottagers', 'countries', 'deeply', 'earth', 'forth', 'further', 'giving', 'gone', 'hair', 'help', 'highest', 'history', 'imagination', 'impossible', 'intended', 'keep', 'king’s', 'loud', 'manners', 'motion', 'nurse', 'pieces', 'pocket', 'practice', 'pressed', 'principal', 'produced', 'quickly', 'quitted', 'remain', 'remember', 'sound', 'species', 'spot', 'stone', 'storm', 'tale', 'thirty', 'unable', 'whereupon', '“he', '(which', 'across', 'along', 'apartment', 'assured', 'attend', 'attention', 'cast', 'commanded', 'consent', 'curiosity', 'departure', 'design', 'destruction', 'distant', 'dominions', 'england.', 'enter', 'equal', 'events', 'express', 'extreme', 'fastened', 'fiend', 'finding', 'force', 'future', 'happy', 'horrible', 'innocence', 'instruments', 'mark', 'melancholy', 'mention', 'mentioned', 'money', 'move', 'noise', 'pains', 'prepared', 'presence', 'presented', 'preserve', 'prodigious', 'progress', 'pursue', 'qualities', 'questions', 'raised', 'real', 'rendered', 'rock', 'sail', 'seek', 'sign', 'struck', 'taking', 'third', 'vain', 'virtue', 'want', 'weight', 'wood', 'wretched', '(as', 'accidents', 'admiration', 'advantage', 'ancient', 'approached', 'arrival', 'avoid', 'below', 'bottom', 'broken', 'brother', 'business', 'case', 'ceremony', 'charge', 'clear', 'companions', 'conceived', 'confirmed', 'court.', 'creatures', 'daughter', 'described', 'directed', 'diseases', 'disposition', 'does', 'ears', 'equally', 'fall', 'fallen', 'fast', 'feeling', 'females', 'fields', 'foot', 'frequent', 'fresh', 'grew', 'hands.', 'hold', 'hoped', 'however', 'ignorant', 'innocent', 'kindness', 'labour', 'larger', 'largest', 'learn', 'learning', 'leaves', 'letters', 'loss', 'loved', 'low', 'lying', 'matter', 'mean', 'memory', 'met', 'minister', 'minutes', 'moon', 'mountain', 'neck', 'number', 'numbers', 'offer', 'offered', 'parents', 'performed', 'private', 'prospect', 'prove', 'reach', 'receive', 'reflect', 'seven', 'shape', 'ships', 'silver', 'sleep', 'stones', 'subjects', 'true', 'truth', 'virtues', 'visited', 'waited', 'walking', 'weeks', 'white', 'wonderful', '“it', '“what', 'according', 'arms', 'art', 'beautiful', 'beginning', 'believed', 'bitter', 'break', 'calm', 'cheerful', 'circumstances', 'clouds', 'concealed', 'confess', 'considerable', 'considered', 'contrived', 'curious', 'death.', 'directly', 'drawn', 'drink', 'early', 'eat', 'effects', 'endeavour', 'endeavouring', 'entreated', 'evening', 'excellent', 'existence', 'experienced', 'eye', 'fair', 'followed', 'gold', 'grand', 'hard', 'her.', 'inches', 'informed', 'labours', 'ladies', 'lake', 'league', 'lie', 'lose', 'lovely', 'meant', 'meat', 'method', 'mighty', 'modern', 'monster', 'mortal', 'mr.', 'occupied', 'ought', 'peculiar', 'perfect', 'period', 'piece', 'please', 'possible', 'proceeded', 'putting', 'rain', 'recovered', 'returning', 'river', 'rose', 'safe', 'safie', 'satisfied', 'search', 'seeing', 'seized', 'sensations', 'service', 'shut', 'speech', 'steps', 'struldbrugs', 'study', 'superior', 'support', 'suppose', 'surrounded', 'sweet', 'terms', 'terrible', 'threw', 'title', 'violent', 'walk', 'whatever', 'window', 'you.', '“how', ')', 'advanced', 'agony', 'applied', 'army', 'assembly', 'behold', 'beside', 'books', 'bring', 'canoe', 'causes', 'closet', 'coast', 'conceal', 'continual', 'council', 'dare', 'dark', 'deep', 'defence', 'descended', 'describe', 'desolate', 'die', 'discovery', 'divine', 'dozen', 'eight', 'endure', 'especially', 'european', 'fancy', 'fellow', 'figure', 'finished', 'flesh', 'following', 'forget', 'forty', 'friends.', 'garden', 'governor', 'herself', 'ideas', 'instant', 'iron', 'lady', 'lower', 'luggnagg', 'man’s', 'master’s', 'ministers', 'mistress', 'moments', 'moved', 'murder', 'murderer', 'nation', 'nine', 'object', 'odious', 'officers', 'opportunity', 'otherwise', 'passage', 'pay', 'probably', 'promise', 'relate', 'replied', 'run', 'share', 'single', 'somewhat', 'spend', 'square', 'standing', 'strongly', 'supposed', 'surprised', 'task', 'taught', 'thou', 'travels', 'trouble', 'unhappy', 'vengeance', 'violence', 'warm', 'waves', 'william', 'world.', '“my', '“they', 'accordingly', 'accustomed', 'act', 'advice', 'afraid', 'age', 'agitation', 'altogether', 'apprehended', 'arguments', 'arrive', 'ate', 'bear', 'beauty', 'behaviour', 'bestowed', 'beyond', 'board', 'boy', 'burning', 'cabin', 'cable', 'circumstance', 'concluded', 'conduct', 'confined', 'consider', 'conveyed', 'courage', 'cow', 'creation', 'crime', 'delivered', 'description', 'despair.', 'destroyed', 'discourse', 'distinguished', 'disturbed', 'doing', 'dress', 'effect', 'emperor’s', 'endured', 'engine', 'extremely', 'eyes.', 'faces', 'father.', 'father’s', 'favourite', 'female', 'flat', 'fleet', 'flying', 'follow', 'friendship', 'frightful', 'gained', 'gathered', 'gazed', 'gratitude', 'habit', 'happiness.', 'hatred', 'heads', 'heaven', 'henry', 'holding', 'hollow', 'hung', 'hurt', 'illustrious', 'increased', 'indignation', 'infallibly', 'instead', 'kirwin', 'latter', 'lest', 'listened', 'm.', 'man-mountain', 'man.', 'manner.', 'me:', 'meet', 'misery.', 'misfortunes', 'nations', 'naturally', 'nearer', 'necessity', 'neighbourhood', 'occupations', 'opposite', 'pain', 'parallel', 'party', 'perfectly', 'perform', 'philosophy', 'plainly', 'pointed', 'powers', 'preparing', 'presently', 'proportion', 'reflection', 'reflections', 'related', 'remembrance', 'remorse', 'remote', 'restored', 'rise', 'sailed', 'sank', 'satisfaction', 'scenes', 'science', 'seamen', 'second', 'sense', 'side.', 'smiles', 'society', 'soul', 'spread', 'step', 'sum', 'thirst', 'thither', 'thy', 'tied', 'trade', 'train', 'treat', 'turning', 'twelve', 'twice', 'ventured', 'wandered', 'wide', 'works', 'worth', 'year', 'younger', 'yourself', 'abroad', 'actions', 'addressed', 'afforded', 'amiable', 'arabian', 'articles', 'arts', 'aspect', 'astonished', 'astonishment', 'beings', 'beloved', 'beneath', 'birth', 'blow', 'blue', 'branches', 'building', 'bulk', 'calling', 'caused', 'chair', 'chamber', 'changed', 'chief', 'coach', 'coming', 'command', 'comprehend', 'conception', 'conducted', 'conjecture', 'consequently', 'contrary', 'convinced', 'could.', 'countenances', 'countrymen', 'credit', 'crept', 'crew', 'crimes', 'criminal', 'custom', 'dared', 'darkness', 'de', 'descend', 'devoted', 'dispositions', 'doubt', 'dream', 'dreams', 'drive', 'dry', 'durst', 'dutch', 'duties', 'duty', 'dwarf', 'easy', 'empire', 'enemies', 'engaged', 'escaped', 'eternal', 'ever.', 'examined', 'exceed', 'exercise', 'expect', 'falling', 'fears', 'floor', 'forbear', 'forms', 'frame', 'freely', 'gain', 'gate', 'generous', 'geneva.', 'gentleness', 'glad', 'government', 'grass', 'guards', 'height', 'hid', 'hideous', 'high.', 'hole', 'huge', 'inhabit', 'intend', 'interest', 'leaving', 'lilliput', 'lively', 'london', 'magistrate', 'mankind', 'marked', 'marks', 'marriage', 'materials', 'measure', 'mind.', 'misfortune', 'monarch', 'monstrous', 'motives', 'mounted', 'murdered', 'nature.', 'north', 'obscure', 'office', 'oppressed', 'other.', 'paper', 'particularly', 'persuade', 'play', 'prevent', 'proceed', 'procured', 'professor', 'quit', 'rapidly', 'reasonable', 'reflected', 'regard', 'relation', 'remainder', 'removed', 'repeated', 'required', 'revenge', 'road', 'room.', 'scarcely', 'secret', 'send', 'serve', 'served', 'shone', 'shown', 'sink', 'size', 'skin', 'skins', 'slept', 'smaller', 'speed', 'spring', 'sticks', 'strict', 'sudden', 'sunk', 'supply', 'supported', 'surgeon', 'swim', 'talk', 'thinking', 'though', 'thrown', 'travelled', 'troops', 'troubled', 'union', 'urged', 'utter', 'water.', 'weak', 'wild', 'wisdom', 'work.', '“this', '“you', 'abound', 'academy', 'accompanied', 'accused', 'acquired', 'acted', 'admitted', 'agreeable', 'alighted', 'allowance', 'amidst', 'apply', 'ardour', 'arm', 'arose', 'arrows', 'assistance', 'attempted', 'awoke', 'bad', 'before.', 'begged', 'benevolent', 'bent', 'besides', 'bestow', 'bigness', 'birds', 'boast', 'bread', 'broad', 'brute', 'brutes', 'burst', 'busy', 'carriages', 'chance', 'chapter', 'civil', 'claim', 'compassion', 'comply', 'confessed', 'consented', 'consolation', 'contempt', 'content', 'converse', 'convey', 'corn', 'cost', 'covering', 'cup', 'cursed', 'daily', 'defend', 'deformed', 'delighted', 'deliver', 'depart', 'determination', 'difference', 'dinner', 'direction', 'distinction', 'distinguish', 'domestic', 'drop', 'ear', 'education', 'eleven', 'else', 'enjoyed', 'escape', 'event', 'exact', 'excuse', 'exhibited', 'expected', 'expressions', 'extended', 'facts', 'failed', 'false', 'farmer', 'farther', 'fatal', 'feared', 'fill', 'fit', 'fond', 'forgive', 'frequently', 'gentleman', 'globe', 'goods', 'grave', 'greatly', 'green', 'ground.', 'guess', 'guilty', 'hairs', 'handkerchief', 'happen', 'haste', 'hasten', 'haunted', 'heartily', 'higher', 'highly', 'hills', 'holes', 'hoping', 'house.', 'hovel', 'humble', 'humbly', 'humour', 'hunger', 'improved', 'improvement', 'in.', 'incapable', 'inform', 'ingolstadt', 'instantly', 'instructions', 'instrument', 'join', 'judges', 'kinds', 'knees', 'lagado', 'late', 'lessons', 'license', 'loose', 'lord', 'me?', 'meaning', 'metropolis', 'midst', 'mild', 'mile', 'minds', 'month', 'nag', 'nose', 'opinions', 'overcome', 'painted', 'palace.', 'particulars', 'passing', 'path', 'people.', 'permitted', 'picture', 'pity', 'plan', 'possibly', 'prepare', 'pretty', 'prevailed', 'procure', 'produce', 'promised', 'proposed', 'pulled', 'pursued', 'queen’s', 'question', 'quite', 'rank', 'really', 'reasoning', 'remedy', 'render', 'resolution', 'respect', 'rest.', 'rich', 'roof', 'running', 'sailors', 'saved', 'seas', 'secretary', 'seems', 'seize', 'seldom', 'sensation', 'senses', 'shift', 'signify', 'silence', 'skill', 'sky', 'slow', 'soft', 'sole', 'sooner', 'sorrel', 'sounds', 'speaking', 'stars', 'straw', 'strongest', 'studies', 'sufferings', 'surprise', 'tear', 'tedious', 'teeth', 'tenderness', 'themselves.', 'thence', 'thick', 'tide', 'tone', 'tried', 'understanding', 'undertake', 'unfortunate', 'unless', 'unnatural', 'vessels', 'victim', 'viewed', 'visits', 'waiting', 'wanted', 'warmth', 'watching', 'whisper', 'whither', 'wine', 'wooden', 'written', '“to', 'abilities', 'absolutely', 'accounts', 'admirable', 'admired', 'advantageous', 'adventure', 'agatha', 'air.', 'amazed', 'ambassadors', 'appears', 'approaching', 'apt', 'ask', 'assist', 'authors', 'beard', 'beat', 'being.', 'benevolence', 'blind', 'bold', 'book', 'born', 'bounds', 'breaking', 'breast', 'breeches', 'breed', 'breeze', 'bringing', 'broke', 'capacity', 'cease', 'ceased', 'centre', 'chairs', 'chest', 'chiefly', 'chosen', 'cities', 'claws', 'clothes.', 'coat', 'colour', 'committed', 'companion.', 'comparison', 'complexion', 'confused', 'conjectured', 'conscience', 'considering', 'continually', 'contrivance', 'conveniently', 'corpse', 'countenance.', 'courts', 'cover', 'creek', 'cure', 'curse', 'dangerous', 'days.', 'decay', 'decide', 'decision', 'delightful', 'demanded', 'described.', 'desert', 'designed', 'dine', 'direct', 'dishes', 'distress', 'district', 'diversions', 'divert', 'doomed', 'drank', 'dreadful', 'dressed', 'dwell', 'dwelling', 'earth.', 'east', 'eighteen', 'elapsed', 'employments', 'empress', 'enemy.', 'enemy’s', 'engage', 'entering', 'entertain', 'entire', 'environs', 'erect', 'exactly', 'excel', 'excess', 'excited', 'explain', 'explained', 'expression', 'expressive', 'faculty', 'fail', 'fashion', 'fate', 'fever', 'fewer', 'fiendish', 'filthy', 'finger', 'fire.', 'fled', 'fortunes', 'fulfil', 'furnish', 'gardens', 'gazing', 'geneva', 'genius', 'gives', 'god', 'governed', 'governess', 'graciously', 'gradually', 'hanging', 'hauled', 'head.', 'health.', 'heavens', 'heroes', 'hide', 'highness', 'him)', 'honest', 'horseback', 'hour’s', 'houyhnhnm', 'imagine', 'imitate', 'immense', 'inch', 'increase', 'ingenious', 'intense', 'intercourse', 'interpreter', 'invention', 'japan', 'journey.', 'judgment', 'justly', 'kindness.', 'kingdom.', 'kiss', 'knife', 'knowledge.', 'labourers', 'lament', 'land.', 'leap', 'leaped', 'legs', 'leisure', 'line', 'lines', 'listen', 'lofty', 'looks', 'magnificent', 'maid', 'males', 'malicious', 'management', 'masters', 'measured', 'members', 'mercy', 'merely', 'methods', 'mont', 'moons', 'moving', 'music', 'mutual', 'nearest', 'need', 'needs', 'neglected', 'neighbouring', 'north-east', 'notes', 'oats', 'observation', 'observations', 'obtained', 'ocean', 'officer', 'operations', 'page', 'pair', 'paths', 'patience', 'peace.', 'peasants', 'perpetual', 'philosophers', 'picked', 'played', 'port', 'poured', 'poverty', 'precipices', 'press', 'pretend', 'privately', 'professors', 'project', 'prudent', 'punishment', 'rate', 'reached', 'record', 'recover', 'recovery', 'relieve', 'remains', 'remembered', 'request', 'residence', 'rivers', 'rock.', 'ruined', 'savage', 'schemes', 'sea.', 'season', 'secrets', 'secure', 'settled', 'sexes', 'shattered', 'sheep', 'shoot', 'sister', 'sky.', 'sledge', 'slight', 'smell', 'smile', 'solitary', 'solitude', 'stature', 'stick', 'stopped', 'strangers', 'streets', 'strictly', 'style', 'success', 'summer', 'summit', 'supplied', 'supposing', 'sure', 'swear', 'switzerland', 'tallest', 'tempted', 'theirs', 'threat', 'threatened', 'tolerable', 'tongue', 'tools', 'torture', 'town.', 'towns', 'travellers', 'treated', 'tree', 'trembled', 'tremendous', 'trial', 'truly', 'trust', 'underwent', 'universal', 'unknown', 'useful', 'useless', 'uttered', 'utterly', 'variety', 'vices', 'victuals', 'violently', 'voyages', 'watch', 'waters', 'weary', 'weather', 'weep', 'wept', 'whereby', 'wherewith', 'whoever', 'women', 'wondered', 'wonders', 'woods', 'worked', 'worthy', 'wound', 'write', 'yahoos.', '“if', '“in', '“whether', 'absent', 'accept', 'accuse', 'acquaintance', 'acquainted', 'added', 'address', 'admiration.', 'admire', 'advancing', 'adventures', 'advised', 'affair', 'affection.', 'ages', 'agitated', 'ago', 'agonies', 'agreed', 'aid', 'allow', 'alone.', 'alphabet', 'amusement', 'ancestors', 'angel', 'animated', 'answers', 'apartments', 'apparent', 'apparently', 'apparition', 'appetite', 'application', 'apprehend', 'apprehension', 'ardent', 'arise', 'arranging', 'arrow', 'articulate', 'artist', 'ashore', 'asleep', 'assisted', 'assuredly', 'attached', 'attendants', 'attracted', 'authority', 'avalanche', 'awaked', 'backs', 'banks', 'barbarous', 'beds', 'belonged', 'belonging', 'benefit', 'berries', 'bid', 'big', 'big-endian', 'bitterness', 'boat.', 'bore', 'bosom', 'brook', 'burnt', 'cables', 'capital', 'carefully', 'carriage', 'cat', 'cell', 'censure', 'chamber.', 'changes', 'channel', 'charged', 'childhood', 'children.', 'city.', 'civilities', 'clean', 'collected', 'collecting', 'colours', 'comfort', 'commence', 'commerce', 'communicated', 'complained', 'composure', 'concealing', 'concern', 'condemned', 'confide', 'confident', 'confine', 'consequence', 'constant', 'consulted', 'contain', 'contemptible', 'convenience', 'conversations', 'conviction', 'corruption', 'cousin', 'created', 'creator', 'creep', 'cried', 'cruel', 'damage', 'deadly', 'deal', 'dearest', 'debate', 'deceived', 'decline', 'deeper', 'deformity', 'delight.', 'delirium', 'deny', 'departed', 'deprived', 'deserts', 'desiring', 'desirous', 'destiny', 'destruction.', 'detail', 'detested', 'difficult', 'discharged', 'discourses', 'discoveries', 'discovering', 'disdain', 'disgrace', 'disposed', 'disturb', 'dogs', 'dread', 'dwelt', 'dæmon', 'eagerly', 'ears.', 'educated', 'effectual', 'eggs', 'elevated', 'embraced', 'emotions', 'employ', 'employment', 'emptied', 'enabled', 'end.', 'endowed', 'enjoyment', 'enlarged', 'enthusiasm', 'entreat', 'envy', 'europe.', 'exactness', 'examine', 'example', 'exiles', 'expectation', 'exposed', 'extinguish', 'extraordinary', 'families', 'family.', 'fate.', 'fatigue', 'favourites', 'favours', 'fearful', 'features', 'feed', 'fine', 'finish', 'firm', 'fitted', 'fix', 'flestrin', 'fly', 'folly', 'forefeet', 'foreign', 'fourth', 'france', 'friend.', 'fright', 'fully', 'fundamental', 'gestures', 'girls', 'glorious', 'glory', 'governing', 'grace', 'grant', 'guilt', 'hammock', 'happens', 'harbour', 'hastened', 'hatred.', 'heap', 'heart.', 'heat', 'herds', 'hired', 'honourable', 'hoof', 'horizon', 'horrid', 'hour.', 'houyhnhnms.', 'humankind', 'hundreds', 'immediate', 'impatience', 'impatient', 'impeachment', 'impressed', 'impulse', 'inclined', 'inferior', 'inflicted', 'ingolstadt.', 'injuries', 'inn', 'inquire', 'inquired', 'insisted', 'instance', 'instruct', 'intelligence', 'intention', 'irksome', 'island.', 'islands', 'it:', 'italy', 'japanese', 'kennel', 'keys', 'kill', 'killed', 'kissed', 'knocked', 'knowing', 'known.', 'laborious', 'lacey', 'ladders', 'landed', 'languages', 'lately', 'latitude', 'laughter', 'lawyers', 'lead', 'leagues', 'lecture', 'leg', 'letting', 'lifting', 'light.', 'lilliputians', 'limbs', 'lips', 'littleness', 'loadstone', 'long-boat', 'longed', 'loveliness', 'luxury', 'maintain', 'makes', 'mankind.', 'married', 'mathematical', 'meantime', 'mechanics', 'merits', 'metal', 'mingled', 'mischief', 'mixture', 'more.', 'moritz', 'mortals', 'mountain.', 'mournful', 'mouth', 'naked', 'natives', 'neighed', 'news', 'nobility', 'noon', 'north-west', 'obtain', 'obvious', 'occasion.', 'offices', 'ones', 'operation', 'ordinary', 'ourselves', 'overwhelming', 'owed', 'own.', 'pale', 'papers', 'park', 'parties', 'passion', 'passions', 'peaceful', 'perceive', 'perfection', 'perpetually', 'persuaded', 'philosopher', 'pile', 'pirates', 'plain', 'pleasant', 'pleased.', 'plenty', 'poison', 'poisoned', 'position', 'possession', 'posture', 'powder', 'practised', 'presents', 'preserved', 'pride', 'proficiency', 'pronounced', 'provisions', 'purpose.', 'purse', 'quarrel', 'quarrels', 'quarters', 'quietly', 'quinbus', 'rational', 'reasons', 'reception', 'recollection', 'recommended', 'red', 'reduced', 'refuse', 'regarded', 'religion', 'remove', 'requires', 'resembling', 'respects', 'rested', 'restore', 'returns', 'reverence', 'reward', 'rhine', 'ridge', 'ridiculous', 'rob', 'rooms', 'root', 'roused', 'rowing', 'rule', 'scattered', 'secured', 'security', 'seeking', 'sending', 'sentiment', 'sentiments', 'serene', 'series', 'setting', 'sex', 'shake', 'shaken', 'shed', 'shelter', 'ship.', 'shock', 'shoulders', 'shows', 'sick', 'sickness', 'sight.', 'silent', 'simple', 'sit', 'situated', 'sleep.', 'sleeping', 'smart', 'softly', 'sold', 'soothed', 'sorrow', 'sorrows', 'sought', 'source', 'south', 'south-east', 'space', 'spared', 'spectacles', 'speculations', 'speedily', 'staid', 'staples', 'stockings', 'stole', 'stop', 'story.', 'straight', 'strangely', 'street', 'stretched', 'strings', 'strip', 'stronger', 'structure', 'subjects.', 'succeeded', 'surely', 'sustenance', 'swallowed', 'sympathy', 'systems', 'tall', 'taller', 'teach', 'terrific', 'terror', 'throw', 'thunder', 'together.', 'toil', 'tore', 'toward', 'towers', 'trace', 'tranquil', 'tranquillity', 'triumph', 'urine', 'value', 'venture', 'vice', 'volume', 'volumes', 'waded', 'waist.', 'waldman', 'walks', 'wants', 'was.', 'washed', 'waste', 'whilst', 'windows', 'winter', 'wise', 'witnesses', 'wounds', 'wretch', 'wrote', 'yahoo.', 'yellow', 'yours', '“as', '“but', '“there', '“when', '(i', '(if', '(to', 'abhor', 'abhorrence', 'absence', 'academy.', 'accent', 'accompany', 'account.', 'action', 'acute', 'adamantine', 'additional', 'admiral', 'adored', 'advance', 'advanced.', 'affect', 'afford', 'afternoon', 'agility', 'airs', 'alarmed', 'alike', 'allowing', 'altered', 'ambition', 'america', 'ample', 'amsterdam', 'amuse', 'anchor', 'animation', 'anxious', 'anything', 'appearances', 'appetites', 'approve', 'april', 'aristotle', 'armed', 'arrives', 'ascend', 'ashamed', 'astonishing', 'attending', 'attracting', 'august', 'author.', 'bade', 'balls', 'balnibarbi', 'banished', 'bare', 'barrier', 'basket', 'battle', 'beast', 'beaten', 'beaufort', 'befitting', 'begin', 'beings.', 'belong', 'bestowing', 'better.', 'betwixt', 'bitterly', 'blanc', 'blasted', 'bless', 'blessed', 'blooming', 'blotted', 'bodily', 'body.', 'boldly', 'borne', 'bounded', 'brain', 'brains', 'breakfast', 'brutality', 'buildings', 'built', 'buried', 'bury', 'cabin.', 'cabinet', 'candour', 'captains', 'cases', 'castles', 'cattle', 'certainty', 'chained', 'character', 'cheerfulness', 'chemical', 'chemistry', 'childish', 'choice', 'choose', 'civilize', 'clings', 'coffin', 'collect', 'combined', 'comely', 'commander', 'commanding', 'commenced', 'composed', 'computation', 'computed', 'conditions', 'conductor', 'conjunction', 'connected', 'consequences', 'consideration', 'consisted', 'constantly', 'constructed', 'consulting', 'consummate', 'contained', 'contains', 'contemplate', 'contented', 'continent', 'continuing', 'cord', 'cornelius', 'corner', 'corruptions', 'cottage.', 'cottagers.', 'cottages', 'country.”', 'couple', 'cousin.', 'cows', 'create', 'creation.', 'cross', 'crowd', 'cultivated', 'curiosities', 'current', 'cursory', 'customs', 'cæsar', 'dangers', 'darling', 'dash', 'dashed', 'dashing', 'dawned', 'day.', 'day’s', 'declared', 'defended', 'dejected', 'delayed', 'delicious', 'delights', 'demand', 'demeanour', 'depth', 'descent', 'descriptions', 'deserve', 'deserved', 'designs', 'desolation', 'destined', 'destroyer', 'detestation', 'dews', 'dexterity', 'dexterous', 'diameter', 'diet', 'differed', 'difficulties', 'diffused', 'diminutive', 'directions', 'disagreeable', 'disappeared', 'discharge', 'discomposed', 'disconsolate', 'disease', 'disgust', 'disgusted', 'dish', 'dislike', 'displayed', 'disposal', 'distinct', 'distinctly', 'diversion', 'divided', 'do.', 'doctrine', 'dog', 'domestics', 'double', 'doubted', 'doubtless', 'dragged', 'draught', 'drawing', 'drops', 'drowned', 'due', 'dying', 'eager', 'ease', 'edge', 'edinburgh', 'educating', 'eldest', 'elizabeth.', 'elizabeth’s', 'emotion', 'empires', 'enable', 'encompassed', 'endued', 'endured.', 'englishmen', 'enjoy', 'enough.', 'entertained', 'entertainment', 'enveloped', 'erected', 'ernest', 'escape.', 'estate', 'everlasting', 'evidence', 'exalted', 'exceeded', 'excellency', 'exchanged', 'execution', 'exertion', 'experience', 'experiment', 'experiments', 'explanation', 'expressing', 'exquisite', 'extend', 'extent', 'extremities', 'extremity', 'faint', 'fairer', 'fall.', 'falsehood', 'famous', 'farmers', 'favour.', 'favourable', 'feeding', 'feet.', 'feet:', 'fifth', 'fight', 'figures', 'figures.', 'fingers', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fitter', 'flew', 'flight', 'flimnap', 'flowers', 'foolish', 'forbidden', 'forgot', 'forgotten', 'fortitude', 'fortunate', 'forwards', 'founded', 'fourscore', 'frame.', 'freedom', 'frog', 'frozen', 'fulfilment', 'fund', 'funeral', 'furniture', 'generosity', 'getting', 'glance', 'glass', 'gloomy', 'good.', 'gotten', 'grasp', 'grief.', 'groans', 'grow', 'grown', 'guided', 'guitar', 'hand.', 'hanger', 'harmless', 'harsh', 'hastily', 'hate', 'hated', 'hateful', 'hath', 'hay', 'hearing', 'hearts', 'hell', 'hellish', 'hence', 'herd', 'himself.', 'hinder', 'hitherto', 'hogsheads', 'holland', 'homer', 'horror.', 'horrors', 'humanity', 'hurried', 'husband', 'i.', 'ignominy', 'ignorance', 'illness', 'imagined', 'imbued', 'imperfect', 'improvements', 'imputed', 'in:', 'incidents', 'induced', 'indulged', 'information', 'ingredients', 'inquiring', 'insatiable', 'insects', 'inspire', 'integrity', 'intentions', 'interpret', 'interrupt', 'introduced', 'invasion', 'inventions', 'inventory', 'isle', 'issue', 'it.”', 'joined', 'joints', 'journal', 'june', 'kindly', 'kingdoms', 'kings', 'krempe', 'laid', 'lands', 'language.', 'largeness', 'lawyer', 'leaning', 'lenity', 'liberty.', 'lies', 'lifted', 'lighted', 'lightning', 'likely', 'lineaments', 'linen', 'liquor', 'listening', 'livelihood', 'loaded', 'loathsome', 'lodging', 'long.', 'lords', 'lover', 'lovers', 'machine', 'mad', 'madness', 'majesty.', 'male', 'malice', 'malice.', 'malignity', 'manage', 'managing', 'master.', 'matters', 'maxim', 'me!', 'me)', 'me.”', 'meanest', 'meeting', 'men.', 'merit', 'millions', 'minute', 'mischief.', 'miseries', 'misfortunes.', 'mock', 'mode', 'moderate', 'monarchs', 'morality', 'morning.', 'mother.', 'motions', 'mouth.', 'mouths', 'musical', 'myself)', 'mystery', 'nardac', 'narrow', 'necessaries', 'neighing', 'nobles', 'numerous', 'nurse.', 'obedience', 'obstinate', 'odd', 'offering', 'omitted', 'ours', 'overcame', 'owing', 'pace', 'packthreads', 'pages', 'painful', 'pardon', 'parliament', 'parted', 'passion.', 'patron', 'paused', 'penetrate', 'performance', 'perish', 'permission', 'petition', 'pick', 'pin', 'pines', 'pittance', 'places', 'places.', 'placid', 'pockets', 'politics', 'portion', 'possess', 'post', 'posterity', 'powerful', 'practical', 'praise', 'praises', 'precedents', 'precincts', 'preservation', 'presume', 'pretence', 'prevented', 'previously', 'prey', 'preyed', 'prince’s', 'prison', 'prisoner', 'probability', 'probable', 'productions', 'pronouncing', 'proposal', 'proposing', 'protector', 'protectors', 'provide', 'providence', 'pulling', 'pupils', 'qualified', 'quick', 'raising', 'rang', 'rapid', 'rats', 'reaching', 'reader.', 'reading', 'reality', 'realm', 'reason.', 'receiving', 'recent', 'reckoning', 'reduce', 'reflection.', 'refuge', 'refused', 'reign', 'relating', 'remaining', 'remarked', 'renowned', 'repeating', 'repose', 'represented', 'reproach', 'resemblance', 'resemble', 'resembled', 'reserved', 'respected', 'respite', 'restless', 'retire', 'return.', 'rewarded', 'riding', 'ring', 'roads', 'rocks', 'rough', 'row', 'rude', 'rushed', 'rustic', 'sad', 'safety', 'sake', 'satiated', 'saying', 'scene.', 'school', 'science.', 'sciences', 'scimitar', 'score', 'sea-weed', 'sealed', 'searched', 'seat', 'seem', 'seen.', 'sensations.', 'sentence', 'serviceable', 'severity', 'shadow', 'shame', 'shapes', 'shining', 'shoes', 'shore.', 'shudder', 'sickened', 'situation', 'six-and-thirty', 'sixteen', 'skilful', 'slip', 'snow', 'softness', 'solemn', 'son', 'soothe', 'sorrowful', 'south.', 'special', 'species.', 'speed.', 'sprang', 'squeeze', 'stage', 'stairs', 'stand', 'steal', 'steeple', 'steering', 'stepped', 'sticking', 'stomach', 'stony', 'stored', 'stores', 'stout', 'strike', 'stroke', 'strove', 'struggle', 'struggled', 'stuck', 'studies.', 'sublime', 'submit', 'substance', 'success.', 'sufferer', 'suffice', 'suit', 'suitable', 'sun.', 'sunshine', 'supernatural', 'support.', 'surface', 'surround', 'suspected', 'swelled', 'swore', 'sympathised', 'takes', 'talking', 'tax', 'tearing', 'temper', 'temperature', 'terminate', 'terribly', 'thanks', 'thicker', 'thin', 'thine', 'throat', 'throne', 'thumb', 'tip', 'topics', 'tops', 'tormented', 'torn', 'touched', 'tour', 'tower', 'toys', 'traitor', 'trample', 'travel', 'traveller', 'treasurer', 'treatise', 'treatment', 'tribute', 'truth.', 'try', 'turns', 'unacquainted', 'uncle', 'uneasiness', 'unexpected', 'unlike', 'unperceived', 'unusual', 'up.', 'upper', 'upwards', 'valley', 'valley.', 'valour', 'valuable', 'valued', 'vanity', 'vegetables', 'views', 'village', 'villages', 'virtue.', 'virtuous', 'visions', 'voyage.', 'vulgar', 'waist', 'wall', 'walls', 'warmed', 'wars', 'wasted', 'waved', 'weakness', 'wealth', 'wet', 'whereas', 'whispered', 'wife.', 'window.', 'winds', 'wings', 'wisest', 'wishes', 'withdrew', 'witness', 'wives', 'wondrous', 'wood.', 'words.', 'words:', 'wore', 'worse', 'worst', 'wrapped', 'writing', 'yahoos’', 'ye', 'years.', 'yielded', 'young.', 'zeal', '“for', '“was', '(a', '(although', '(an', '(so', '(the', '(these', '(this', '(who', '16th', '30', '9th', 'a-laughing', 'abhorred', 'aboard', 'abominable', 'abortive', 'about.', 'absolute', 'abundance', 'accepted', 'access', 'acknowledged', 'acquire', 'acquiring', 'action.', 'active', 'activity', 'adamant', 'adapted', 'add', 'adhere', 'admit', 'admittance', 'admittance.', 'adrift', 'advantages', 'adversary', 'advising', 'affirm', 'afterward', 'ages.', 'aggravation', 'agitates', 'agitation.', 'agony.', 'agrippa', 'aided', 'aim', 'airy', 'alive', 'all.”', 'alliance', 'allude', 'ally', 'alps', 'alter', 'amazement', 'amity', 'amusement.', 'anchors', 'angelic', 'anger', 'another.', 'answer.', 'answerable', 'answers.', 'antic', 'antipathy', 'antiquity', 'anxiety', 'anyone', 'apart', 'appalling', 'applying', 'appointed', 'apprehensions', 'appropriated', 'arch', 'arched', 'ardently', 'are.', 'argue', 'argued', 'arises', 'arranged', 'arrived.', 'arteries', 'article', 'artificial', 'ascribed', 'aside', 'asleep.', 'assassin', 'assemblage', 'assertion', 'assigned', 'associate', 'assumed', 'assure', 'ass’s', 'astonishment.', 'astronomy.', 'attack', 'attempt', 'attempting', 'attempts', 'attendance', 'attendant', 'auspicious', 'author’s', 'autumn', 'avarice', 'avoided', 'awake', 'awhile', 'balanced', 'bangs', 'barrel', 'bars', 'bay', 'be.', 'beach', 'beards', 'bearing', 'bears', 'beauties', 'beauty.', 'bedchamber', 'beef', 'beggar.', 'begging', 'behaved', 'behind.', 'beholding', 'believes', 'believing', 'bellows', 'belrive', 'bend', 'benignity', 'betray', 'bill', 'bird', 'birth.', 'bit', 'biting', 'bitterest', 'bitterness.', 'blast', 'blessing', 'bliss', 'blood.', 'bloody', 'bloom', 'blot', 'board.', 'boldness', 'bolgolam', 'borrowed', 'bottom.', 'boundary', 'boys', 'brave', 'breach', 'breadth', 'breakfast.', 'breath', 'bred', 'bright', 'bristol', 'brother?', 'bruised', 'brutus', 'buckets', 'buckle', 'buildings.', 'bundle', 'burned', 'burton', 'busied', 'business.', 'cadence', 'cake', 'calculations', 'california', 'calmed', 'calmer', 'caprices', 'captain’s', 'carcass', 'careful', 'careless', 'carelessness', 'carrying', 'catch', 'catching', 'caught', 'caution', 'cave', 'caves', 'celestial', 'censured', 'century', 'ceremony.', 'chain', 'chains', 'chanced', 'character.', 'characters', 'charles', 'charm', 'cheat', 'cheek', 'cheeks', 'cheerfully', 'chin', 'circular', 'circumference', 'circumstances.', 'citizens', 'civility', 'clad', 'clearly', 'clemency', 'climate', 'climate.', 'climb', 'climbed', 'climbing', 'cling', 'cloak', 'closely', 'closer', 'closet-window', 'cloud', 'clue', 'coaches', 'coarser', 'coasts', 'coat-pocket', 'collar', 'college', 'college.', 'colonies', 'colour.', 'comb', 'command.”', 'commands', 'comment', 'companions.', 'compelled', 'complain', 'complaisant', 'complete', 'completely', 'comprehend.', 'comprehended', 'conceited', 'conceived.', 'conceptions', 'concerned', 'condemn', 'conferred', 'confided', 'confidence', 'confines', 'confirm', 'conflict.', 'confounded', 'confusion', 'conquered', 'conquering', 'conscious', 'consists', 'consolation.', 'conspiracies', 'constitution', 'consume', 'consummation', 'continuance', 'continuation', 'contrast', 'contrive', 'control', 'conveniences', 'conversation.', 'conversed', 'cooks', 'cords', 'corners', 'corrupted', 'could:', 'counsellors', 'countenances.', 'country?”', 'court:', 'courteous', 'cracked', 'created.', 'creating', 'creature.', 'creatures.', 'crimes.', 'crossed', 'crowded', 'crown', 'crush', 'cub', 'cultivate', 'cunning', 'curtains', 'custom-house', 'd', 'dancing', 'daniel', 'darkened', 'darts', 'date', 'daubed', 'dearer', 'death.”', 'deaths', 'december', 'decide.', 'declaration', 'declare', 'declining', 'deed.', 'deemed', 'deepest', 'defect', 'deficient', 'deformities', 'deformity.', 'degenerated', 'delay', 'delighting', 'delineate', 'demoniacal', 'demonstrate', 'departed.', 'depend', 'depended', 'deposed', 'deposition', 'deprive', 'descending', 'descried', 'deservedly', 'deserves', 'deserving', 'despatch', 'desperate', 'despicable', 'despondency', 'desponding', 'destiny.', 'destroyed.', 'destructive', 'determinate', 'determining', 'detestable', 'developed', 'devil', 'devotion.', 'devour', 'devoured.', 'diameter.', 'die.”', 'diemen’s', 'digestion', 'dignity', 'digression.', 'diligently', 'dim', 'dimmed', 'dined', 'directing', 'dirt', 'disadvantage', 'disagreeable.', 'disappointed', 'discern', 'discompose', 'discontent', 'discoursed', 'diseased', 'disguise', 'disorder', 'dispose', 'disquiets', 'dissipate', 'distance.', 'distant.', 'distinction.', 'distorted', 'districts', 'diverts', 'divide', 'dizzy', 'docile', 'doctor', 'don', 'doors', 'doth', 'down.', 'downs', 'downwards', 'drag', 'draught.', 'dreaded', 'dreamt', 'dreary', 'dried', 'dropped', 'dug', 'dungeon', 'dust', 'dwindled', 'e', 'eagle', 'ear.', 'earnest', 'earnestly', 'earnestness', 'earthen', 'eastern', 'eastward', 'eating', 'economy', 'ecstasy', 'edifice', 'either.', 'elements', 'elizabeth:', 'eloquence', 'eloquent', 'embers', 'embrace', 'employed.', 'employing', 'empress’s', 'encomiums', 'endeavours', 'endless', 'ends', 'enjoined', 'enlarge', 'enslaved', 'entertaining', 'enthusiastic', 'entrance', 'epoch', 'erecting', 'errors', 'especial', 'estates', 'esteem', 'esteemed', 'europeans', 'evaded', 'everything', 'evils', 'examining', 'excelled', 'excellence', 'excellent.', 'excite', 'execute', 'executed', 'execution.', 'exempt', 'exercises.', 'exercising', 'exert', 'exerted', 'exertions', 'exhaustion', 'exhortations', 'exist', 'expected.', 'expedient', 'expedient.', 'expense', 'expense.', 'exploded', 'exploit', 'expressed.', 'extinction', 'extinguished', 'extinguished.', 'extract', 'extracting', 'exultation', 'fact', 'faith', 'faithful', 'falls', 'falsely', 'famine', 'fanned', 'fashioned', 'fastening', 'fatality', 'father:', 'fault', 'fear.', 'fearfully', 'fearing', 'feats', 'feature', 'february', 'feel.', 'feel.”', 'feelings.', 'felix.', 'felt.', 'fervour', 'fetter', 'fiddles', 'fields.', 'fierce', 'fifteen', 'film', 'final', 'finds', 'finest', 'fingers.', 'firmly', 'firmness', 'fishermen', 'fist', 'fits', 'fixing', 'flesh.', 'flint', 'flit', 'flourished', 'flowed', 'folds', 'follies', 'followers', 'follows', 'foot-path', 'footmen', 'fore-foot', 'fore-sail', 'foreigners', 'forgetfulness', 'forgetfulness.', 'form?', 'formal', 'formerly', 'forsaken', 'fort', 'fought', 'fours', 'framed', 'frankenstein', 'freed', 'french', 'fright.', 'fro', 'frontiers.', 'fulfilled', 'furious', 'furnished', 'fury', 'gait', 'gale', 'gassendi', 'gay', 'gaze', 'geese', 'generation', 'genial', 'gentry', 'germany', 'gesture', 'ghastly', 'ghosts', 'gift', 'glaciers', 'gladness', 'glasses', 'glimmer', 'gloom', 'glubbdubdrib.', 'glumdalclitch’s', 'godlike', 'governor’s', 'grandeur', 'grandfather', 'gratify', 'grave.', 'graves', 'greatness', 'grey', 'grievous', 'grievously', 'grildrig', 'groans.', 'ground:', 'group', 'guard', 'guardians', 'guest', 'guest.', 'guide.', 'gush', 'had.', 'hailed', 'hair.', 'hairiness', 'handle', 'hands.”', 'hang', 'happen.', 'happier', 'happily', 'happy.', 'harden', 'harmony', 'hat', 'haunches', 'heard.', 'heavens.', 'hedge', 'helped', 'helping', 'helpless', 'herbage', 'herbs', 'hereafter', 'heroism', 'hers', 'hiding-place', 'hiding-places.', 'high-treason', 'hill', 'hindered', 'hinges', 'historical', 'history.', 'holds', 'holland.', 'honour’s', 'hoofs', 'hook', 'hooks', 'horse.', 'howling', 'hue', 'humblest', 'humming', 'hurgo', 'hurts', 'husbands', 'hut', 'ice.', 'ices', 'ideas.', 'idleness', 'ill-will', 'illuminate', 'images', 'imitation', 'imminent', 'immortal', 'impaired', 'impending', 'importance', 'impotent', 'impress', 'impression', 'improbable', 'improve', 'impudence', 'in.”', 'inanimate', 'incident', 'inclemency', 'inconceivable', 'inconstant', 'incredible', 'indefatigable', 'indies', 'indifference', 'induce', 'indulge', 'indulgent', 'indulging', 'ineffectual', 'inexhaustible', 'infallible', 'infamous', 'infancy', 'infant', 'infinite', 'infirmities.', 'influence', 'ingratitude', 'inhabitants.', 'inhabited', 'injured', 'injury', 'inmost', 'innumerable', 'inquirers', 'inquisitive', 'inroads', 'insanity', 'inside', 'inspired', 'instances', 'instructed', 'instruction', 'insurrection', 'intensity', 'intent', 'intercept', 'interchange', 'interested', 'interesting', 'interfere', 'intermingled', 'interrupted', 'interruption', 'interwoven', 'intimate', 'intolerable', 'intrigue', 'invade', 'invader', 'invisible', 'inward', 'issued', 'itself.', 'jealous', 'jewry', 'joint', 'jolt', 'joys.', 'judicature', 'juice', 'juncture', 'justiciary', 'justified', 'keen', 'key', 'kind.', 'knees.', 'knelt', 'knocking', 'knows', 'labouring', 'lad', 'ladder', 'laden', 'lakes', 'landscape.', 'lap', 'lappet', 'laputa', 'lark', 'lark.', 'lastly', 'later', 'laugh', 'laughing', 'lawfully', 'lay.', 'leader', 'leading', 'lean', 'learning.', 'learnt', 'lectures', 'left.', 'leghorn', 'lent', 'lessened', 'levee', 'leyden', 'liable', 'life.”', 'life?', 'lifeless', 'lift', 'limb', 'limits', 'lineament', 'link', 'lips.', 'lisbon', 'list', 'live.', 'living.', 'load', 'loaf', 'locked', 'longer.', 'longitude', 'lord.', 'loss.', 'lot', 'louder', 'lowest', 'lucerne', 'luckiest', 'luggnagg.', 'machinations.', 'machines', 'madman', 'magnanimous', 'magnificence', 'magnificence.', 'maintaining', 'majestic', 'majesties', 'maladies', 'maldonada', 'maldonada.', 'malignant', 'manifest', 'manner:', 'manufactures', 'map', 'march', 'mare', 'mares', 'marking', 'marrow', 'marrying', 'mathematicians', 'maturely', 'maxims', 'me.’', 'meals', 'meant.', 'meanwhile', 'measures', 'mechanical', 'meditate', 'memorials', 'memories', 'menial', 'mentioning', 'merchantman', 'mere', 'messenger', 'metropolis.', 'military', 'milk', 'milk.', 'miniature', 'minister.', 'minuteness', 'miserable.', 'miserably', 'mist', 'mistaken', 'mistakes', 'mizen', 'modest', 'monarch’s', 'monkey', 'monotonous', 'moral', 'mortals.', 'mortification', 'mortified', 'motive', 'mount', 'mountainous', 'mountains.', 'mouse’s', 'multiplying', 'multitude', 'mummy', 'murdering', 'muscle', 'muscles', 'music.', 'mutiny', 'mutton', 'n.', 'nail', 'named', 'narration', 'narrative', 'nastiness', 'nation.', 'natives.', 'nauseous', 'navigation', 'necessities', 'necessity.', 'needle', 'neglect', 'neighbour', 'neighbours', 'nerves', 'night.', 'nights', 'ninety', 'north.', 'northern', 'northward', 'notions', 'nought', 'november', 'nursed', 'oar', 'oars', 'oath', 'obey', 'objection', 'obliging', 'oblique', 'obliterated', 'occasioned', 'occupation', 'occur', 'occurred', 'occurred.', 'ocean.', 'offence', 'offensive', 'offers', 'offspring', 'ointment', 'old.', 'older', 'oldest', 'ooze', 'operate', 'operations.', 'opinion.', 'opportunities', 'opportunity.', 'opposed', 'orb', 'original', 'orphan', 'other’s', 'ours.', 'out.', 'outcast', 'outer', 'outward', 'overheard', 'overlooked', 'overtake', 'overwhelmed', 'owned', 'owner', 'oxford', 'o’clock', 'paces', 'packthread', 'paddling', 'paid', 'palm', 'palms', 'panegyric', 'panes', 'pangs', 'papa', 'paradise', 'parched', 'pardoned', 'paris', 'paris.', 'park.', 'part.', 'partial', 'partiality', 'partly', 'party.', 'passages', 'passes', 'past.', 'pastern', 'path.', 'patient', 'paw', 'payment', 'peasant', 'peculiarly', 'pedro', 'peeping', 'pelted', 'people!', 'perceiving', 'performing', 'peril', 'permit', 'perplexed', 'persecuted', 'person.', 'personal', 'person’s', 'persuading', 'persuasions', 'perverting', 'petitions', 'phenomenon', 'philosophers.', 'physiognomy', 'picking', 'pieces.', 'pigmies', 'pillar', 'pillars', 'pinched', 'piny', 'pirate', 'pistols', 'place.', 'placing', 'plain.', 'plaited', 'plank', 'plans', 'planting', 'plates', 'playfully', 'playing', 'plaything', 'pleading', 'pleasing', 'pleasure.', 'plentiful', 'plunge', 'pointing', 'points', 'poisonous', 'poles', 'polite', 'political', 'pond', 'possessions', 'posterity.', 'pouch', 'pounds', 'pounds.', 'precaution', 'preceded', 'precious', 'precipitate', 'predictions', 'prejudice', 'prejudiced', 'prejudices', 'preparation', 'preparations', 'prescribed', 'presentiment', 'preserving', 'pretended', 'prey.', 'price', 'priests', 'prime', 'principally', 'principle', 'proceed.', 'proceeds', 'process', 'proclamation', 'prodigy', 'professed', 'profit', 'progresses', 'projector', 'projectors', 'prolonged', 'promontory', 'proof', 'propagate', 'properly', 'properties', 'proportion.', 'proposes', 'protection', 'protection.', 'protectors.', 'protested', 'proved', 'provided.', 'province', 'prow', 'prudence', 'public.', 'pulleys', 'pulleys.', 'pulse', 'punish', 'purchase', 'purposes', 'purses', 'pursuit', 'pursuits', 'pushed', 'quarter', 'question.', 'quilt', 'rabble', 'races', 'raft', 'rags', 'rallied', 'range', 'ranked', 'rapture.', 'rare', 'rarely', 'rarities', 'rays', 'reap', 'rebellion', 'recesses', 'reckoned', 'recognised', 'recollect', 'recollected', 'reconcile', 'recorded', 'redeem', 'redriff', 'refined', 'reflecting', 'reflections.', 'refrain', 'refreshed', 'regret', 'regular', 'regularity', 'regulation', 'reigned', 'rejected', 'rejoiced', 'related.', 'relates', 'relations', 'relations.', 'relative', 'relief', 'relieved', 'rely', 'remember.', 'remind', 'reminds', 'rendering', 'renders', 'renewed', 'repaired', 'repast', 'repeat', 'repeat.', 'repelling', 'repent', 'repetition', 'replaced', 'reply.', 'reported', 'represent', 'representation', 'representations', 'repugnance', 'repulsive', 'requested', 'resentment', 'reserve', 'resolution.', 'resolving', 'respectful', 'result.', 'retinue', 'retreat', 'revenge.', 'revenue', 'revisit', 'revolution', 'revolutions', 'richer', 'ride', 'rider', 'risen', 'rising', 'roared', 'rolled', 'ropes', 'rotterdam', 'rouse', 'rows', 'rubbed', 'rubbish', 'rudder', 'rudiments', 'rue', 'ruin.', 'ruins', 'rules', 'rush', 'sad.', 'sails', 'salutations', 'saluted', 'sanctity', 'sang', 'sanguinary', 'satisfy', 'save', 'saving', 'scenery', 'scent', 'scents', 'scholars', 'school-mistress', 'schoolboys', 'scope', 'scotland', 'scotland.', 'scrofulous', 'seaport', 'searching', 'seasons', 'seats', 'secluded', 'secondary', 'secretaries', 'seeming', 'seemingly', 'seizure', 'selfish', 'sell', 'senates', 'senator', 'sensible', 'sensibly', 'sensitive', 'separated', 'serious', 'sets', 'shade', 'shaded', 'shaped', 'shared', 'sharp', 'sheets', 'sheltered', 'shine', 'shipping', 'shirt', 'shirts', 'shook', 'shooting', 'short.', 'shoulder', 'shout', 'shrieked', 'shrill', 'shuddering', 'shunned', 'sickening', 'sights', 'signal', 'signed', 'signification', 'silken', 'sincere', 'sincerely', 'singular', 'singularly', 'sitting', 'situations', 'sixth', 'sixty', 'skeleton', 'slavery', 'sloop', 'slowly', 'smallest', 'smiled', 'smiles.', 'smiling', 'snows', 'snowy', 'soaring', 'society.', 'softened', 'soil', 'soldier', 'soldiers', 'solve', 'somebody', 'someone', 'sons', 'soothing', 'sorry', 'sorts', 'soul.', 'sound.', 'sour', 'south-west', 'southwards', 'spare', 'sparrow', 'speak.', 'spears', 'spectacle', 'spectre', 'speculation', 'speculative', 'spider.', 'spire', 'spite', 'split', 'spoken', 'spot.', 'spring.', 'springs', 'sprugs', 'squeezed', 'st.', 'stalks', 'standard', 'starboard', 'started', 'starving', 'states', 'station', 'statute', 'stay', 'stayed', 'steep', 'steer', 'steered', 'stick.', 'stile', 'stock', 'stool', 'stopping', 'store', 'stories', 'strangled', 'strasburgh', 'straw.', 'stream.', 'streams', 'strength.', 'strewed', 'strictest', 'strikes', 'striving', 'stroking', 'struldbrug', 'studying', 'stumps', 'stupendous', 'stupid', 'subservient', 'subsisted', 'succeed', 'sufferings.', 'sufficiently', 'summits', 'sunbeams', 'supper', 'supplicating', 'supposition', 'suspect', 'suspense', 'suspicion', 'sustain', 'sustained.', 'swept', 'swiftness', 'swiss', 'syllable.', 'sympathies', 'table.', 'talent', 'talents', 'talked', 'talons.', 'tame', 'tapped', 'tartary', 'taste.', 'tasted', 'taxed', 'teaching', 'tempest', 'temptation', 'tended', 'tender', 'terminated', 'terms.', 'terrified', 'thank', 'thanked', 'theirs.', 'them)', 'them:', 'therein', 'this:', 'thoroughly', 'thousands', 'thread', 'threads', 'threats', 'thrice', 'thrill', 'thrust', 'thunder.', 'thyself', 'time.', 'tincture', 'toe', 'toils.', 'tomb', 'tones', 'tongue.', 'tongues', 'tonquin', 'top-mast', 'topmast', 'tormenting', 'torture.', 'tortured', 'tortures', 'touch', 'touching', 'tract', 'trades', 'trained', 'trampling', 'tranquillity.', 'translate', 'translation', 'traverse', 'traversed', 'tread', 'treasure', 'treble', 'trees.', 'tremble', 'trencher', 'trifling', 'trod', 'troublesome', 'truest', 'trusty', 'tubes', 'tumbling', 'turk', 'turkey', 'tutor', 'twenty.', 'unbound', 'uncertain', 'uncommon', 'unconscious', 'uncontrollable', 'understand.', 'understanding.', 'undertaking', 'undone', 'unearthly', 'uneasy', 'unfair', 'unfolded', 'unfortunately', 'unhappy?', 'united', 'university.', 'unjustly', 'unluckily', 'unmingled', 'untimely', 'unwilling', 'upright', 'upside', 'urchin', 'urgency', 'use:', 'uses', 'using', 'utility', 'v.', 'vainly', 'van', 'vanished', 'vary', 'vehicle', 'veins', 'venerable', 'veneration', 'vent', 'veracity.', 'verdant', 'vessel.', 'vicious', 'victims', 'victory', 'view.', 'viewing', 'villagers', 'vindication', 'visible', 'vision', 'voices', 'vote', 'vulgar.', 'wait', 'waking', 'wanderings', 'wanting', 'watched', 'watery', 'ways', 'wear', 'weariness', 'weasel', 'week', 'weekly', 'weeks.', 'weigh', 'weighed', 'welcomed', 'well.', 'west', 'west.', 'western', 'westward', 'whenever', 'whereat', 'wherefore', 'whipped', 'wickedness', 'wickedness.', 'widow', 'wildest', 'wildly', 'wilds', 'willing', 'willingly', 'wind.', 'windows.', 'wipe', 'wiping', 'wishing', 'woe', 'won', 'wonder.', 'wondering', 'word.', 'working', 'workmen', 'world.”', 'wounded', 'wreck', 'wretch.', 'wretchedness.', 'wrinkled', 'writers', 'writhed', 'writing.', 'wrong', 'wrung', 'yahoos.”', 'yard', 'yard.', 'yards.', 'yield', 'youngest', 'youthful', '’', '“and', '“are', '“at', '“do', '“felix', '“no', '“safie', '“since', '“these', '“we', '“why', '“‘that']
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3939, 'lawfully': 3940, 'lay.': 3941, 'leader': 3942, 'leading': 3943, 'lean': 3944, 'learning.': 3945, 'learnt': 3946, 'lectures': 3947, 'left.': 3948, 'leghorn': 3949, 'lent': 3950, 'lessened': 3951, 'levee': 3952, 'leyden': 3953, 'liable': 3954, 'life.”': 3955, 'life?': 3956, 'lifeless': 3957, 'lift': 3958, 'limb': 3959, 'limits': 3960, 'lineament': 3961, 'link': 3962, 'lips.': 3963, 'lisbon': 3964, 'list': 3965, 'live.': 3966, 'living.': 3967, 'load': 3968, 'loaf': 3969, 'locked': 3970, 'longer.': 3971, 'longitude': 3972, 'lord.': 3973, 'loss.': 3974, 'lot': 3975, 'louder': 3976, 'lowest': 3977, 'lucerne': 3978, 'luckiest': 3979, 'luggnagg.': 3980, 'machinations.': 3981, 'machines': 3982, 'madman': 3983, 'magnanimous': 3984, 'magnificence': 3985, 'magnificence.': 3986, 'maintaining': 3987, 'majestic': 3988, 'majesties': 3989, 'maladies': 3990, 'maldonada': 3991, 'maldonada.': 3992, 'malignant': 3993, 'manifest': 3994, 'manner:': 3995, 'manufactures': 3996, 'map': 3997, 'march': 3998, 'mare': 3999, 'mares': 4000, 'marking': 4001, 'marrow': 4002, 'marrying': 4003, 'mathematicians': 4004, 'maturely': 4005, 'maxims': 4006, 'me.’': 4007, 'meals': 4008, 'meant.': 4009, 'meanwhile': 4010, 'measures': 4011, 'mechanical': 4012, 'meditate': 4013, 'memorials': 4014, 'memories': 4015, 'menial': 4016, 'mentioning': 4017, 'merchantman': 4018, 'mere': 4019, 'messenger': 4020, 'metropolis.': 4021, 'military': 4022, 'milk': 4023, 'milk.': 4024, 'miniature': 4025, 'minister.': 4026, 'minuteness': 4027, 'miserable.': 4028, 'miserably': 4029, 'mist': 4030, 'mistaken': 4031, 'mistakes': 4032, 'mizen': 4033, 'modest': 4034, 'monarch’s': 4035, 'monkey': 4036, 'monotonous': 4037, 'moral': 4038, 'mortals.': 4039, 'mortification': 4040, 'mortified': 4041, 'motive': 4042, 'mount': 4043, 'mountainous': 4044, 'mountains.': 4045, 'mouse’s': 4046, 'multiplying': 4047, 'multitude': 4048, 'mummy': 4049, 'murdering': 4050, 'muscle': 4051, 'muscles': 4052, 'music.': 4053, 'mutiny': 4054, 'mutton': 4055, 'n.': 4056, 'nail': 4057, 'named': 4058, 'narration': 4059, 'narrative': 4060, 'nastiness': 4061, 'nation.': 4062, 'natives.': 4063, 'nauseous': 4064, 'navigation': 4065, 'necessities': 4066, 'necessity.': 4067, 'needle': 4068, 'neglect': 4069, 'neighbour': 4070, 'neighbours': 4071, 'nerves': 4072, 'night.': 4073, 'nights': 4074, 'ninety': 4075, 'north.': 4076, 'northern': 4077, 'northward': 4078, 'notions': 4079, 'nought': 4080, 'november': 4081, 'nursed': 4082, 'oar': 4083, 'oars': 4084, 'oath': 4085, 'obey': 4086, 'objection': 4087, 'obliging': 4088, 'oblique': 4089, 'obliterated': 4090, 'occasioned': 4091, 'occupation': 4092, 'occur': 4093, 'occurred': 4094, 'occurred.': 4095, 'ocean.': 4096, 'offence': 4097, 'offensive': 4098, 'offers': 4099, 'offspring': 4100, 'ointment': 4101, 'old.': 4102, 'older': 4103, 'oldest': 4104, 'ooze': 4105, 'operate': 4106, 'operations.': 4107, 'opinion.': 4108, 'opportunities': 4109, 'opportunity.': 4110, 'opposed': 4111, 'orb': 4112, 'original': 4113, 'orphan': 4114, 'other’s': 4115, 'ours.': 4116, 'out.': 4117, 'outcast': 4118, 'outer': 4119, 'outward': 4120, 'overheard': 4121, 'overlooked': 4122, 'overtake': 4123, 'overwhelmed': 4124, 'owned': 4125, 'owner': 4126, 'oxford': 4127, 'o’clock': 4128, 'paces': 4129, 'packthread': 4130, 'paddling': 4131, 'paid': 4132, 'palm': 4133, 'palms': 4134, 'panegyric': 4135, 'panes': 4136, 'pangs': 4137, 'papa': 4138, 'paradise': 4139, 'parched': 4140, 'pardoned': 4141, 'paris': 4142, 'paris.': 4143, 'park.': 4144, 'part.': 4145, 'partial': 4146, 'partiality': 4147, 'partly': 4148, 'party.': 4149, 'passages': 4150, 'passes': 4151, 'past.': 4152, 'pastern': 4153, 'path.': 4154, 'patient': 4155, 'paw': 4156, 'payment': 4157, 'peasant': 4158, 'peculiarly': 4159, 'pedro': 4160, 'peeping': 4161, 'pelted': 4162, 'people!': 4163, 'perceiving': 4164, 'performing': 4165, 'peril': 4166, 'permit': 4167, 'perplexed': 4168, 'persecuted': 4169, 'person.': 4170, 'personal': 4171, 'person’s': 4172, 'persuading': 4173, 'persuasions': 4174, 'perverting': 4175, 'petitions': 4176, 'phenomenon': 4177, 'philosophers.': 4178, 'physiognomy': 4179, 'picking': 4180, 'pieces.': 4181, 'pigmies': 4182, 'pillar': 4183, 'pillars': 4184, 'pinched': 4185, 'piny': 4186, 'pirate': 4187, 'pistols': 4188, 'place.': 4189, 'placing': 4190, 'plain.': 4191, 'plaited': 4192, 'plank': 4193, 'plans': 4194, 'planting': 4195, 'plates': 4196, 'playfully': 4197, 'playing': 4198, 'plaything': 4199, 'pleading': 4200, 'pleasing': 4201, 'pleasure.': 4202, 'plentiful': 4203, 'plunge': 4204, 'pointing': 4205, 'points': 4206, 'poisonous': 4207, 'poles': 4208, 'polite': 4209, 'political': 4210, 'pond': 4211, 'possessions': 4212, 'posterity.': 4213, 'pouch': 4214, 'pounds': 4215, 'pounds.': 4216, 'precaution': 4217, 'preceded': 4218, 'precious': 4219, 'precipitate': 4220, 'predictions': 4221, 'prejudice': 4222, 'prejudiced': 4223, 'prejudices': 4224, 'preparation': 4225, 'preparations': 4226, 'prescribed': 4227, 'presentiment': 4228, 'preserving': 4229, 'pretended': 4230, 'prey.': 4231, 'price': 4232, 'priests': 4233, 'prime': 4234, 'principally': 4235, 'principle': 4236, 'proceed.': 4237, 'proceeds': 4238, 'process': 4239, 'proclamation': 4240, 'prodigy': 4241, 'professed': 4242, 'profit': 4243, 'progresses': 4244, 'projector': 4245, 'projectors': 4246, 'prolonged': 4247, 'promontory': 4248, 'proof': 4249, 'propagate': 4250, 'properly': 4251, 'properties': 4252, 'proportion.': 4253, 'proposes': 4254, 'protection': 4255, 'protection.': 4256, 'protectors.': 4257, 'protested': 4258, 'proved': 4259, 'provided.': 4260, 'province': 4261, 'prow': 4262, 'prudence': 4263, 'public.': 4264, 'pulleys': 4265, 'pulleys.': 4266, 'pulse': 4267, 'punish': 4268, 'purchase': 4269, 'purposes': 4270, 'purses': 4271, 'pursuit': 4272, 'pursuits': 4273, 'pushed': 4274, 'quarter': 4275, 'question.': 4276, 'quilt': 4277, 'rabble': 4278, 'races': 4279, 'raft': 4280, 'rags': 4281, 'rallied': 4282, 'range': 4283, 'ranked': 4284, 'rapture.': 4285, 'rare': 4286, 'rarely': 4287, 'rarities': 4288, 'rays': 4289, 'reap': 4290, 'rebellion': 4291, 'recesses': 4292, 'reckoned': 4293, 'recognised': 4294, 'recollect': 4295, 'recollected': 4296, 'reconcile': 4297, 'recorded': 4298, 'redeem': 4299, 'redriff': 4300, 'refined': 4301, 'reflecting': 4302, 'reflections.': 4303, 'refrain': 4304, 'refreshed': 4305, 'regret': 4306, 'regular': 4307, 'regularity': 4308, 'regulation': 4309, 'reigned': 4310, 'rejected': 4311, 'rejoiced': 4312, 'related.': 4313, 'relates': 4314, 'relations': 4315, 'relations.': 4316, 'relative': 4317, 'relief': 4318, 'relieved': 4319, 'rely': 4320, 'remember.': 4321, 'remind': 4322, 'reminds': 4323, 'rendering': 4324, 'renders': 4325, 'renewed': 4326, 'repaired': 4327, 'repast': 4328, 'repeat': 4329, 'repeat.': 4330, 'repelling': 4331, 'repent': 4332, 'repetition': 4333, 'replaced': 4334, 'reply.': 4335, 'reported': 4336, 'represent': 4337, 'representation': 4338, 'representations': 4339, 'repugnance': 4340, 'repulsive': 4341, 'requested': 4342, 'resentment': 4343, 'reserve': 4344, 'resolution.': 4345, 'resolving': 4346, 'respectful': 4347, 'result.': 4348, 'retinue': 4349, 'retreat': 4350, 'revenge.': 4351, 'revenue': 4352, 'revisit': 4353, 'revolution': 4354, 'revolutions': 4355, 'richer': 4356, 'ride': 4357, 'rider': 4358, 'risen': 4359, 'rising': 4360, 'roared': 4361, 'rolled': 4362, 'ropes': 4363, 'rotterdam': 4364, 'rouse': 4365, 'rows': 4366, 'rubbed': 4367, 'rubbish': 4368, 'rudder': 4369, 'rudiments': 4370, 'rue': 4371, 'ruin.': 4372, 'ruins': 4373, 'rules': 4374, 'rush': 4375, 'sad.': 4376, 'sails': 4377, 'salutations': 4378, 'saluted': 4379, 'sanctity': 4380, 'sang': 4381, 'sanguinary': 4382, 'satisfy': 4383, 'save': 4384, 'saving': 4385, 'scenery': 4386, 'scent': 4387, 'scents': 4388, 'scholars': 4389, 'school-mistress': 4390, 'schoolboys': 4391, 'scope': 4392, 'scotland': 4393, 'scotland.': 4394, 'scrofulous': 4395, 'seaport': 4396, 'searching': 4397, 'seasons': 4398, 'seats': 4399, 'secluded': 4400, 'secondary': 4401, 'secretaries': 4402, 'seeming': 4403, 'seemingly': 4404, 'seizure': 4405, 'selfish': 4406, 'sell': 4407, 'senates': 4408, 'senator': 4409, 'sensible': 4410, 'sensibly': 4411, 'sensitive': 4412, 'separated': 4413, 'serious': 4414, 'sets': 4415, 'shade': 4416, 'shaded': 4417, 'shaped': 4418, 'shared': 4419, 'sharp': 4420, 'sheets': 4421, 'sheltered': 4422, 'shine': 4423, 'shipping': 4424, 'shirt': 4425, 'shirts': 4426, 'shook': 4427, 'shooting': 4428, 'short.': 4429, 'shoulder': 4430, 'shout': 4431, 'shrieked': 4432, 'shrill': 4433, 'shuddering': 4434, 'shunned': 4435, 'sickening': 4436, 'sights': 4437, 'signal': 4438, 'signed': 4439, 'signification': 4440, 'silken': 4441, 'sincere': 4442, 'sincerely': 4443, 'singular': 4444, 'singularly': 4445, 'sitting': 4446, 'situations': 4447, 'sixth': 4448, 'sixty': 4449, 'skeleton': 4450, 'slavery': 4451, 'sloop': 4452, 'slowly': 4453, 'smallest': 4454, 'smiled': 4455, 'smiles.': 4456, 'smiling': 4457, 'snows': 4458, 'snowy': 4459, 'soaring': 4460, 'society.': 4461, 'softened': 4462, 'soil': 4463, 'soldier': 4464, 'soldiers': 4465, 'solve': 4466, 'somebody': 4467, 'someone': 4468, 'sons': 4469, 'soothing': 4470, 'sorry': 4471, 'sorts': 4472, 'soul.': 4473, 'sound.': 4474, 'sour': 4475, 'south-west': 4476, 'southwards': 4477, 'spare': 4478, 'sparrow': 4479, 'speak.': 4480, 'spears': 4481, 'spectacle': 4482, 'spectre': 4483, 'speculation': 4484, 'speculative': 4485, 'spider.': 4486, 'spire': 4487, 'spite': 4488, 'split': 4489, 'spoken': 4490, 'spot.': 4491, 'spring.': 4492, 'springs': 4493, 'sprugs': 4494, 'squeezed': 4495, 'st.': 4496, 'stalks': 4497, 'standard': 4498, 'starboard': 4499, 'started': 4500, 'starving': 4501, 'states': 4502, 'station': 4503, 'statute': 4504, 'stay': 4505, 'stayed': 4506, 'steep': 4507, 'steer': 4508, 'steered': 4509, 'stick.': 4510, 'stile': 4511, 'stock': 4512, 'stool': 4513, 'stopping': 4514, 'store': 4515, 'stories': 4516, 'strangled': 4517, 'strasburgh': 4518, 'straw.': 4519, 'stream.': 4520, 'streams': 4521, 'strength.': 4522, 'strewed': 4523, 'strictest': 4524, 'strikes': 4525, 'striving': 4526, 'stroking': 4527, 'struldbrug': 4528, 'studying': 4529, 'stumps': 4530, 'stupendous': 4531, 'stupid': 4532, 'subservient': 4533, 'subsisted': 4534, 'succeed': 4535, 'sufferings.': 4536, 'sufficiently': 4537, 'summits': 4538, 'sunbeams': 4539, 'supper': 4540, 'supplicating': 4541, 'supposition': 4542, 'suspect': 4543, 'suspense': 4544, 'suspicion': 4545, 'sustain': 4546, 'sustained.': 4547, 'swept': 4548, 'swiftness': 4549, 'swiss': 4550, 'syllable.': 4551, 'sympathies': 4552, 'table.': 4553, 'talent': 4554, 'talents': 4555, 'talked': 4556, 'talons.': 4557, 'tame': 4558, 'tapped': 4559, 'tartary': 4560, 'taste.': 4561, 'tasted': 4562, 'taxed': 4563, 'teaching': 4564, 'tempest': 4565, 'temptation': 4566, 'tended': 4567, 'tender': 4568, 'terminated': 4569, 'terms.': 4570, 'terrified': 4571, 'thank': 4572, 'thanked': 4573, 'theirs.': 4574, 'them)': 4575, 'them:': 4576, 'therein': 4577, 'this:': 4578, 'thoroughly': 4579, 'thousands': 4580, 'thread': 4581, 'threads': 4582, 'threats': 4583, 'thrice': 4584, 'thrill': 4585, 'thrust': 4586, 'thunder.': 4587, 'thyself': 4588, 'time.': 4589, 'tincture': 4590, 'toe': 4591, 'toils.': 4592, 'tomb': 4593, 'tones': 4594, 'tongue.': 4595, 'tongues': 4596, 'tonquin': 4597, 'top-mast': 4598, 'topmast': 4599, 'tormenting': 4600, 'torture.': 4601, 'tortured': 4602, 'tortures': 4603, 'touch': 4604, 'touching': 4605, 'tract': 4606, 'trades': 4607, 'trained': 4608, 'trampling': 4609, 'tranquillity.': 4610, 'translate': 4611, 'translation': 4612, 'traverse': 4613, 'traversed': 4614, 'tread': 4615, 'treasure': 4616, 'treble': 4617, 'trees.': 4618, 'tremble': 4619, 'trencher': 4620, 'trifling': 4621, 'trod': 4622, 'troublesome': 4623, 'truest': 4624, 'trusty': 4625, 'tubes': 4626, 'tumbling': 4627, 'turk': 4628, 'turkey': 4629, 'tutor': 4630, 'twenty.': 4631, 'unbound': 4632, 'uncertain': 4633, 'uncommon': 4634, 'unconscious': 4635, 'uncontrollable': 4636, 'understand.': 4637, 'understanding.': 4638, 'undertaking': 4639, 'undone': 4640, 'unearthly': 4641, 'uneasy': 4642, 'unfair': 4643, 'unfolded': 4644, 'unfortunately': 4645, 'unhappy?': 4646, 'united': 4647, 'university.': 4648, 'unjustly': 4649, 'unluckily': 4650, 'unmingled': 4651, 'untimely': 4652, 'unwilling': 4653, 'upright': 4654, 'upside': 4655, 'urchin': 4656, 'urgency': 4657, 'use:': 4658, 'uses': 4659, 'using': 4660, 'utility': 4661, 'v.': 4662, 'vainly': 4663, 'van': 4664, 'vanished': 4665, 'vary': 4666, 'vehicle': 4667, 'veins': 4668, 'venerable': 4669, 'veneration': 4670, 'vent': 4671, 'veracity.': 4672, 'verdant': 4673, 'vessel.': 4674, 'vicious': 4675, 'victims': 4676, 'victory': 4677, 'view.': 4678, 'viewing': 4679, 'villagers': 4680, 'vindication': 4681, 'visible': 4682, 'vision': 4683, 'voices': 4684, 'vote': 4685, 'vulgar.': 4686, 'wait': 4687, 'waking': 4688, 'wanderings': 4689, 'wanting': 4690, 'watched': 4691, 'watery': 4692, 'ways': 4693, 'wear': 4694, 'weariness': 4695, 'weasel': 4696, 'week': 4697, 'weekly': 4698, 'weeks.': 4699, 'weigh': 4700, 'weighed': 4701, 'welcomed': 4702, 'well.': 4703, 'west': 4704, 'west.': 4705, 'western': 4706, 'westward': 4707, 'whenever': 4708, 'whereat': 4709, 'wherefore': 4710, 'whipped': 4711, 'wickedness': 4712, 'wickedness.': 4713, 'widow': 4714, 'wildest': 4715, 'wildly': 4716, 'wilds': 4717, 'willing': 4718, 'willingly': 4719, 'wind.': 4720, 'windows.': 4721, 'wipe': 4722, 'wiping': 4723, 'wishing': 4724, 'woe': 4725, 'won': 4726, 'wonder.': 4727, 'wondering': 4728, 'word.': 4729, 'working': 4730, 'workmen': 4731, 'world.”': 4732, 'wounded': 4733, 'wreck': 4734, 'wretch.': 4735, 'wretchedness.': 4736, 'wrinkled': 4737, 'writers': 4738, 'writhed': 4739, 'writing.': 4740, 'wrong': 4741, 'wrung': 4742, 'yahoos.”': 4743, 'yard': 4744, 'yard.': 4745, 'yards.': 4746, 'yield': 4747, 'youngest': 4748, 'youthful': 4749, '’': 4750, '“and': 4751, '“are': 4752, '“at': 4753, '“do': 4754, '“felix': 4755, '“no': 4756, '“safie': 4757, '“since': 4758, '“these': 4759, '“we': 4760, '“why': 4761, '“‘that': 4762})
In [23]:
word_2_idx = dict(e[3])
idx_2_word = {}
for k,v in word_2_idx.items():
  idx_2_word[v] = k
In [24]:
train_iterator, test_iterator = BucketIterator.splits(
    (train_data, test_data), batch_size=32, device=device
In [25]:
print(f"Number of training examples: {len(train_data.examples)}")
print(f"Number of testing examples: {len(test_data.examples)}")

Number of training examples: 8966
Number of testing examples: 2989
dict_keys(['eng', 'crowd'])
dict_values([['from', 'the', 'back', 'of', 'which', 'were', 'extended', 'twenty', 'long', 'poles'], ['schlioncy', 'yoik', 'mccruems', 'zally', 'koirry', 'schneiald', 'chix', 'wheians', 'veurg', 'spaash', 'blountz', 'draests', 'mcnaens', 'truids', 'thionk']])
In [26]:
count = 0
max_len_eng = []
max_len_crowd = []
for data in train_data:
  if count < 10 :
    print("CrowdTalk - ",*data.crowd, " Length - ", len(data.crowd))
    print("English - ",*data.eng, " Length - ", len(data.eng))
  count += 1

print("Maximum Length of English sentence {} and CrowdTalk sentence {} in the dataset".format(max(max_len_eng),max(max_len_crowd)))
print("Minimum Length of English sentence {} and CrowdTalk sentence {} in the dataset".format(min(max_len_eng),min(max_len_crowd)))
CrowdTalk -  sooc kniousts tsiens schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors stiird  Length -  8
English -  was placed on the floor  Length -  5

CrowdTalk -  squiend sriohl wheians veurg sauew cycluiedly flueh hydriouz sprauedy  Length -  9
English -  which i answered in great humility  Length -  6

CrowdTalk -  mcnaiaks traff synohl mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix synoags cyclat fraipp scraiosh luag rhairk spreerts gnoirk cziourk sheiaty schwauh szaiabs cycluiedly flueh psychioud syneens hrobs  Length -  24
English -  that six of his majesty’s greatest scholars should be employed to instruct me in their language  Length -  16

CrowdTalk -  vux reork schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty dynoact  Length -  7
English -  seemingly incommoded by the burden  Length -  5

CrowdTalk -  toirts choolt wraiorn tiontly dieung spieth xauenn treuns schleangly pfuots squiend sriohl swuasp gnoirk cziourk jaests  Length -  16
English -  but presently he calmed himself and proceeded— “i intended to reason.  Length -  11

CrowdTalk -  schlioncy yoik mccruems zally koirry schneiald chix wheians veurg spaash blountz draests mcnaens truids thionk  Length -  15
English -  from the back of which were extended twenty long poles  Length -  10

CrowdTalk -  treuns schleangly phaiodly czogy stoorty gnoirk cziourk gniedy schlioncy yoik ghuags  Length -  11
English -  and stood by to hand the fore-sail  Length -  7

CrowdTalk -  squiend sriohl mcfoirly phost floff naan gnoably treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl  Length -  11
English -  i waded with what haste i could  Length -  7

CrowdTalk -  zan qeems schlioncy yoik pheauds schneiald chix mcmoirst  Length -  8
English -  taller than the sons of men  Length -  6

CrowdTalk -  mcgeeld xeech schniery schlungly qiobly  Length -  5
English -  where we saw mont salêve  Length -  5

Maximum Length of English sentence 25 and CrowdTalk sentence 39 in the dataset
Minimum Length of English sentence 5 and CrowdTalk sentence 5 in the dataset
In [27]:
count = 0
for data in train_iterator:
  if count < 1 :
    print("Shapes", data.crowd.shape, data.eng.shape)
    print("CrowdTalk - ",*data.crowd, " Length - ", len(data.crowd))
    print("English - ",*data.eng, " Length - ", len(data.eng))
    temp_crowd = data.crowd
    temp_eng = data.eng
    count += 1
Shapes torch.Size([29, 32]) torch.Size([22, 32])

CrowdTalk -  tensor([ 522,  193,    2,   13,   43,   10,   14,    7, 2663,   69,    7,  341,
          10,    7,    7,   27,   20,   16,  125,   43,    0,   10,    7,   27,
          80,    2,   27,  165,   27,   37,   39,   58], device='cuda:0') tensor([  16, 2458,    3,   12,   42,   11,   15,    6,   40,   68,    6,   19,
          11,    6,    6,   26,   21,   17,  698,   42,    2,   11,    6,   26,
          81,    3,   26,  297,   26,   36,   38,   59], device='cuda:0') tensor([  17,   13,    7,  776,   32,  819,  579,   58,   41,  267,  110,   18,
         114,  149, 2908,   89,   19,  177,    0,    2,    3,   76,  592,    2,
         179,   25,    2,   13,   62,   45,   49,  200], device='cuda:0') tensor([ 140,   12,    6,  264,   33, 1367,   19,   59,   82,  592,  113,    2,
         658,  152,   35,   27,   18, 1141,  190,    3,  537,   77,   95,    3,
        2729,   24,    3,   12,   63,   44,   48,  196], device='cuda:0') tensor([3394,   16, 1082,    5,   19, 2606,   18,   19, 1744,    9,   61,    3,
          10,   61,   34,   26,   10,   80,  613,  826, 2090,   45,  177, 3729,
          22,    0, 1054, 1049,   10,   76,  907,   22], device='cuda:0') tensor([3602,   17,    5,    4,   18,    5,    2,   18,  783,    8,   60, 1639,
          11,   60,   14,  149,   11,   81,  368,    7,   25,   44,    0, 2221,
          23,    5,  454,    2,   11,   77,    2,   23], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1, 1142,    4, 2690,  315,    4,    3,    9,    7,  236,    2,   10,
          19,   14,   15,   10,  420,  383,    2,    6,   24, 1634,   10,    5,
         162,    4,   35,    3,  336,  744,    3,   64], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   79, 1149,    1,  201,    2,  108,    8,    6,   13,    3,   11,
          18,   15,  579,   11,    9,   27,    3, 1152,   14,  208,   11,    4,
          10,   69,   34,    9,  248,   28,   52,   65], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   78,    5,    1,   85,    3, 1213,   22, 3080,   12,   16,  228,
         891,  752,    7,   30,    8,   26,    0,    2,   15,    2,  124,   99,
          11,   68,  125,    8,    1,   29,   53,   89], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,  113,    4,    1,    2, 4252, 1442,   23, 1323, 3693,   17, 2782,
           2,    1,    6,   31,    0,  292,    1,    3,  238,    3,   30,  385,
        1388, 1642, 1424, 1938,    1,  713,   88, 2288], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1, 4313,  367,    1,    3, 2458,    7,  193,    1,    5, 2536,   51,
           3,    1,  492, 3388,    1,   27,    1,    5, 1417,   25,   31,    5,
         197,  904,  582,    1,    1,    1,  787,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   51,    1,    1,   40,   30,    6,    2,    1,    4,    5,   50,
         112,    1,    1,    2,    1,   26,    1,    4,    1,   24, 1014,    4,
        3378,    1, 1185,    1,    1,    1,  386,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   50,    1,    1,   41,   31, 2892,    3,    1, 1017,    4,   73,
         273,    1,    1,    3,    1,  438,    1,  150,    1, 2816,    1,   39,
          16,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   13,    1,    1,  253,   10,   10, 1435,    1,   93,    0,   72,
           1,    1,    1,   16,    1,   62,    1,    1,    1,    5,    1,   38,
          17,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   12,    1,    1, 1028,   11,   11,    5,    1,   91, 4328,    5,
           1,    1,    1,   17,    1,   63,    1,    1,    1,    4,    1,   19,
         145,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1, 1286,    1,    1,    1,  669,   39,    4,    1,   14,    7,    4,
           1,    1,    1,  969,    1,  720,    1,    1,    1,  384,    1,   18,
           0,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   38, 1164,    1,   15,    6,  108,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,  222,    1,    1,    1, 2694,    1,   10,
          27,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,  786, 2699,    1,    5, 4442,    2,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   80,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   11,
          26,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   35,    5,    1,    4,    5,    3,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   81,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 4023,
          13,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   34,    4,    1, 1818,    4,  855,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
          12,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 3811,  380,    1,    1,    0,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
        3451,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 1826,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
          20,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 1421,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
          21,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([  1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1, 178,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1], device='cuda:0') tensor([  1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   3,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1, 147,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   51,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
        1366,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([ 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 50,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
         1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 96,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1],
       device='cuda:0') tensor([  1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1, 289,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1, 917,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
        1642,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0')  Length -  29

English -  tensor([ 412,  128,    4,    7,   22,    6,    8,    4, 2740,   36,    4,  255,
           6,    4,    4,   16,   11,    9,    0,   22,    0,    6,    4,   16,
          43,   13,   16,   69,   16,   17,   20,   30], device='cuda:0') tensor([   9, 3129,    2,  639,   19,  778,  435,   30,   21,  188,   94,   10,
          95,   67, 2821,   78,    6,   68,  750,    2,    2,   39,  486,    2,
         120,    2,    2,  207,    6,   39,   25,  133], device='cuda:0') tensor([  55,    9, 1001,  185,   10, 1469,   10,   10,   41,  486,   51,    2,
         540,   61,   18,   16,   10, 1570,    0,  712,  420,   23,   45, 4012,
        2889,    0,  896,    7,   32,   23,  859,  125], device='cuda:0') tensor([4286,    7,    3,    3,  252, 2470,    2,    5, 1965,    5,   31, 1412,
           6,   31,    8,   67,  322,   43,  127,    4, 2183, 1535,   68, 2162,
          12,    3,  346,  880,  246,  632,   27,   12], device='cuda:0') tensor([3884, 1231,  987, 3757,  126,    3,   91,   12,  646,  147,    9,    6,
          10,    8,  435,    6,    5,  302,  502, 1189,   13,   85,    0,    3,
          67,   36,   18,    5,  163,   14,    2,   33], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   40,    3,    1,   47,    2, 1234,  128,    4,    7,    2,  148,
         770,  913,    4,   15,    0,   16,  269,    3,    8,   13,    6,   45,
           6, 1798,   53,    2,    1,  670,   75,   78], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   51,  280,    1,   21, 4201, 1265,    2, 2527, 3314, 2196, 3157,
          50,    1,  426, 4419,    1,  200,    2,    2,   71,    2,   15,  304,
        1312,  761, 1284,    0,    1,    1,  633, 2017], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1, 3283,    1,    1,    2, 3129,    4, 1885, 1537,    3,    3,   26,
           2,    1,    1,    9,    1,   16,    0,  118, 1336, 2757,   54,    3,
          58,    1,  463,    1,    1,    1,  347,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,   26,    1,    1,  166,    6, 2999,    3,    1,  885,    0,   42,
        1845,    1,    1,    2,    1,  367,    1,    1,    1,    3,    0,   20,
        3897,    1, 1121,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    7,    1,    1, 1047,   15,   20, 1008,    1,   44, 4056,    3,
           1,    1,    1, 3416,    1,   32,    1,    1,    1,  284,    1,    6,
           9,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    0,    1,    1,    1,  593,    6, 2642,    1,   46,    4,    2,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,  641,    1,    1,    1,    0,    1,   10,
          64,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,  648,    3,    1,    3, 3972,   91,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   81,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 4635,
           0,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([  1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,  18, 373,   1,   8,   3, 819,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,  43,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,  16,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    0, 1656,    1, 1678,    0,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           7,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 1251,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
        4249,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([ 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 26,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
         1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 11,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1],
       device='cuda:0') tensor([ 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
         1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 64,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1],
       device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 1737,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
          68,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
           1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
        1237,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1], device='cuda:0') tensor([ 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
         1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 48,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1],
       device='cuda:0') tensor([  1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1, 768,   1,   1,   1,
          1,   1,   1,   1], device='cuda:0') tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
        0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], device='cuda:0')  Length -  22
In [28]:
temp_eng_idx = (temp_eng).cpu().detach().numpy()
temp_crowd_idx = (temp_crowd).cpu().detach().numpy()
In [29]:
df_eng_idx = pd.DataFrame(data = temp_eng_idx, columns = [str("S_")+str(x) for x in np.arange(1, 33)])
df_eng_idx.index.name = 'Time Steps'
df_eng_idx.index = df_eng_idx.index + 1 
S_1 S_2 S_3 S_4 S_5 S_6 S_7 S_8 S_9 S_10 S_11 S_12 S_13 S_14 S_15 S_16 S_17 S_18 S_19 S_20 S_21 S_22 S_23 S_24 S_25 S_26 S_27 S_28 S_29 S_30 S_31 S_32
Time Steps
1 412 128 4 7 22 6 8 4 2740 36 4 255 6 4 4 16 11 9 0 22 0 6 4 16 43 13 16 69 16 17 20 30
2 9 3129 2 639 19 778 435 30 21 188 94 10 95 67 2821 78 6 68 750 2 2 39 486 2 120 2 2 207 6 39 25 133
3 55 9 1001 185 10 1469 10 10 41 486 51 2 540 61 18 16 10 1570 0 712 420 23 45 4012 2889 0 896 7 32 23 859 125
4 4286 7 3 3 252 2470 2 5 1965 5 31 1412 6 31 8 67 322 43 127 4 2183 1535 68 2162 12 3 346 880 246 632 27 12
5 3884 1231 987 3757 126 3 91 12 646 147 9 6 10 8 435 6 5 302 502 1189 13 85 0 3 67 36 18 5 163 14 2 33
6 1 40 3 1 47 2 1234 128 4 7 2 148 770 913 4 15 0 16 269 3 8 13 6 45 6 1798 53 2 1 670 75 78
7 1 51 280 1 21 4201 1265 2 2527 3314 2196 3157 50 1 426 4419 1 200 2 2 71 2 15 304 1312 761 1284 0 1 1 633 2017
8 1 3283 1 1 2 3129 4 1885 1537 3 3 26 2 1 1 9 1 16 0 118 1336 2757 54 3 58 1 463 1 1 1 347 1
9 1 26 1 1 166 6 2999 3 1 885 0 42 1845 1 1 2 1 367 1 1 1 3 0 20 3897 1 1121 1 1 1 1 1
10 1 7 1 1 1047 15 20 1008 1 44 4056 3 1 1 1 3416 1 32 1 1 1 284 1 6 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 1 0 1 1 1 593 6 2642 1 46 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 641 1 1 1 0 1 10 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 1 1 1 1 1 1 648 3 1 3 3972 91 1 1 1 1 1 81 1 1 1 1 1 4635 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 373 1 8 3 819 1 1 1 1 1 43 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1656 1 1678 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1251 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4249 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1737 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 68 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1237 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 768 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
In [30]:
df_eng_word = pd.DataFrame(columns = [str("S_")+str(x) for x in np.arange(1, 33)])
df_eng_word = df_eng_idx.replace(idx_2_word)
S_1 S_2 S_3 S_4 S_5 S_6 S_7 S_8 S_9 S_10 S_11 S_12 S_13 S_14 S_15 S_16 S_17 S_18 S_19 S_20 S_21 S_22 S_23 S_24 S_25 S_26 S_27 S_28 S_29 S_30 S_31 S_32
Time Steps
1 except like and a but i my and guided her and neither i and and as that in <unk> but <unk> i and as you with as about as he which this
2 in visions the further it grew bed this by majesty found was now if linen much i other brother the the could used the must the the half i could they thought
3 very in pay account was heartily was was an used we the perceived these for as was studies <unk> noise proper not some mechanical pardon <unk> period a have not eat gave
4 rare a of of carried ashamed the to ardent to were covering i were my if forced you has and keys rank other impulse me of fixed league already continue at me
5 instances dream ministers glubbdubdrib. against of same me imagination put in i was my bed i to go just astonishment with myself <unk> of if her for to said his the so
6 <pad> when of <pad> him the dry like and a the sometimes fallen sensations and had <unk> as got of my with i some i neglected our the <pad> tale most much
7 <pad> we state <pad> by pleasing grass the childish bit latitude wore into <pad> table shared <pad> far the the two the had power regard daughter marriage <unk> <pad> <pad> convenient comfort
8 <pad> awake <pad> <pad> the visions and torture reasoning of of on the <pad> <pad> in <pad> as <unk> people sticks herd been of any <pad> drew <pad> <pad> <pad> hours <pad>
9 <pad> on <pad> <pad> whole i sea-weed of <pad> meat <unk> them sea. <pad> <pad> the <pad> others <pad> <pad> <pad> of <unk> which interruption <pad> nearer <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
10 <pad> a <pad> <pad> board had which single <pad> upon n. of <pad> <pad> <pad> command.” <pad> have <pad> <pad> <pad> common <pad> i in <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
11 <pad> <unk> <pad> <pad> <pad> formed i drops <pad> one and the <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> gone <pad> <pad> <pad> <unk> <pad> was your <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
12 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> intended of <pad> of longitude same <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> before <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> unconscious <unk> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
13 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> for water <pad> my of shape <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> you <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> as <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
14 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <unk> continually <pad> dishes <unk> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> a <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
15 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> falling <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> proof <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
16 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> on <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> that <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
17 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> the <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> your <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
18 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> head. <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> other <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
19 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> duties <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
20 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> are <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
21 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> equally <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>
22 <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <unk> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad> <pad>

Model Building:

Encoder for LSTM:

In [31]:
class EncoderLSTM(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, input_size, embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, p):
    super(EncoderLSTM, self).__init__()

    # Dimension of the NN's inside the lstm cell/ (hs,cs)'s dimension.
    self.hidden_size = hidden_size

    # Number of layers in the lstm
    self.num_layers = num_layers

    # Regularization parameter
    self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p)
    self.tag = True

    # Shape --------------------> (5376, 300) [input size, embedding dims]
    self.embedding = nn.Embedding(input_size, embedding_size)
    # Shape -----------> (300, 2, 1024) [embedding dims, hidden size, num layers]
    self.LSTM = nn.LSTM(embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, dropout = p)

  # Shape of x (26, 32) [Sequence_length, batch_size]
  def forward(self, x):

    # Shape -----------> (26, 32, 300) [Sequence_length , batch_size , embedding dims]
    embedding = self.dropout(self.embedding(x))
    # Shape --> outputs (26, 32, 1024) [Sequence_length , batch_size , hidden_size]
    # Shape --> (hs, cs) (2, 32, 1024) , (2, 32, 1024) [num_layers, batch_size size, hidden_size]
    outputs, (hidden_state, cell_state) = self.LSTM(embedding)

    return hidden_state, cell_state

input_size_encoder = len(crowdtalk.vocab)
encoder_embedding_size = 300
hidden_size = 1024
num_layers = 2
encoder_dropout = 0.5

encoder_lstm = EncoderLSTM(input_size_encoder, encoder_embedding_size,
                           hidden_size, num_layers, encoder_dropout).to(device)
  (dropout): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
  (embedding): Embedding(4530, 300)
  (LSTM): LSTM(300, 1024, num_layers=2, dropout=0.5)

Decoder for LSTM:

In [32]:
class DecoderLSTM(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, input_size, embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, p, output_size):
    super(DecoderLSTM, self).__init__()

    # Dimension of the NN's inside the lstm cell/ (hs,cs)'s dimension.
    self.hidden_size = hidden_size

    # Number of layers in the lstm
    self.num_layers = num_layers

    # Size of the one hot vectors that will be the output to the encoder (English Vocab Size)
    self.output_size = output_size

    # Regularization parameter
    self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p)
    self.embedding = nn.Embedding(input_size, embedding_size)
    self.LSTM = nn.LSTM(embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, dropout = p)
    self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)

  # Shape of x (32) [batch_size]
  def forward(self, x, hidden_state, cell_state):
    x = x.unsqueeze(0)
    embedding = self.dropout(self.embedding(x))
    outputs, (hidden_state, cell_state) = self.LSTM(embedding, (hidden_state, cell_state))

    # Shape --> predictions (1, 32, 4556) [ 1, batch_size , output_size]
    predictions = self.fc(outputs)

    # Shape --> predictions (32, 4556) [batch_size , output_size]
    predictions = predictions.squeeze(0)

    return predictions, hidden_state, cell_state

input_size_decoder = len(english.vocab)
decoder_embedding_size = 300
hidden_size = 1024
num_layers = 2
decoder_dropout = 0.5
output_size = len(english.vocab)

decoder_lstm = DecoderLSTM(input_size_decoder, decoder_embedding_size,
                           hidden_size, num_layers, decoder_dropout,
  (dropout): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
  (embedding): Embedding(4763, 300)
  (LSTM): LSTM(300, 1024, num_layers=2, dropout=0.5)
  (fc): Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=4763, bias=True)
In [33]:
for batch in train_iterator:

x = batch.eng[1]
torch.Size([30, 32])
torch.Size([19, 32])
tensor([   2,    8,    6, 3274,   80, 1010, 2152,   62,    7,   32, 4548,   60,
          10, 1531,  115,    7,   15,    6,   43,   18,  104,   67,   34, 1188,
          20,  918,   64,    8, 3396,   19, 1373,  930], device='cuda:0')

Seq2Seq (Encoder + Decoder):

In [34]:
class Seq2Seq(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, Encoder_LSTM, Decoder_LSTM):
    super(Seq2Seq, self).__init__()
    self.Encoder_LSTM = Encoder_LSTM
    self.Decoder_LSTM = Decoder_LSTM

  def forward(self, source, target, tfr=0.5):
    batch_size = source.shape[1]
    target_len = target.shape[0]
    target_vocab_size = len(english.vocab)

    outputs = torch.zeros(target_len, batch_size, target_vocab_size).to(device)
    hidden_state, cell_state = self.Encoder_LSTM(source)

    # Shape of x (32 elements)
    x = target[0] # Trigger token <SOS>

    for i in range(1, target_len):
      # Shape --> output (32, 5766) 
      output, hidden_state, cell_state = self.Decoder_LSTM(x, hidden_state, cell_state)
      outputs[i] = output
      best_guess = output.argmax(1) # 0th dimension is batch size, 1st dimension is word embedding
      x = target[i] if random.random() < tfr else best_guess # Either pass the next word correctly from the dataset or use the earlier predicted word
    return outputs
In [53]:
learning_rate = 0.001
writer = SummaryWriter(f"runs/loss_plot")
step = 0

model = Seq2Seq(encoder_lstm, decoder_lstm).to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

pad_idx = english.vocab.stoi["<pad>"]
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=pad_idx)
In [54]:
def translate_sentence(model, sentence, crowdtalk, english, device, max_length=100):

    if type(sentence) == str:
        tokens = [token.text.lower() for token in tokenizer(sentence)]
        tokens = [token.lower() for token in sentence]
    tokens.insert(0, crowdtalk.init_token)
    text_to_indices = [crowdtalk.vocab.stoi[token] for token in tokens]
    sentence_tensor = torch.LongTensor(text_to_indices).unsqueeze(1).to(device)

    # Build encoder hidden, cell state
    with torch.no_grad():
        hidden, cell = model.Encoder_LSTM(sentence_tensor)

    outputs = [english.vocab.stoi["<sos>"]]

    for _ in range(max_length):
        previous_word = torch.LongTensor([outputs[-1]]).to(device)

        with torch.no_grad():
            output, hidden, cell = model.Decoder_LSTM(previous_word, hidden, cell)
            best_guess = output.argmax(1).item()


        # Model predicts it's the end of the sentence
        if output.argmax(1).item() == english.vocab.stoi["<eos>"]:

    translated_sentence = [english.vocab.itos[idx] for idx in outputs]
    return translated_sentence[1:]

def bleu(data, model, crowdtalk, english, device):
    targets = []
    outputs = []

    for example in data:
        crowd = vars(example)["crowd"]
        eng = vars(example)["eng"]

        prediction = translate_sentence(model, crowd, crowdtalk, english, device)
        prediction = prediction[:-1]  # remove <eos> token


    return bleu_score(outputs, targets)

def checkpoint_and_save(model, best_loss, epoch, optimizer, epoch_loss):
    state = {'model': model,'best_loss': best_loss,'epoch': epoch,'rng_state': torch.get_rng_state(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),}
    torch.save(state, '/content/Model-V1')
In [58]:
'upon this ladder one of them mounted'
In [59]:
epoch_loss = 0.0
num_epochs = 5
best_loss = 999999
best_epoch = -1
sentence1 = "wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts"
ts1  = []

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
  print("Epoch - {} / {}".format(epoch+1, num_epochs))
  translated_sentence1 = translate_sentence(model, sentence1, crowdtalk, english, device, max_length=100)
  print(f"Original Sentence: \n {sentence1}")
  print(f"Translated example sentence 1: \n {translated_sentence1}")

  for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(train_iterator):
    input = batch.crowd.to(device)
    target = batch.eng.to(device)

    # Pass the input and target for model's forward method
    output = model(input, target)
    output = output[1:].reshape(-1, output.shape[2])
    target = target[1:].reshape(-1)

    # Clear the accumulating gradients

    # Calculate the loss value for every epoch
    loss = criterion(output, target)

    # Calculate the gradients for weights & biases using back-propagation

    # Clip the gradient value if it exceeds > 1
    torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0)

    # Update the weights values using the gradients we calculated using bp 
    step += 1
    epoch_loss += loss.item()
    writer.add_scalar("Training loss", loss, global_step=step)

  if epoch_loss < best_loss:
    best_loss = epoch_loss
    best_epoch = epoch
    checkpoint_and_save(model, best_loss, epoch, optimizer, epoch_loss) 
    if ((epoch - best_epoch) >= 10):
      print("no improvement in 10 epochs, break")
  print("Epoch_Loss - {}".format(loss.item()))
print(epoch_loss / len(train_iterator))

score = bleu(test_data[1:100], model, crowdtalk, english, device)
print(f"Bleu score {score*100:.2f}")
Epoch - 1 / 5
Original Sentence: 
 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts
Translated example sentence 1: 
 ['this', 'this', 'of', 'them', 'them', 'them', '<unk>']

Epoch_Loss - 1.5663260221481323

Epoch - 2 / 5
Original Sentence: 
 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts
Translated example sentence 1: 
 ['this', 'this', 'this', 'of', 'them', '<unk>']
Epoch_Loss - 1.742606520652771

Epoch - 3 / 5
Original Sentence: 
 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts
Translated example sentence 1: 
 ['this', 'this', 'this', 'of', 'them', 'among', 'them', '<unk>']
Epoch_Loss - 1.4115256071090698

Epoch - 4 / 5
Original Sentence: 
 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts
Translated example sentence 1: 
 ['this', 'this', 'this', 'of', 'them', 'among', 'them', '<unk>']
Epoch_Loss - 1.3121858835220337

Epoch - 5 / 5
Original Sentence: 
 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix loir schloors rhiuny pfaiacts
Translated example sentence 1: 
 ['this', 'this', 'this', 'of', 'them', 'among', 'them', '<unk>']
Epoch_Loss - 0.962820291519165

Bleu score 2.99

Prediction Phase ✈

In [60]:
from nltk.tokenize.treebank import TreebankWordDetokenizer
data = test_df.crowdtalk.values
prediction = []
progress = []
for i in data:
  translated_sentence = translate_sentence(model, i, crowdtalk, english, device, max_length=50)
In [62]:
test_df['prediction'] = prediction
In [63]:
id crowdtalk prediction
0 27226 treuns schleangly throuys praests qeipp cyclui... and made two account of my <unk>
1 31034 feosch treuns schleangly gliath spluiey gheuck... and <unk>
2 35270 scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl clield whaioght... this i had on on my <unk>
3 23380 sqaups schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk schnaunk ... me the honour to to not able to <unk>
4 92117 schlioncy yoik psycheiancy mcountz pously mcna... the old princes that that <unk>
In [64]:
!rm -rf assets
!mkdir assets
test_df.to_csv(os.path.join("assets", "submission.csv"), index=False)
In [ ]:
%aicrowd notebook submit -c lingua-franca-translation -a assets --no-verify
In [ ]:


About 3 years ago

Score = 0.000 Graded successfully! Why?

About 3 years ago

Comment deleted by Bryon_Diaz.

About 3 years ago

Comment deleted by Bryon_Diaz.

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