
Lingua Franca Translation

Solution for submission 171023

A detailed solution for submission 171023 submitted for challenge Lingua Franca Translation


Getting Started with Lingua Franca Translation

In this puzzle, we've to translate to english from crowd-talk language. There are multiple ways to build the language translator:

  • Using Dictionary and Mapping
  • Using LSTM
  • Using Transformers

In this starter notebook, we'll go with dictionary and mapping. Here We'll create dictionary of words for both english and crowd-talk language.

Download the files 💾

Download AIcrowd CLI

We will first install aicrowd-cli which will help you download and later make submission directly via the notebook.

In [1]:
!pip install aicrowd-cli
%load_ext aicrowd.magic

Login to AIcrowd ㊗

In [2]:
%aicrowd login
Please login here: https://api.aicrowd.com/auth/wyqieRJxMOaibLRRk7p_31k0czoz8Z2OpIynkJncWds
API Key valid
Saved API Key successfully!

Download Dataset

We will create a folder name data and download the files there.

In [21]:
!rm -rf data
!mkdir data
%aicrowd ds dl -c lingua-franca-translation -o data

Importing Necessary Libraries

In [22]:
import os
import pandas as pd

import gensim
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

Diving in the dataset:

In [23]:
train_df = pd.read_csv("data/train.csv")
In [24]:
id crowdtalk english
0 31989 wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix lo... upon this ladder one of them mounted
1 29884 treuns schleangly kriaors draotz pfiews schlio... and solicited at the court of Augustus to be p...
2 26126 toirts choolt chiugy knusm squiend sriohl gheold but how am I sunk!
3 44183 schlioncy yoik yahoos dynuewn maery schlioncy ... the Yahoos draw home the sheaves in carriages
4 19108 treuns schleangly tsiens mcgaantz schmeecks tr... and placed his hated hands before my eyes


In [25]:
!pip install simpletransformers
Requirement already satisfied: simpletransformers in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.63.3)
Requirement already satisfied: seqeval in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.2.2)
Requirement already satisfied: sentencepiece in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (0.1.96)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.47.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (4.62.3)
Requirement already satisfied: transformers>=4.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (4.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: regex in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (2019.12.20)
Requirement already satisfied: streamlit in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: wandb>=0.10.32 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (0.12.9)
Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (2.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (0.10.3)
Requirement already satisfied: datasets in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.17.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (2.27.0)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from simpletransformers) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (4.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (0.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (3.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (21.3)
Requirement already satisfied: sacremoses in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (0.0.46)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.1.0->transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=3.0.5,>=2.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from packaging>=20.0->transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (3.0.6)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: sentry-sdk>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (1.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: yaspin>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (2.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: configparser>=3.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (5.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: docker-pycreds>=0.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (0.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.12.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (3.17.3)
Requirement already satisfied: subprocess32>=3.5.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (3.5.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pathtools in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil>=5.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (5.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: promise<3,>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (2.3)
Requirement already satisfied: GitPython>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (3.1.18)
Requirement already satisfied: shortuuid>=0.5.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (1.0.8)
Requirement already satisfied: Click!=8.0.0,>=7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (7.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: gitdb<5,>=4.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from GitPython>=1.0.0->wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (4.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: smmap<6,>=3.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from gitdb<5,>=4.0.1->GitPython>=1.0.0->wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (5.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->simpletransformers) (2021.10.8)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->simpletransformers) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->simpletransformers) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->simpletransformers) (2.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: termcolor<2.0.0,>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from yaspin>=1.0.0->wandb>=0.10.32->simpletransformers) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: xxhash in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from datasets->simpletransformers) (2.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from datasets->simpletransformers) (3.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec[http]>=2021.05.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from datasets->simpletransformers) (2021.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: dill in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from datasets->simpletransformers) (0.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow!=4.0.0,>=3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from datasets->simpletransformers) (3.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: multiprocess in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from datasets->simpletransformers) (
Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (21.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (1.7.2)
Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0.0a3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (4.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (5.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: asynctest==0.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets->simpletransformers) (0.13.0)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from importlib-metadata->transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (3.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pandas->simpletransformers) (2018.9)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from sacremoses->transformers>=4.6.0->simpletransformers) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from scikit-learn->simpletransformers) (3.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: base58 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: altair>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (4.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pydeck>=0.1.dev5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: astor in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (7.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: blinker in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pympler>=0.9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: validators in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.18.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cachetools>=4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (4.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: tzlocal in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: toml in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.10.2)
Requirement already satisfied: watchdog in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (2.1.6)
Requirement already satisfied: tornado>=5.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from streamlit->simpletransformers) (5.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from altair>=3.2.0->streamlit->simpletransformers) (2.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from altair>=3.2.0->streamlit->simpletransformers) (2.11.3)
Requirement already satisfied: toolz in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from altair>=3.2.0->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.11.2)
Requirement already satisfied: entrypoints in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from altair>=3.2.0->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ipykernel>=5.1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (6.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ipywidgets>=7.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (7.6.5)
Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=4.3.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (5.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib-inline<0.2.0,>=0.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ipython>=7.23.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (7.30.1)
Requirement already satisfied: jupyter-client<8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (5.3.5)
Requirement already satisfied: nest-asyncio in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.5.4)
Requirement already satisfied: debugpy<2.0,>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: argcomplete>=1.12.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.12.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=18.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (57.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jedi>=0.16 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: decorator in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (4.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.7.5)
Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (3.0.24)
Requirement already satisfied: pexpect>4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (4.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: backcall in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: ipython-genutils~=0.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jupyterlab-widgets>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (3.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: nbformat>=4.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (5.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: parso<0.9.0,>=0.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jedi>=0.16->ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.8.3)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jinja2->altair>=3.2.0->streamlit->simpletransformers) (2.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyzmq>=13 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jupyter-client<8.0->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (22.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jupyter-core>=4.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jupyter-client<8.0->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (4.9.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ptyprocess>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pexpect>4.3->ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0->ipython>=7.23.1->ipykernel>=5.1.2->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.2.5)
Requirement already satisfied: notebook>=4.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (5.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: nbconvert in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (5.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: terminado>=0.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: Send2Trash in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: bleach in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from nbconvert->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (4.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: mistune<2,>=0.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from nbconvert->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pandocfilters>=1.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from nbconvert->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (1.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: testpath in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from nbconvert->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: defusedxml in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from nbconvert->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: webencodings in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from bleach->nbconvert->notebook>=4.4.1->widgetsnbextension~=3.5.0->ipywidgets>=7.0.0->pydeck>=0.1.dev5->streamlit->simpletransformers) (0.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: werkzeug>=0.11.15 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown>=2.6.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (3.3.6)
Requirement already satisfied: google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard-plugin-wit>=1.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (1.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wheel>=0.26 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (0.37.0)
Requirement already satisfied: absl-py>=0.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (0.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: grpcio>=1.24.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (1.42.0)
Requirement already satisfied: google-auth<3,>=1.6.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (1.35.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard-data-server<0.7.0,>=0.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->simpletransformers) (0.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: rsa<5,>=3.1.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->simpletransformers) (4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->simpletransformers) (0.2.8)
Requirement already satisfied: requests-oauthlib>=0.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1->tensorboard->simpletransformers) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1<0.5.0,>=0.4.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1->google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->simpletransformers) (0.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: oauthlib>=3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-oauthlib>=0.7.0->google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1->tensorboard->simpletransformers) (3.1.1)
In [26]:
train_df.columns = ["id", "input_text", "target_text"]

train_df['prefix'] = "translate"

eval_df = train_df.tail(2955)[["prefix", "input_text", "target_text"]]
train_df = train_df.head(9000)[["prefix", "input_text", "target_text"]]

#eval_df = train_df.tail(1000)[["prefix", "input_text", "target_text"]]
#train_df = train_df.head(3000)[["prefix", "input_text", "target_text"]]

train_df.shape, eval_df.shape
((9000, 3), (2955, 3))
In [27]:
prefix input_text target_text
0 translate wraov driourth wreury hyuirf schneiald chix lo... upon this ladder one of them mounted
1 translate treuns schleangly kriaors draotz pfiews schlio... and solicited at the court of Augustus to be p...
2 translate toirts choolt chiugy knusm squiend sriohl gheold but how am I sunk!
3 translate schlioncy yoik yahoos dynuewn maery schlioncy ... the Yahoos draw home the sheaves in carriages
4 translate treuns schleangly tsiens mcgaantz schmeecks tr... and placed his hated hands before my eyes
... ... ... ...
8995 translate jauesk hyuefy liourd neaf treuns schleangly ja... nor so slow and perplexed in their conceptions...
8996 translate mcmoorth dwiountz choals tweuns kaorn schwauh ... They would often strip me naked from top to toe
8997 translate schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl threel zoiass g... “I had likewise observed another thing
8998 translate treuns schleangly scaiany thrern schlioncy yoi... and walk about the streets and fields without ...
8999 translate gioums squiend sriohl chreiast doigs geunds sc... whereof I shall find another occasion to speak.

9000 rows × 3 columns

In [27]:

In [28]:
import logging

import pandas as pd
from simpletransformers.t5 import T5Model, T5Args

transformers_logger = logging.getLogger("transformers")

# train_data = [
#     ["generate question", "Star Wars is an American epic space-opera media franchise created by George Lucas, which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon", "Who created the Star Wars franchise?"],
#     ["generate question", "Anakin was Luke's father" , "Who was Luke's father?"],
# ]
# train_df = pd.DataFrame(train_data)
# train_df.columns = ["prefix", "input_text", "target_text"]

# eval_data = [
#     ["generate question", "In 2020, the Star Wars franchise's total value was estimated at US$70 billion, and it is currently the fifth-highest-grossing media franchise of all time.", "What is the total value of the Star Wars franchise?"],
#     ["generate question", "Leia was Luke's sister" , "Who was Luke's sister?"],
# ]
# eval_df = pd.DataFrame(eval_data)
# eval_df.columns = ["prefix", "input_text", "target_text"]

# Configure the model
model_args = T5Args()
model_args.num_train_epochs = 20
model_args.no_save = True
model_args.evaluate_generated_text = True
model_args.evaluate_during_training = False
model_args.evaluate_during_training_verbose = False
model_args.overwrite_output_dir = True
model_args.save_model_every_epoch = False
model_args.save_steps = -1
model_args.silent = True

model = T5Model("t5", "t5-base", args=model_args, use_cuda=True)

# Train the model
model.train_model(train_df, eval_data=eval_df)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:3426: FutureWarning: 
`prepare_seq2seq_batch` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of HuggingFace Transformers. Use the regular
`__call__` method to prepare your inputs and the tokenizer under the `as_target_tokenizer` context manager to prepare
your targets.

Here is a short example:

model_inputs = tokenizer(src_texts, ...)
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
    labels = tokenizer(tgt_texts, ...)
model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"]

See the documentation of your specific tokenizer for more details on the specific arguments to the tokenizer of choice.
For a more complete example, see the implementation of `prepare_seq2seq_batch`.

  warnings.warn(formatted_warning, FutureWarning)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/optim/lr_scheduler.py:134: UserWarning: Detected call of `lr_scheduler.step()` before `optimizer.step()`. In PyTorch 1.1.0 and later, you should call them in the opposite order: `optimizer.step()` before `lr_scheduler.step()`.  Failure to do this will result in PyTorch skipping the first value of the learning rate schedule. See more details at https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html#how-to-adjust-learning-rate
  "https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html#how-to-adjust-learning-rate", UserWarning)
(22500, nan)
In [29]:
# Evaluate the model
result = model.eval_model(eval_df)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:3426: FutureWarning: 
`prepare_seq2seq_batch` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of HuggingFace Transformers. Use the regular
`__call__` method to prepare your inputs and the tokenizer under the `as_target_tokenizer` context manager to prepare
your targets.

Here is a short example:

model_inputs = tokenizer(src_texts, ...)
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
    labels = tokenizer(tgt_texts, ...)
model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"]

See the documentation of your specific tokenizer for more details on the specific arguments to the tokenizer of choice.
For a more complete example, see the implementation of `prepare_seq2seq_batch`.

  warnings.warn(formatted_warning, FutureWarning)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:3426: FutureWarning: 
`prepare_seq2seq_batch` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of HuggingFace Transformers. Use the regular
`__call__` method to prepare your inputs and the tokenizer under the `as_target_tokenizer` context manager to prepare
your targets.

Here is a short example:

model_inputs = tokenizer(src_texts, ...)
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
    labels = tokenizer(tgt_texts, ...)
model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"]

See the documentation of your specific tokenizer for more details on the specific arguments to the tokenizer of choice.
For a more complete example, see the implementation of `prepare_seq2seq_batch`.

  warnings.warn(formatted_warning, FutureWarning)
> toirts choolt cycleed czaurd squiend sriohl knusm xath
= But here also I am checked.
< But here I am miserable of <EOS>

> criaody sheatch schroegs tweuws hypuids flisp smauels xuann schlioncy yoik speiafy spleorry mcmiaors wheians veurg tiontly dieung priect shieurr truibly
= Two years had now nearly elapsed since the night on which he first received life
< The first he had been since since on the which which he first first first <EOS>

> squiend sriohl schlausk shoiasp wrauebs rhiorf freauth
= I wept like a child.
< I walked like a league <EOS>

> squiend sriohl shaills squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff chreiast schoutch ceuntly
= I feel that I shall soon die
< I believe that I shall soon myself <EOS>

> troeght chriaoty hypaiaks hoeff schlioncy yoik choaw treuns schleangly zaiacy mcfipt
= who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection.
< who towards him him the and and queen <EOS>

> draotz pfiews piiy hydreong squiend sriohl schlausk cyclaask treuns schleangly baurr mcnaiaks traff qeald choals spraills cycluierg triild hyiaf mcdoocts squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff squawn cheiact schloors rhiuny rheaunds treuns schleangly sproms
= At these moments I wept bitterly and wished that peace would revisit my mind only that I might afford them consolation and happiness.
< at these I I I I only and that I only my my my that that I would hear them <EOS>

> mcnaiaks traff seaut schlioncy yoik dits wheians veurg yoight mcnaiaks traff schriild
= that the same letters which compose that sentence
< that the same which which that that <EOS>

> squiend sriohl mcuafy straiav schloors rhiuny spluiey gheuck mcnatz mcgeaurg skiins claght luag rhairk schlioncy yoik peat cycluierg triild schneiald chix kloahl schieurry
= I looked upon them as superior beings who would be the arbiters of my future destiny.
< I looked upon them as the who who would be the of of my my <EOS>

> troeght spruengs mcgaantz schmeecks schroerty mccruems zally mcgaantz schmeecks pludly phost floff caith
= who drove his friend from his door with contumely?
< who fell his friend from his with with <EOS>

> treuns schleangly mckaiongs schweaung riaov friarn staatts wheians veurg schlioncy yoik mcniotts sleiarm groos tsuar schrioun schwauh szaiabs
= and thereby prevented any ill treatment which the others might have given me.
< and neither any thing which which the the have have given me me <EOS>
In [29]:

Prediction Phase ✈

In [30]:
test_df = pd.read_csv("data/test.csv")
In [31]:
test_df['crowdtalk2'] = test_df.crowdtalk.apply(lambda x: "translate: "+x)
['translate: treuns schleangly throuys praests qeipp cycluierg triild schneiald chix siess',
 'translate: feosch treuns schleangly gliath spluiey gheuck sooc kniousts squiend sriohl',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl clield whaioght spleorry mcmiaors cycluierg triild twoiasts',
 'translate: sqaups schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk schnaunk tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws schrioun schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik psycheiancy mcountz pously mcnaiaks traff schluorty',
 'translate: mcik schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk hydriour sploct schneiald chix gleums throds',
 'translate: squiend sriohl zuff squiend sriohl squawn schmach gnoirk cziourk snuiet mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry mcdiaongs gneufy gniug',
 'translate: tiontly dieung treiahl typeauty doigs cluierg sriaocs scuass choash mcgeesh schmoub schlioncy yoik yahoos schneiald chix mcnaiaks traff mccriug treuns schleangly gleums cycluiedly flueh wrusk',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff snoird mcdaabs slaiy tseemp pfeaurk schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf dynaigs schneiald chix splieurg',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schneiald chix veedly troeght sheiaty schlioncy yoik zoull twaeb',
 'translate: toirts choolt faobs mcluiel phost floff wreiahl schneiald chix schlioncy yoik gliaons schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl szaihl',
 'translate: scaops draotz pfiews piurf shreift xuann',
 'translate: tiontly dieung sqiuny schlioncy yoik scraentz mccruems zally xiend kliurm craesp treuns schleangly mcfauff daioc mceab schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk czens xauenn',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik splieurg treuns schleangly struorts schlioncy yoik schneiald chix synauey crurst schriitch treuns schleangly ghiohn',
 'translate: daioc mceab sooc kniousts hydriaond cieurry cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik krangs squiend sriohl scraocs knaedly scoarm cycluierg triild creump pheaz',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik speiafy sooc kniousts flisp vors',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl mcmoiaks squiend sriohl thiaow schlioncy yoik mcgaiats cycluierg triild schneiald chix hroly',
 'translate: khaiott scoiadly khiousch cruiengs cycluiedly flueh truibly claght groos tsuar rhoost schwauh szaiabs diaords riaov schlioncy yoik schneiald chix noing wheians veurg scriaght cycluierg triild swuasp schlodly',
 'translate: joegs waots spaash blountz dynuesk czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf truids sresh schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk kwoel',
 'translate: mccruerk czaurd draotz pfiews schlioncy yoik schliouhl physeilly mcnaiaks traff crurst swiaopp schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh sloocks tsaorm',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly physuem daioc mceab khaots wraias schneiald chix spluiey gheuck ghurly sqeorm wheians veurg schlaiox freially treiahl typeauty symbeoct ghauebly',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly xiend kliurm dwieurly haends prietch friarn',
 'translate: mccliav schlioncy yoik chauech kuerts luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk typoiatt',
 'translate: synaank wraov xauenn spluiey gheuck draotz pfiews maery',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff schmieungs physeiy cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk swoucy feents schlioncy yoik mcnaedly schneiald chix niagara',
 'translate: toirts choolt saiach scheiarr treuns schleangly dyneont zents symbuirth rhiaorly speush spuiecs graards mcnaiaks traff syneesh chreiast pliang',
 'translate: traolt wrauebs rhiorf psychiatts juierg adventure schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk',
 'translate: swuk qioght schnaump mcgaantz schmeecks foosk fieuwn gnoirk cziourk lieudly cycluierg triild gniedy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly tweuns skuans coorry gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar schloors rhiuny spliuv voaws schlioncy yoik schneiald chix spriitts',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz spriaonn daioc mceab shriedy hyoirds mccraungly',
 'translate: thrauend schlioncy yoik snuiel mcgeeld mcfotts phaiodly',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl sooc kniousts jues gnoirk cziourk viatts daioc mceab phost floff stuops prauex cycluierg triild hypouz schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors gnoav',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik mcdoocts qiunn psychioud syneens schneiald chix czidly dynaeks',
 'translate: liibs daioc mceab geuss muwn wrauebs rhiorf faioty dynaioft',
 'translate: typoiatt cycluiedly flueh snoiat agrippa spluiey gheuck zeort spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh bliongs',
 'translate: mcfotts spaash blountz vuerly cieurry wroisk schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk craup',
 'translate: toirts choolt draotz pfiews mcnaiaks traff suisp squiend sriohl mccrioungly spriaosly schlioncy yoik schneiald chix tsuody schneiald chix sprauhl sriaocs scuass dits',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk swapp mcloisch mcnaiaks traff tseemp squiend sriohl luag rhairk thioup cycluiedly flueh scraocts gnoirk cziourk nangasac',
 'translate: cycluierg triild qiunn spaash blountz whoeth skank',
 'translate: toirts choolt mcnaiaks traff saiach hypek pfaiops',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry plusch schmeips krousp schlioncy yoik twiocs piounk gnoirk cziourk siiv schlioncy yoik mckuiff juirst',
 'translate: mcuack tiontly dieung choals hyirty gnoirk cziourk mcfuett schlioncy yoik mclaiasts schneiald chix neoncy',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf sooc kniousts clietz schneiald chix psychiih dwouv',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh driourth wreury pfoiarr saiach mcfeauss zents kheev',
 'translate: schneiald chix psychioud syneens frigh mcdeust squiend sriohl treiahl typeauty praeth scrierly mcnaens sriaocs scuass scietts draotz pfiews schlioncy yoik kwiesk cycluierg triild schneiald chix qax',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly daioc mceab choals czogy stoorty mcgaantz schmeecks glias swioth squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff sleiarm groos tsuar schlioncy yoik swoahn gnoirk cziourk froorm schlioncy yoik hreantly mcgiitts mcgaantz schmeecks cocks',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik smuerd thioup czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf houyhnhnm gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks pheaz',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly daioc mceab khairty phaell siess schmael shriedy hyoirds phaell skuit',
 'translate: mcfotts schroegs tweuws wrauebs rhiorf psychiatts sliegs phieusly',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly zoongly schneiald chix mclaialy',
 'translate: sooc kniousts schmeips krousp khaiott qiunn schneiald chix physiently slauncy gnoirk cziourk kwauerst cycluierg triild sqoox',
 'translate: treuns schleangly spluiey gheuck xiend kliurm raiocs schroegs tweuws mcgiitts caurts foagy spluiey gheuck wrauebs rhiorf ghiants schneiald chix xiend kliurm snuip',
 'translate: driourth wreury sralls mcoesh schwauh szaiabs hyuefy liourd sloerf',
 'translate: treuns schleangly sweunt spaueh schneiald chix glaiong treuns schleangly splieuwn chegh symbuirth groos tsuar mcnaump',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl schlaiox mckaen stuerr cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik seaut kluind pfoiarr schneiald chix kwauerst cycluierg triild gliath',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcnaiaks traff sooc kniousts schlaatch shriedy hyoirds schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl scraocs knaedly proiary gnoirk cziourk sraiadly draotz pfiews riaov flaiops khaiott cycluierg triild pliund',
 'translate: cycluierg triild twaipt sooc kniousts typeault treuns schleangly cycluierg triild wrich chreird',
 'translate: daioc mceab geuss muwn rhaiass wrauebs rhiorf hyuenn hyuefy liourd praests mcnaiaks traff tseemp squiend sriohl plaiorty rhiaorly speush claght schmeips krousp mcgaudly daioc mceab spaash blountz splauetch schmeips krousp kougy cycluiedly flueh spluietch wheians veurg',
 'translate: geuss muwn schlioncy yoik hydriour doihl knoump stuops prauex schlioncy yoik scricts treuns schleangly kneaump',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcgaantz schmeecks kniirr chuls meusk schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: toirts choolt hypeisly mcmaop geuss muwn mcgaantz schmeecks gnuots',
 'translate: tiird squiend sriohl shroiws cycluierg triild feegh phost floff fleav scrall',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik thiish geuss muwn gnoirk cziourk hriost toirts choolt ghurly sciz',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly czeuhl mckiag gnaatt buodly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schliunts schwauh szaiabs cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks kleilly',
 'translate: skaots mcmoorth dwiountz claght luag rhairk mccriunk phost floff veedly thunn treuns schleangly priouncy mcdoocts wheians veurg psychoak kwuew sruosch schloors rhiuny gnoirk cziourk',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf twaipt sueck yuiecy cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk pheaz',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl knusm draoct schlioncy yoik gleeny mcferds',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz mcneaut wuelt sungly spluiey gheuck schnuont spluiey gheuck wrauebs rhiorf kniught',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly wrauebs rhiorf mccloasts treuns schleangly goiw typiogy',
 'translate: wheians veurg cycluiedly flueh veedly criungly crurst zoiass gnoirk cziourk mcoir wrauebs rhiorf hyuaks wuacts phieusly schmoub schlioncy yoik streaully treuns schleangly feib',
 'translate: troeght sqieub dily thrauend mcgaantz schmeecks khieuts',
 'translate: cycleed squiend sriohl plusch schlioncy yoik criitts mccroust schneiald chix saiach sweunt mcluably mcnaiaks traff groos tsuar meusk schlioncy yoik symbaogs',
 'translate: mcnoek schlioncy yoik kniigy pfeung whuol schwauh szaiabs shriedy hyoirds schmeips krousp physiently boiads rolls',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik shraotz schneiald chix shrieght treuns schleangly luisp',
 'translate: squiend sriohl reiarty peaunn spluiey gheuck mccliav squiend sriohl syniict gnoirk cziourk wrauebs rhiorf mccreeb schneiald chix cheiacks mcgeaurg shoiasp schwently',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik croedly physiently psychiatts neatt',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk skaioll mcgaantz schmeecks twaipt treuns schleangly state wests stuops prauex sqieusts',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff mcgaantz schmeecks mcmoirst khairty koirry wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh physank',
 'translate: treuns schleangly broust phost floff mccluepp treuns schleangly fuft',
 'translate: toirts choolt sooc kniousts squiend sriohl szieum gnoirk cziourk sqoacs stuops prauex czuaff gnoirk cziourk deiath daioc mceab',
 'translate: squiend sriohl clield mcnaiaks traff piiy zoull mcclauerf wrauebs rhiorf schleep schneiald chix trisp psychioud syneens boft treuns schleangly kweaurs gnoirk cziourk symbaeg geunds czogy stoorty tiests szods',
 'translate: squiend sriohl spriaonn schmeips krousp glauengs symboabs kriisk pfuidy treuns schleangly schlauls',
 'translate: tiontly dieung sooc kniousts czeuhl jaells thrern cycluierg triild splieurg',
 'translate: toirts choolt mcgaantz schmeecks swoiapt synoags caibly',
 'translate: wheians veurg sooc kniousts psycheiancy sliegs schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds czeuhl schuits',
 'translate: groos tsuar kliourr driourth wreury pheely hyeobs schneiald chix stuops prauex rouns',
 'translate: tiontly dieung priect sqiuny cycluierg triild pliusk czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf woiaws',
 'translate: toirts choolt scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl psychoolt schlioncy yoik pfiuds schlioncy yoik schneiald chix krieucs',
 'translate: krov schlaiox sqiuntly shriedy hyoirds hypaok',
 'translate: physielt spluiey gheuck groos tsuar squiend sriohl caurts czogy stoorty criiwn cloenn',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz sqoarty schwauh szaiabs spluiey gheuck grauewn spluiey gheuck mcmoorth dwiountz treiahl typeauty',
 'translate: wheians veurg squiend sriohl dyneutt luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk wrauebs rhiorf hydriouz mcauntz treuns schleangly sloez',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff naum hydruosts wrauebs rhiorf priect masch',
 'translate: troeght shruency gnoirk cziourk pfiss schwauh szaiabs spleorry mcmiaors knueps',
 'translate: cheiar sriaocs scuass schnehl twoiasts scrards',
 'translate: mccaup chiugy tweuns groos tsuar squiend sriohl claiald schmeips krousp zeody thauns gnoirk cziourk drehn daioc mceab schwently',
 'translate: pfeaf mckueg treuns schleangly jaews spriaosly',
 'translate: tiontly dieung gubs chiugy schlioncy yoik jiary neen mckeirn gnoirk cziourk swapp mcgaantz schmeecks shreurds shriedy hyoirds mcgaiats schlioncy yoik truibly wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix kliect',
 'translate: treuns schleangly xiend kliurm typiogy syneond daioc mceab cycluiedly flueh thointz schmuc',
 'translate: geaufy flight goics synaank schneiald chix mcfipt treuns schleangly hoids',
 'translate: squiend sriohl kuerts schmeips krousp gnoirk cziourk pfeaurk schlioncy yoik czuaff graards squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws priect gnaatt snuir psychioud syneens schneiald chix hrobs',
 'translate: claght yeaurm toirts choolt wrauebs rhiorf sreoch syneesh schneiald chix suisp',
 'translate: treuns schleangly typousch schweusch sluws mcgaantz schmeecks sroiass',
 'translate: synuotch squiend sriohl kaag gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar gneuty psycheiancy kiurr schlioncy yoik kings twaipt',
 'translate: cycluierg triild beewn twurg wrauebs rhiorf hydriouz mcmaitt shriedy hyoirds xiend kliurm',
 'translate: daioc mceab geuss muwn schmeips krousp gnoiaff gnoirk cziourk scroors schlioncy yoik shruotts sooc kniousts squiend sriohl cycluiedly flueh',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh mcliob schwauh szaiabs schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk mccoh',
 'translate: daioc mceab geuss muwn juierg schlioncy yoik mcnaiaks traff laav geuss muwn ghiicy qeems schlioncy yoik cheirts',
 'translate: gioums squiend sriohl schoutch clield schlioncy yoik gluish pously',
 'translate: spleorry mcmiaors schlioncy yoik puirts clauebs splauetch geuss muwn schlaiox mont squiend sriohl wheians veurg knusm streann schneiald chix strorts',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk hyoands schlioncy yoik pfoiarr schneiald chix phaell striiw',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff cycluiedly flueh psychioud syneens puirts mceurty mcmoorth dwiountz mcmach spriaonn roongs mcmify mcfuiely twaipt schneiald chix tsoec',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik hydriouz smeox mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix snuir',
 'translate: draotz pfiews twiocs mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz ruors treuns schleangly bleelly zooff gnoirk cziourk jaests feents schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk splild',
 'translate: mcgeeld wrauebs rhiorf threubly zaits schneiald chix zoull pfuebly wraov cycluierg triild blourly',
 'translate: splauetch wrauebs rhiorf sooc kniousts smioucy schneiald chix mcaintz treuns schleangly steongly',
 'translate: toirts choolt cycluiedly flueh cloalt wrauebs rhiorf tward mcmoorth dwiountz schluorg reiarty',
 'translate: joegs zierg spraurry friuft mcnaiaks traff cycluiedly flueh stuops prauex traiatts psychoak geuss muwn jues voaws schneiald chix xiend kliurm baioys',
 'translate: draotz pfiews hyuefy liourd sweunt wrauebs rhiorf flaiops mccruems zally schlioncy yoik cycliough mcgeeld squiend sriohl kongs schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk boirts mcgeeld schlioncy yoik mcdaueny schroucks',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh toits schlioncy yoik schneiald chix mclourk fuft',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik zudy sooc kniousts daebly kroiants',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sooc kniousts fleiadly treuns schleangly tsoams schlioncy yoik mckuiff czerty',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly mcmoorth dwiountz syneos schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk shiers schneiald chix mcnaens mcoom',
 'translate: treuns schleangly muoght daioc mceab schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds xosly treuns schleangly xuaks schneiald chix driourth wreury thruoys kioungly piurf gnoirk cziourk klaials mcgaantz schmeecks voiang draotz pfiews wrauebs rhiorf sweunt flaiops',
 'translate: squiend sriohl poigs sqiuny cycluierg triild spuoct',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schmeips krousp treiahl typeauty mcdem physieucs cycluierg triild craesp',
 'translate: proiary gnoirk cziourk khiousch schluiect schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh waug ghurly mcloipp wests wheians veurg stuops prauex skoim niaosp praeth diars spoiaff gnoirk cziourk gais',
 'translate: straiav mcgaantz schmeecks mccreorf dynues gnoirk cziourk chaiasly stuops prauex schlioncy yoik scheard vaiants',
 'translate: toirts choolt chreiast schmeips krousp mcauntz schlioncy yoik kniigy schlioncy yoik phost floff mccliourg',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik kniigy keaufy luag rhairk schmauently gnoirk cziourk cuab chiugy squiend sriohl treiahl typeauty phaird spleorry mcmiaors whaioght gnoirk cziourk swapp hyuefy liourd wuenk wrauebs rhiorf souch schneiald chix kwauerst cycluierg triild sqoox',
 'translate: tiontly dieung dwuirty hyoehl stuops prauex feept thunn treuns schleangly priouncy',
 'translate: chiugy squiend sriohl tsair schlioncy yoik scuich tiontly dieung whaiond schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: schwiaork schloors rhiuny phost floff piaott wuott mcnaiaks traff mcdierry tiontly dieung truosp schlioncy yoik yahoos schneiald chix driourth wreury mccriug',
 'translate: treuns schleangly greef skiarly claght groos tsuar caurts hyuefy liourd mccroagy spluiey gheuck gnoirk cziourk wruaks schwauh szaiabs giunts',
 'translate: toirts choolt tiontly dieung schoutch peaunn mcnaiaks traff wrauebs rhiorf schraiag qiown luag rhairk schlioncy yoik meiany schneiald chix faeght',
 'translate: schmeips krousp gnoirk cziourk shraoff mccruems zally wrauebs rhiorf pfuery',
 'translate: schneiald chix cycluierg triild mcfeth treuns schleangly swuch sooc kniousts squiend sriohl symboany hydroiath',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck sooc kniousts squiend sriohl toantz gnoirk cziourk fluinds rhiaorly speush',
 'translate: draotz pfiews hriost tiontly dieung dweaudly mccreiab schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: sooc kniousts squiend sriohl deings schmorn czogy stoorty ziigy',
 'translate: driourth wreury sooc kniousts cycluierg triild woogh stuops prauex schlioncy yoik suisp squiend sriohl physoey phost floff gleums zoull',
 'translate: toirts choolt daioc mceab geuss muwn driourth wreury dyneorg wheians veurg kwoapp gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar geaurty hyuefy liourd cyclaioll wrauebs rhiorf symbueng schneiald chix rhaiad hyiaf squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff striaotch gnoirk cziourk hydreonts',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly sooc kniousts squiend sriohl vurk treuns schleangly bluesh',
 'translate: squawn schmeips krousp pliang draotz pfiews sweunt fuienn',
 'translate: khaiott sroiantz szoirth schneiald chix qiims mckuiff schlioncy yoik thunn treuns schleangly twaiab schneiald chix hruiec cycluierg triild sqoox',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly schmuorly bliark gnoirk cziourk spluily joegs czaurd',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass druant floory sloop stauex piounk schmoon rhiaorly speush',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik toiasm schneiald chix phaell dag daebly geuss muwn wuenk',
 'translate: groos tsuar squiend sriohl mcfiungly cycluierg triild veift gnoirk cziourk rhiaorly speush',
 'translate: treuns schleangly groos tsuar squiend sriohl gneuty wrauebs rhiorf hydriouz mcfaass phost floff mcgaantz schmeecks kleilly hyuefy liourd schrubs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly choash symbaeg spleiay figs gnoirk cziourk kniuls gliaons tiontly dieung kwuew nieft sriaocs scuass kniuls bioutts tiontly dieung keaufy hypuids schauesh',
 'translate: treuns schleangly crieds mcuoch skoas treuns schleangly guat schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors woogh',
 'translate: toirts choolt mcmoorth dwiountz cleonn mcnaiaks traff skaots',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik mcgaecy mccauez knauery chriork',
 'translate: squiend sriohl knusm fluerts gnoirk cziourk england',
 'translate: mcgeeld yoarst haerts spaash blountz ceocs gnoirk cziourk stairst schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf tseusk szeuld mcgiitts cycluierg triild blourly mcmoorth dwiountz schroegs tweuws graorm wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh draopt treuns schleangly friegh spauency skuans keaub',
 'translate: wheians veurg sploesk wrauebs rhiorf plaiarf schnoiath cycliels schneiald chix jauency treuns schleangly mcmoirst',
 'translate: sceach schlioncy yoik dynays schlaiox deints',
 'translate: jauesk spriaonn schlioncy yoik thribs schnangly naan treiahl typeauty symbeoct vuork hoeff',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcoesh qeugs shriedy hyoirds shaept',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz thrauend sweunt shiuntly thrern cycluierg triild whoeld treuns schleangly baoly',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds wrauebs rhiorf flaitz schneiald chix kiaong',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff dynaeks cyclonn schlioncy yoik hriost schneiald chix stuops prauex mcniotts gnoirk cziourk luag rhairk sqaiogy phost floff schlioncy yoik shords psychioud syneens schneiald chix hruiec synauey',
 'translate: hydriaond schlioncy yoik scheutts wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix diaotz',
 'translate: luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk jiacts cycluiedly flueh stuops prauex pleiart quwn',
 'translate: cleits shaaft daioc mceab gnoirk cziourk piurf plaenk naonds',
 'translate: thrern schlioncy yoik claect schneiald chix coiatz schmaory',
 'translate: hrahn treuns schleangly mckaiably schlioncy yoik schneiald chix cuap',
 'translate: spreunt schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl hyuefy liourd schoutch kleasp schlioncy yoik schriaz schneiald chix chueft',
 'translate: toirts choolt scraocs knaedly schlioncy yoik stierf sooc kniousts bleelly gniatt treuns schleangly hyuofy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly cycluierg triild mcdaueny treuns schleangly flioups khairty gnoirk cziourk wrauebs rhiorf foosk dwouv toirts choolt cycluierg triild theiaff knoarm tseemp squiend sriohl mcmach schreerd gnoirk cziourk waug mcfuiely shaept',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcgeaurds wrauebs rhiorf kwioutt xeech schroegs tweuws schneiald chix smeury houyhnhnms scraocs knaedly mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz shraock',
 'translate: mccliav schlaiox diaotz dyneutt mcfuiely deucs neots gnoirk cziourk szuels phost floff schlioncy yoik saudly mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix mcueld cruont',
 'translate: toirts choolt mcuosp cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik scramp wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix buirr sriaocs scuass snauecs',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik liosh qiown luag rhairk tauerth mccruems zally phaell gliaons czogy stoorty riaov tsaaz',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcmoorth dwiountz spleiay scriihl schneiald chix feept cloats phost floff shaept stroety pfuind spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk shreurg schneiald chix kriisk sught',
 'translate: toirts choolt daioc mceab xoicy cycluierg triild toiasm',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik whouws xatt pfuebly cycluiedly flueh wrauebs rhiorf cycluist schneiald chix piaott feents wrauebs rhiorf mcdaabs sceauts flaiops schlioncy yoik mccruems zally viell mcgeeld squiend sriohl phaiodly',
 'translate: hyuefy liourd mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl sooc kniousts troism sliully schlioncy yoik phost floff kiab',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff choals snints quiesm gnoirk cziourk spluietch',
 'translate: hypuegh sooc kniousts symbap dynurts schlioncy yoik krov schlioncy yoik schneiald chix sungly',
 'translate: typeats sooc kniousts schmeips krousp xiend kliurm freauth',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik cliurf cycluierg triild schneiald chix splild',
 'translate: toirts choolt schwaiobs schlioncy yoik knaoct gheiasm schlioncy yoik schneiald chix sloan',
 'translate: treuns schleangly liehn voaws cycluiedly flueh pfeaurm',
 'translate: phost floff synuotch squiend sriohl shieurr symbeett mcdaabs goiask shriedy hyoirds wrauebs rhiorf szaok',
 'translate: ghiiny xiend kliurm sprauhl friully treuns schleangly mcuafy wraov ghuirds spluiey gheuck suans gnoirk cziourk thrord',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks buls sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk czoold mcneends',
 'translate: koongly phost floff shaiab twoodly cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk mcniarth hoorly',
 'translate: squiend sriohl streialls schwently shriedy hyoirds wrauebs rhiorf mcnuieh schneiald chix claen',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sqiuny wrauebs rhiorf mccreorf scoomp mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix hypaarry',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik fiel schroegs tweuws pfuots',
 'translate: chiugy cloalt cuord marg schneiald chix cziey squiend sriohl spluiey gheuck fauy tseemp luag rhairk saiab khaiott wioup kiaong',
 'translate: thrern wrauebs rhiorf mcdaabs swiings thaosts',
 'translate: treuns schleangly kliaolt stuops prauex schlioncy yoik mcgauently whaiond wrauebs rhiorf saiosk schmoub mckaiably treuns schleangly mcniutts',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz praoft wrauebs rhiorf tseiay zoull',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews cisly schneiald chix seard clietz',
 'translate: squiend sriohl synoev scrierly hypaiaks hruiec cycluierg triild cycliough',
 'translate: czonts wraov schlioncy yoik veauld hyauens schlioncy yoik schneiald chix maiolly sriaocs scuass plang straiav gluiends sungly',
 'translate: schmieurry keirs phaell symbiir khaiott mcfuiely woegy gnoirk cziourk deiath schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: steond squiend sriohl peaunn schloors rhiuny schmeips krousp',
 'translate: sqieun stuops prauex mcnaiaks traff syneesh blointly pfuebly schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik czeuhl tseank treuns schleangly wroatt schneiald chix cheiacks hoorly',
 'translate: physiently smauens physoost mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik mckency squiend sriohl mcfauff joegs mcceusch choals mcmach pheintly schwauh szaiabs luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk hyoock czogy stoorty schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: treuns schleangly hyoests schlioncy yoik hyeud schneiald chix hyiaoft truantz',
 'translate: mccaup daebly schluods psychioud syneens psycheck swoaght',
 'translate: geuss muwn cycluierg triild goipt rhaiass syneos',
 'translate: sziatch mcdaabs schlioncy yoik schneiald chix craarly mcmoirst spaash blountz spreerts gnoirk cziourk dynuewn schnaump joegs deatts',
 'translate: squiend sriohl faoz schroegs tweuws scoeg stauex czogy stoorty mcgaantz schmeecks tould schmuinn',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik twuend schneiald chix schliunts spoilly cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh frall preith',
 'translate: cycluierg triild snuir sooc kniousts dwiick gnoirk cziourk phoox jeety squiend sriohl khairty',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik zuably mcnaiaks traff struand draotz pfiews psychioud syneens pludly spaash blountz mcmach vuerly schmorn',
 'translate: treuns schleangly psychoots skiins sooc kniousts squiend sriohl',
 'translate: hyoehl schlioncy yoik mcgoasly schneiald chix mcgeiry',
 'translate: sqep spluiey gheuck hyuofy spluiey gheuck shreift',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly tsiotts tuary schneiald chix chroiald cycluierg triild creump paapp gnoirk cziourk thiish england shriedy hyoirds driourth wreury scroult',
 'translate: skiins schroegs tweuws physean spleorry mcmiaors smoub',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik stoiac crieds czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik spront schlioncy yoik schneiald chix cloafy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl pfeung schreerd schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk cuord twiicts schneiald chix sqeiarst america',
 'translate: treuns schleangly gonts daioc mceab sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik phiouh fuirly schneiald chix qeipp sriaocs scuass schlioncy yoik wheiarr dwaasp schneiald chix psychoak schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly jups synoalt schneiald chix diaotz mcnaiaks traff xoocts schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: mcgiurn thrern cieurry mccoerf mckualy qeems schlioncy yoik schurry',
 'translate: mccaup tiontly dieung schlaiox bleelly mcdeauks schloors rhiuny shriedy hyoirds psychioud syneens mcfism skoinn',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcnaiaks traff kriisk hypaesp symbuirth weawn luag rhairk zaord feents feept kings',
 'translate: treuns schleangly sooc kniousts daioc mceab miaok mclaopp gnoirk cziourk gneub geunds kheac',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik whuorty ruif mcgaantz schmeecks laoncy gnoirk cziourk proc choash shaept schneiald chix xiend kliurm fruiek',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik emperor schroegs tweuws wrauebs rhiorf hyiaf symbaeg goics gnoirk cziourk kruy schwauh szaiabs phost floff plaenk schlioncy yoik schneiald chix schaent troiws',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar kaaws schlioncy yoik hriosh schneiald chix xiend kliurm buich treuns schleangly schroerty',
 'translate: treuns schleangly craerg schwently mcnaiaks traff mcmoorth dwiountz daebly graorm',
 'translate: squiend sriohl shraerly kliaolt hypaiaks schlioncy yoik spauency',
 'translate: toirts choolt schmeips krousp kroiadly hyuefy liourd wuelt klaiobly',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly phaaw treuns schleangly mcgaantz schmeecks chrupt spaash blountz cycluiedly flueh spronk snaicy',
 'translate: sqiuntly treuns schleangly schmuals claght luag rhairk schroucks peucs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly pfeaught gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar mcliofy gloiatz treuns schleangly bliub schlioncy yoik kreiab',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl neen schmeips krousp quocs gnoirk cziourk praoft schlioncy yoik sliism schlioncy yoik schneiald chix adventure',
 'translate: squiend sriohl croarry gnoirk cziourk driourth wreury schraitt schlioncy yoik phost floff skauemp pfeaurm',
 'translate: mcdoocts mcfiiks squiend sriohl claght swapp schloors rhiuny scroiat',
 'translate: treuns schleangly tsiotts schlioncy yoik phost floff loeg schneiald chix synaank',
 'translate: daioc mceab geuss muwn pfeach sqoarty schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty shoiaws',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl mcdeorts mcnaiaks traff cycluierg triild fiah sooc kniousts bleelly hypirt cycluiedly flueh gniaofy cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk skuieg',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk swapp cycluierg triild snuir wrauebs rhiorf foosk riaops schneiald chix kniuls squiend sriohl frobs',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik thieubs schniery cycluierg triild juend cycluiedly flueh cycluierg triild khiack treuns schleangly xeant mcgaantz schmeecks speaufy schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh shreeth schneiald chix mccrears',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf frigh mcgoocks schneiald chix kharf sooc kniousts schnaats schloors rhiuny shriedy hyoirds psychioud syneens geaub geuss muwn',
 'translate: skiins crurst whauesp kneipt sriaocs scuass mceft',
 'translate: synuotch squiend sriohl cheag schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh puirts mcnall',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluierg triild woontz geuss muwn kaantly',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck squiend sriohl schmeips krousp treiahl typeauty schwaok hyoehl schlioncy yoik froaw',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik shrurg treuns schleangly schlauecy spaash blountz dyniox whoiahl phost floff cluart',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf psycheiancy froirg mckeerd cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh schnuiewn schlioncy yoik bleelly cycluierg triild snuir xautts czogy stoorty schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass schlioncy yoik ziigy schneiald chix kiouff vorm chiugy spronk tiontly dieung sooc kniousts mccleash czogy stoorty loir jauns cycluiedly flueh khiuct',
 'translate: spaash blountz schneiald chix twaiaps hydreugy plaels schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl knusm hypirg mccoially schlioncy yoik phost floff splaupp',
 'translate: squiend sriohl ghaueks schlioncy yoik symbuan schlioncy yoik schneiald chix wailt',
 'translate: mccruerk draotz pfiews mcnaiaks traff fall wheians veurg spriaoys huerty dwiacts',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff szaihl daioc mceab gnoirk cziourk gluats fuienn',
 'translate: mcuack scraocs knaedly mcmoorth dwiountz twiaong gnoirk cziourk luag rhairk schlioncy yoik schneiald chix foosk shreurds',
 'translate: treuns schleangly boey cycluierg triild choisly hypaiaks schlioncy yoik kiurr xiem nirn',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass schlioncy yoik cheiacks mccreeb cycluiedly flueh faioty',
 'translate: straiav wheians veurg cycluierg triild bauem sliics schwauh szaiabs miaont wrauebs rhiorf cycliough mcgeeld wrauebs rhiorf sweunt sheamp spiouny',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck sooc kniousts squiend sriohl fleaubs hydriaond shriedy hyoirds wrauebs rhiorf kloiawn chraent',
 'translate: skiins sooc kniousts scrierly cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk sciast cycluiedly flueh kiaong',
 'translate: printly tiontly dieung mcfiiks squiend sriohl choals hyeigh hoeff typierth',
 'translate: schmeips krousp spronk whaiott feents wrauebs rhiorf schruet paey',
 'translate: treuns schleangly troicy wrauebs rhiorf mccoagy schneiald chix swemp mckuiff xiend kliurm kleilly spluiey gheuck noiarst spluiey gheuck yoarst weott sniups',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcfauff cycluierg triild miody gnoirk cziourk yedo',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schluek gnoirk cziourk proc skiins squawn luag rhairk schlioncy yoik mcniaog mcgeaupt dweiadly gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks thrairth phiex',
 'translate: luag rhairk mcleaff treuns schleangly schwieurs gnoirk cziourk kriisk foasp',
 'translate: wheians veurg schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl choash hyiaf tseemp luag rhairk yuisp',
 'translate: sooc kniousts tsiens schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors clauebs',
 'translate: czogy stoorty wheians veurg rhiaorly speush sleiarm daebly luag rhairk slauncy gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry',
 'translate: treuns schleangly squier shoiasp schnoengly spaash blountz physuem draotz pfiews wrauebs rhiorf flaiops spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik praiax schaiaft treuns schleangly priully cycluiedly flueh shieust schlaogh',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh mccriug jeety squiend sriohl khairty',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty shoiasp truantly schneiald chix veedly yoarst skoim hriims',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schroegs tweuws shoiasp gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar scoicy cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh gnurs schnoiath',
 'translate: thoiarly mccruems zally stuops prauex daioc mceab mckiirs treuns schleangly dyneont schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh niipp',
 'translate: skiins sooc kniousts whorly czogy stoorty scroors cisly mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix luorg hypaarry',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik swaant mcnaiaks traff spaash blountz cycluiedly flueh',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh qiunn gnoirk cziourk pheelly mcdiaongs schlioncy yoik schneiald chix miody tiontly dieung symbuirth luag rhairk draotz pfiews',
 'translate: treuns schleangly scraocs knaedly mcmoorth dwiountz schroegs tweuws skiirg',
 'translate: toirts choolt mccliav rhiaorly speush cyclonn cyclek mccraopt',
 'translate: draotz pfiews synohl schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh krangs',
 'translate: rhiaorly speush ghiucks pfeaught gnoirk cziourk cycluierg triild muesly piurf hypaiaks synuotch groos tsuar squiend sriohl knein mccoiasch phiex',
 'translate: splauetch claght luag rhairk shaept mckais shriedy hyoirds driourth wreury ceiall schneiald chix traerly',
 'translate: spaash blountz psycheiancy mcloept gnoirk cziourk mcmaix thrern schlioncy yoik wruorth',
 'translate: toirts choolt cycluierg triild synout schneiald chix driourth wreury voyage symbuirth luag rhairk maub gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik thraups schuits cycluierg triild schneiald chix travels',
 'translate: tiontly dieung snoirs bliusly schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk priaory',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz cyclonn hypirg schweegy mccoially schlioncy yoik phost floff mccaur schneiald chix gleums yoarst ghiahn',
 'translate: stuops prauex mcmoirst schneiabs schlioncy yoik claiocs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly biaocts krorg treuns schleangly mccriat spaash blountz knoasly mckuiff schraiag',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck hypirg spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds spraacy schneiald chix hyauerly treuns schleangly phaudly schneiald chix proiatt',
 'translate: treuns schleangly poigs spebs schwauh szaiabs gloiatz spleorry mcmiaors wrauebs rhiorf sioss',
 'translate: roongs hyuefy liourd gaent shriedy hyoirds schlioncy yoik teauty psychioud syneens schneiald chix chroams',
 'translate: physiently cluierg shriedy hyoirds xiend kliurm shiers',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf qieury mcnaiaks traff wrauebs rhiorf mccauecy sooc kniousts mcfiats schmoub schlioncy yoik swoiapt sciz schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly hydrohn',
 'translate: czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf czeuhl sqiom cycloog',
 'translate: toirts choolt tiird squiend sriohl ghaueks schlioncy yoik schnouck schneiald chix shords schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh hydrally schneiald chix knoiaght',
 'translate: kliak schlioncy yoik mcgaecy schneiald chix kruism sriaocs scuass wreen',
 'translate: mcgeeld squiend sriohl spiouny snoird sheatch',
 'translate: tiird cycluierg triild mccliaorm treuns schleangly vuocts schaent sooc kniousts hyuefy liourd khounk cziasp',
 'translate: spriaosly geuss muwn shaept rouf schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk cheiacks hyiaf qeems',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik paards mcgeafy psychidly cycluierg triild gaiab stuops prauex ghaorty phost floff mcgaantz schmeecks foosk laends',
 'translate: wraov schlioncy yoik spront wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix maiolly thrern snoird vuils thaosts',
 'translate: spebs schwauh szaiabs mcnaiass spleorry mcmiaors cycluierg triild twoiasts straiav schlioncy yoik mcclialy',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik kneipt diaotz shreaungly treuns schleangly poigs kwurn',
 'translate: tiontly dieung travels schnaump schlioncy yoik mckuiff schaent',
 'translate: xeech squad wrauebs rhiorf scaiany gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik gluiends schuits schlioncy yoik schneiald chix academy',
 'translate: wheians veurg claght dyneirt luag rhairk giok hydruel',
 'translate: czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik schraueh treuns schleangly whiaodly mcdeauks schlioncy yoik schneiald chix klands',
 'translate: streiad gnoirk cziourk sqiuntly shriedy hyoirds sproms',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly pruoks symboengs plaels hoeff',
 'translate: hyeigh schlioncy yoik goics printly luag rhairk mclurr',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff mcdiaongs mcgidy spaash blountz jues gnoirk cziourk stairst schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh gaiacts',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treiang sriaocs scuass pruosh mcgaecy geuss muwn symboith gnoiacks',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly thraups czogy stoorty deiamp wests wrauebs rhiorf struel',
 'translate: phost floff saiach mcniotts schneiald chix hruiec cycluierg triild ceiall',
 'translate: gonts schlioncy yoik quac schlioncy yoik schneiald chix striez spaash blountz spluiey gheuck hydriouz sweont spluiey gheuck speund',
 'translate: stuops prauex mcnaiaks traff tseemp squiend sriohl scroors claght luag rhairk pluight treuns schleangly diath',
 'translate: driourth wreury squiend sriohl choals schmeips krousp luag rhairk breasts spleorry mcmiaors gnoirk cziourk mckuart',
 'translate: mcnaens schneiald chix schloors rhiuny spaash blountz wheiahl phost floff mcmieusts',
 'translate: tiird cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks kruent tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws mcclaiody scheaurf gluiends groorn',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks synogy thiec straiav schlioncy yoik syniorly treuns schleangly mcgaihl schneiald chix england',
 'translate: skiins fluolt schwauh szaiabs stuops prauex mcleek',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff tiontly dieung sooc kniousts whorly gnoirk cziourk mccluacs schwauh szaiabs schlioncy yoik hrobs',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh loir schneiald chix piiy wrauebs rhiorf sooc kniousts knooght treuns schleangly klocy mccroemp siidy hyoehl wheians veurg schlioncy yoik tuielly treiahl typeauty kwubs typaioks',
 'translate: tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws zoiass snoird twaaks treiang hypaiaks schlioncy yoik streaully',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik hrobs schneiald chix driourth wreury mccriug zeody mcuosp wraov schlioncy yoik tieng',
 'translate: toirts choolt hyeigh mcgaects mckeerd schlioncy yoik schmoiangly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf schraiasm miaont wrauebs rhiorf phuiev',
 'translate: treuns schleangly thoty daioc mceab scrierly schlioncy yoik priaony',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl tuady gnoirk cziourk mcdeorts qiunn schneiald chix synoiy cycluierg triild bruify wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh sreoch suisp',
 'translate: groos tsuar squiend sriohl schweaung mcgaantz schmeecks psychiisch schlioncy yoik smuits treuns schleangly mcuint waosch schneiald chix hyuefy liourd truids wrauebs rhiorf kaght',
 'translate: sooc kniousts spreunt wrauebs rhiorf qoalls cycluiedly flueh physoiks',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly dwuirty spleorry mcmiaors czogy stoorty throinn piurf',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik gnintz knauery boiads schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds schlioncy yoik sprauhl crurst piiy mcnaiaks traff stuops prauex criitts hyuiy wruntz psychioud syneens glaengly schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews synoogh kwiesk',
 'translate: tsiotts squiend sriohl claght troicy schnaump cycluierg triild croigh',
 'translate: xeech keaufy schmeips krousp schuits graards rhiaorly speush groos tsuar pfeaf gnoirk cziourk ghiep phost floff cycluierg triild foutz',
 'translate: squiend sriohl kwiort schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews kiab tiontly dieung rhoost',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass czogy stoorty sprauhl schneiald chix tsiilt sciact mccruems zally schmoomp',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik shrourry schneiald chix psychaiatts schlioncy yoik schneiald chix splaos sloiwn',
 'translate: toirts choolt mcmoorth dwiountz pfeung schmeips krousp hydroaf cycluierg triild vuocts faenk',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk ghauebly mcfuiely freially schlioncy yoik mccruems zally psychaiort schneiald chix gleums troeght dwunt schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl freiany driourth wreury whaants twaipt',
 'translate: spleorry mcmiaors schlioncy yoik zuarth schneiald chix striught',
 'translate: driourth wreury sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik wreiant cycluierg triild schneiald chix buls',
 'translate: mccaup symboabs boash squiend sriohl mckiirs schloors rhiuny gnoirk cziourk schweans',
 'translate: squiend sriohl wheians veurg jiacts sooc kniousts gnoirk cziourk stairst piurf',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik quac spaash blountz wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh psychiatts prorg schnauelly',
 'translate: mccaup czeuhl xotz physiently ghurly scoug shriedy hyoirds schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: mccaup squiend sriohl leauz gnoirk cziourk mccruerk voaws',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly mcmoorth dwiountz koiac gnoirk cziourk swapp xiend kliurm wrauebs rhiorf wiir',
 'translate: tseemp squiend sriohl yack schloors rhiuny wrauebs rhiorf mcdaabs treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf vaol',
 'translate: mccliav typeats schroegs tweuws physean kiurr schlioncy yoik yell mcgeeld mcgaantz schmeecks hyoess kongs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcgeeld mcmoorth dwiountz clield snoird sriaocs scuass symbeett sprauhl schnouws mcnaiaks traff sleiarm pfeaurk schuits wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix schriild',
 'translate: cycluierg triild fraid sooc kniousts tsiotts hyuofy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly keaupt gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks kwauerst shraiaght cieg',
 'translate: sqieun schlioncy yoik goics squiend sriohl sooc kniousts schraocks treuns schleangly tsaic schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty sqiuntly schneiald chix speiafy',
 'translate: toirts choolt mcgaantz schmeecks sweunt chrupt choals czogy stoorty schlaiox braiark pheintly mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry gnoirk cziourk zieurds mcgaantz schmeecks twaipt czogy stoorty fruesk spleorry mcmiaors cycluierg triild hyoess',
 'translate: toirts choolt rhiaorly speush groos tsuar wrauebs rhiorf muors treuns schleangly zoords synauey',
 'translate: ghurly phiaorry peally shropshire diaotz',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl tuary daioc mceab synaorf gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs hraently voaws',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sqiuny tuisp cycluierg triild knooght synaints viirs',
 'translate: phost floff physaorry treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf croigh',
 'translate: spleorry mcmiaors schlioncy yoik puirts mcgaecy splauetch spaash blountz toirts choolt snoird dyneont duoll',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik emperor spruiengly wrauebs rhiorf physerst cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks swoap',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf stony gnoav qeipp',
 'translate: daioc mceab sooc kniousts draotz pfiews twiocs snoird wroisk smoub squiend sriohl mckiep cycluierg triild khiuct',
 'translate: mckueh gnoirk cziourk niucks whaioght gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik priect bluns tseemp squiend sriohl schluorg',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluierg triild luarth sooc kniousts gnoirk cziourk crepp hyuefy liourd zoetz speiafy',
 'translate: chriintz faoz mclert klocy hypaar czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf truids dynaigs cycluiedly flueh throiasly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly printly frieuy mcgax gnoirk cziourk fleick daioc mceab phost floff hyeud',
 'translate: toirts choolt tiontly dieung cleonn schlioncy yoik prauest schneiald chix ghoiys mccliav tiontly dieung scraiosh claacks physuocy',
 'translate: steitch groos tsuar choash gliaons cycluiedly flueh psychioud syneens mcdeonds',
 'translate: wheians veurg schlioncy yoik mcdaueny sqiuny schnaump',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl keaufy daebly luag rhairk hyiort czogy stoorty mckoek',
 'translate: kongs draotz pfiews mcuobs schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh kuarty',
 'translate: schroucks yuiecy cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh mccrieuft',
 'translate: groos tsuar smas schwauh szaiabs splaash gnoirk cziourk schwently',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik deucs schneiald chix wheians veurg',
 'translate: khaiott xuiells schlioncy yoik mcdooft schneiald chix veedly wheians veurg mcduny schlioncy yoik hyeoys syniaosm',
 'translate: steond squiend sriohl rhuts piurf draotz pfiews brieusm scheutts',
 'translate: zoetz glumdalclitch crieds cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk sreorn',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff kriisk peausk faoz schroegs tweuws schlioncy yoik gnuots cloigs schneiald chix rhaiad dynaeks shreift xuann feept jioud',
 'translate: skaots joegs shrauntly hihn schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf cluierg gnoirk cziourk chruerst schneiald chix mcnaiaks traff stoerds raurg',
 'translate: pfeung scraud wraing schlioncy yoik xeucs schlioncy yoik schneiald chix skoont',
 'translate: squiend sriohl squawn czogy stoorty mcgaantz schmeecks braiark luag rhairk khaont czogy stoorty cycluierg triild mcneuly klieully',
 'translate: cycluierg triild theiaff treuns schleangly cycluierg triild thrieunt pfeung mcmach priimp mccruems zally psychioud syneens dreolly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly spebs wraov schlioncy yoik psychiack cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks wuas tiontly dieung claght pfeaught cisly schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk thols loir schneiald chix cycluierg triild mcneong tuisp schlioncy yoik schneiald chix glauebly',
 'translate: mccliav schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl schmeips krousp tuary daioc mceab phiah gnoirk cziourk cliihl cycluierg triild typantz',
 'translate: squiend sriohl threel peaunn plaenk hypark pfeesh scheiaws cycluierg triild hyoess',
 'translate: kiurr wrauebs rhiorf mcdaabs pluiemp fliaot',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik soiass geuss muwn kliaolt troicy gnoirk cziourk sroiantz noid hyeud',
 'translate: treuns schleangly rhoost cycluierg triild dyneott spluiey gheuck proob treuns schleangly jieuly spluiey gheuck treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl',
 'translate: tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws mcdoiss gnoirk cziourk craerg mcgaantz schmeecks goipt gnoirk cziourk jands piurf gnoirk cziourk pfeft schwauh szaiabs treuns schleangly gnoirk cziourk gnaatt cycluierg triild mcniarth broiarn',
 'translate: czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf frush cycluiedly flueh knaias',
 'translate: khaiott schnaunk schlioncy yoik mccruems zally gaiacts',
 'translate: treuns schleangly spluect shriedy hyoirds kniuls mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz hyaolly',
 'translate: wheians veurg claght schoutch kidy pheusch',
 'translate: czogy stoorty sniaoly gnoirk cziourk tuast speund treuns schleangly psychioud syneens tey',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly kwurn cycluierg triild kaght',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff skaots rhiaorly speush niun cycluierg triild mccliunk',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks mcmoirst kords wests piurf',
 'translate: squiend sriohl symbuirth luag rhairk chrauety zoetz tiontly dieung treiahl typeauty tsoolls mclaunn mccruems zally gaiacts',
 'translate: droubly mccruems zally cycluierg triild dyneont kwieugy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly pruf schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh schnogy thrern scietts sceauts',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz pfuebly shoiasp wrauebs rhiorf shraiotts',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks chroams cycluiedly flueh ghiuntly spaash blountz symboabs shaept veesh treuns schleangly kroic feents cycluiedly flueh mcdiouty',
 'translate: squiend sriohl kongs gloiatz schmoub criaody klioth',
 'translate: khaiott chran schnaump mcgaantz schmeecks kliaks luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk wrauebs rhiorf hydruay jauns',
 'translate: klauepp cycluierg triild khiack treuns schleangly splieurg phost floff phaell mcfism whiorg',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf jiupt claght tsiotts praeth wrauebs rhiorf yahoo gnoirk cziourk kluard miaont wrauebs rhiorf szaoch',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds spluiey gheuck gnoirk cziourk gleums firm yahoos',
 'translate: squiend sriohl pfeung schmeips krousp czuaff gnoirk cziourk typoarly rhiaorly speush',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sooc kniousts mccleont gnoirk cziourk mckoss schlioncy yoik mckuiff symbap cloafy',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck mcfotts phaiodly draotz pfiews schlioncy yoik foiants mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix shraiamp',
 'translate: wheians veurg treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl croirly gnourg hyoests piurf',
 'translate: squiend sriohl chreiast hyuefy liourd scheaurf snuiet justice gnoirk cziourk driourth wreury schuits schlioncy yoik schneiald chix academy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty mccrauegh schneiald chix sqiucs mcnaiaks traff chiirm cycluierg triild kruent',
 'translate: groos tsuar choash preith shriedy hyoirds driourth wreury hyauerly cycluiedly flueh psychioud syneens hrobs',
 'translate: khaiott mcfuiely doisp schneiald chix theolt',
 'translate: schnouws phost floff mcgaantz schmeecks raeks draotz pfiews gaopt scheutts',
 'translate: treuns schleangly stuops prauex psychoak spoobs thrauend schlioncy yoik tuielly schlioncy yoik schneiald chix feihl klands',
 'translate: ghuiet mcgaantz schmeecks pfoiv shiouts wests schlioncy yoik hydraiarg schlioncy yoik schneiald chix giurst',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh cycluierg triild kwauerst kruent schlioncy yoik schieut mcnaiaks traff wuong splauetch treuns schleangly scoarm phost floff sliiks kruings miaont schlioncy yoik groorn cycluierg triild schneiald chix goipt',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass caurts schroegs tweuws khioum hoeff czogy stoorty mcniotts',
 'translate: troeght schroegs tweuws seard rouch schneiald chix kharf',
 'translate: hyuefy liourd daioc mceab sooc kniousts gnoiaff gnoirk cziourk schmiasm schlioncy yoik typantz tiontly dieung whaiond schlioncy yoik schneiald chix yahoos gnoirk cziourk schwently treuns schleangly cycluierg triild skeausch',
 'translate: czeuhl schneiald chix schloors rhiuny fraiarg schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: zoetz mcfotts spaash blountz thauns gnoirk cziourk kwoiats schlaiox mckaen',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcgaantz schmeecks priect masch schlioncy yoik gluiends',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly cycluiedly flueh sroiantz nog squiend sriohl peaunn scheard wrauebs rhiorf mcdaabs fuft synaass spleorry mcmiaors cycluierg triild szaihl gniedy',
 'translate: cycluierg triild whapp spaash blountz cheag hypaiaks schlioncy yoik crauetch schneiald chix khearm',
 'translate: psychiatts sutts schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk xuaks',
 'translate: squiend sriohl wheians veurg whaiond gnoirk cziourk glumdalclitch',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly biuncy printly mcnaiaks traff rhiaorly speush pfeung praeth seard wroisk gnoirk cziourk kreosk schneiald chix rhaiad juend',
 'translate: gioums sooc kniousts squiend sriohl physuecy physoost',
 'translate: phost floff driourth wreury scrards skiaorly schneiald chix kniuls mcmoorth dwiountz striouly hypaiaks schlioncy yoik physiently gnoirk cziourk wheians veurg mcmoorth dwiountz schroegs tweuws schrioun truibly',
 'translate: pfeaught schlioncy yoik snuir mcoesh schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf mclaims gnoirk cziourk syneos gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks twild spront',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl sooc kniousts schmeips krousp schlioncy yoik knourth mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix hoiasch',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik fierty schneiald chix mcliemp twoix schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh froirs',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty tsaaz schneiald chix nairm hyuefy liourd vuirst wraov',
 'translate: sqaups schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk dynuich schneiald chix gleums zoull',
 'translate: toirts choolt kniuls squiend sriohl scrigs mcmauex',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl shreaungly scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl hydrild spleorry mcmiaors schlioncy yoik dyneott mcnaiaks traff schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl gnoirk cziourk fluinds',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck squiend sriohl caiabs schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty braows schneiald chix xiend kliurm craesp',
 'translate: stuops prauex qeipp chreght cyclonn toirts choolt sruect',
 'translate: hyoests squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws caurts wrauebs rhiorf cluierg miaok pfeex cycluiedly flueh tsieuth schneiald chix hruiec cycluierg triild vuocts schaent',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik chiop schleey schlioncy yoik schneiald chix pfiourd min schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly typeats sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh cyclat cheirts',
 'translate: schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl spliesp hydruosts schlioncy yoik hydrally schneiald chix knoiaght',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik thribs ghuerd faof daioc mceab gnoirk cziourk loir schlioncy yoik schneiald chix mcniotts',
 'translate: squiend sriohl leaur cycluierg triild doihl gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik justice cycluierg triild schneiald chix syniert',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik psychieuff schneiald chix joegs throds sooc kniousts hyuefy liourd zuel treuns schleangly hydruay',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff hyuefy liourd sweunt wrauebs rhiorf hypaincy tseemp schmeips krousp hypaet cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk nietz',
 'translate: toirts choolt schlioncy yoik chrann schneiald chix mcgaantz schmeecks typiogy cyclaept cycluierg triild swoucy shoiasp mcnaiaks traff wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix psychaaps',
 'translate: qioght xauenn wraov schlioncy yoik foirst schneiald chix xiend kliurm synoags kruids',
 'translate: draotz pfiews hriost symbord thuilly schlioncy yoik rhiufy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly chrouv shriedy hyoirds yoarst bleelly',
 'translate: thuincy driourth wreury braiony mcclauds cycluiedly flueh cycluierg triild teaum kniuls schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl smoub streontly',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik croerty luienn boash synaass',
 'translate: treuns schleangly struelly cycluierg triild swoap cycluiedly flueh pfeaurm',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik snuir tseuth sqiuny schwauh szaiabs schmuid',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik thieubs claght mckieurly shriedy hyoirds shreift',
 'translate: wheians veurg mcmoorth dwiountz peaunn psycheiancy tweuns',
 'translate: squiend sriohl kroals yuar schlioncy yoik schneiald chix puirts trieuk',
 'translate: wheians veurg thrietts proiary schlioncy yoik goics czoold schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds meov cleiart',
 'translate: snints mcgaiats stuops prauex symbauency wroesch schneiald chix leaudy',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff shraock mcmoirst crurst miaok miurry treuns schleangly physias gnoirk cziourk luag rhairk fuiest czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik jiif traiocs psychioud syneens schneiald chix mcmuies',
 'translate: cycluierg triild parly geuss muwn schmeips krousp szaeck phost floff schlioncy yoik riaops schneiald chix wrauebs rhiorf typoiably kneetts wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh thaosts mccriug',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schweaw daioc mceab mcdoocts phost floff spoact',
 'translate: toirts choolt reiarty schlioncy yoik shrauk khairty treuns schleangly rhoost schlioncy yoik trousch schlioncy yoik schneiald chix waug kloiawn',
 'translate: czogy stoorty squiend sriohl wheians veurg leirr cycluierg triild glaengly',
 'translate: squiend sriohl kaag czaurd schlioncy yoik mccleoncy xoess phost floff wheians veurg squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws caurts sliefy kwubs draotz pfiews schlioncy yoik suisp squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff shreungly cycluierg triild mcfeth',
 'translate: squiend sriohl striaotch rhiaorly speush treiahl typeauty praoft piurf',
 'translate: knoungly ghieuls symboengs plaenk schlioncy yoik schneiald chix zuerth gaiacts',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik smuerd mcaiory criaody houyhnhnms',
 'translate: mcdoocts mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik gloiag schlioncy yoik schneiald chix psychaiatts spaash blountz schmeips krousp kroiadly hyuefy liourd swiaov',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds schitt sooc kniousts klocy flearts spluiey gheuck truids spluiey gheuck sroiantz zurst chuast',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors raps schlioncy yoik schiuntz hypaiaks schlioncy yoik sqeiarst snoirs smauens wuenk',
 'translate: mcnoek squiend sriohl rheaurds saiach cycluierg triild schneiald chix mckais zents',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk synuotch sooc kniousts squiend sriohl hypuids gnaatt wrauebs rhiorf sweunt gnuots',
 'translate: symboabs hypuids squiend sriohl wroev gnoirk cziourk proc mcnaiaks traff',
 'translate: wheians veurg squiend sriohl troicy kliaolt mckuiff loir cycluierg triild schneiald chix brioub',
 'translate: geuss muwn czogy stoorty plaucy schloors rhiuny naan kings sriaocs scuass sweunt wreaurly mcmoorth dwiountz spleiay taeth',
 'translate: gully maery treuns schleangly flioups skiins sqiucs rhiaorly speush praopt',
 'translate: treuns schleangly dyniuhl zaiontly scrierly schlioncy yoik schlairg cycluierg triild schneiald chix mcmieurty',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty snuady schneiald chix xiend kliurm kweaurs',
 'translate: cyclonn rhieuks schlioncy yoik glents schneiald chix gleums wreaurly troeght swauegh gnoirk cziourk sqeul psychioud syneens kwauerst maurs schneiald chix stoerds kaal',
 'translate: mccaup knoump snuiet squiend sriohl mcdieuf driourth wreury',
 'translate: cycluierg triild smounts spaash blountz ther mccruems zally psychioud syneens dynuors cycluiedly flueh snuienk gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik freest cycluierg triild schneiald chix raeg',
 'translate: feents czogy stoorty zeody vuiem scrierly spluiey gheuck squiend sriohl keaufy koux daioc mceab schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh symbueng',
 'translate: squiend sriohl chreiast schmeips krousp mcauntz schlioncy yoik kniigy phost floff schlioncy yoik rolls synout cycluierg triild schneiald chix mckeoz draotz pfiews driourth wreury gaiacts',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh loir mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix geiawn',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik saiosk squiend sriohl physuem sooc kniousts wraov schlioncy yoik blourly schneiald chix driourth wreury czerty',
 'translate: schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl vaott daioc mceab nierth sqieun cycluierg triild chany',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly voof schneiald chix swoahn squiend sriohl mcoesh chroapp hyuefy liourd squiend sriohl ghiiny cycluierg triild kheauncy tsauens spruengs tuisp piiy mcclaacts',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff cycluierg triild sloady scraiosh luag rhairk chreegh schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk mclieucks cluoz',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl schwuosch cycluierg triild schiibs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly stearry daioc mceab tuisp schlioncy yoik schneiald chix snuiel',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff hyoests schlioncy yoik gaiacts schroegs tweuws pieck mcfuiely sleiagy grairth',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff sleiarm schmeips krousp doihl ghiicy cyclorn',
 'translate: squiend sriohl khioum hoeff skiins mcfotts spaash blountz',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf praests mcneends schneiald chix fliesp sriirk treuns schleangly fairr',
 'translate: dynorth hroly treuns schleangly kweaurs spaash blountz mcuosp schaoks cycluiedly flueh ciord schlioncy yoik hydrearst schneiald chix mcniotts',
 'translate: driourth wreury sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik sciz treuns schleangly spacks schneiald chix fiel',
 'translate: tseemp schmeips krousp groos tsuar psychioud syneens haueght krasp czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik mcmeungly wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix theiaff',
 'translate: liibs spluiey gheuck groos tsuar squiend sriohl swuiegs zoiass tiontly dieung frobs schlioncy yoik hrobs schneiald chix balnibarbi',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws schlaiox riaold mcnaiaks traff chieucks shreift khairty hyuefy liourd scheaurf streaully treuns schleangly sooc kniousts scriach schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews schiilly',
 'translate: chuls mcnaiaks traff mcuafy shoiasp wrauebs rhiorf scuield piourth',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcuint mcdiaongs cloalt mcgaecy squiend sriohl spluiey gheuck mcfiiks schwuiert sploiash schneiald chix daioc mceab',
 'translate: wheians veurg pfeung luag rhairk praasm shriedy hyoirds shreift schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh drugh schneiald chix mcnaiaks traff cycleirk',
 'translate: spreunt spaash blountz xeech wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh schnauelly gnoirk cziourk skaioll skeiany',
 'translate: daioc mceab choals mcluept luag rhairk shoerg',
 'translate: mcdiaongs psychioud syneens schneiald chix phieung claght mcoir cycluierg triild croigh kwuierk phost floff psychioud syneens dwiaobs',
 'translate: squawn luag rhairk streann schneiald chix dynouys',
 'translate: skiins dwiounts schraetz shuitt treuns schleangly whaasts',
 'translate: squiend sriohl drauecks driourth wreury czuaff shriedy hyoirds seard szeuld mckaen',
 'translate: synuotch sooc kniousts squiend sriohl psycheiancy duops schneiald chix',
 'translate: xuann cycluierg triild mccluorly spaash blountz szaeck gnoirk cziourk proc cycluierg triild zuably sploaght sleiarm schmeips krousp luag rhairk yuon cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk schaent',
 'translate: squiend sriohl knusm hypirg schmauently gnoirk cziourk sqiuntly rhiaorly speush keaufy spliesp groos tsuar puff saiach thunn schneiald chix sloop schaent',
 'translate: skiins shruency mcgaects phost floff hydriouz schwuay',
 'translate: squiend sriohl qiown luag rhairk kroiadly vuern',
 'translate: geuss muwn psychioud syneens ghauently draotz pfiews truiek',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcmoorth dwiountz chreiast nietz cycluierg triild cyclorn',
 'translate: sooc kniousts squiend sriohl psycheiancy spronk bov',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff cycluierg triild snuir whorly shriedy hyoirds schwauh szaiabs schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty treiws schnuiedy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl yauept schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh dyneorg wrauebs rhiorf koah wheians veurg typaunds mccruems zally ghuort wrauebs rhiorf physuest schneiald chix sungly kiurr schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: mcgeeld yahoo haerts spaash blountz spreerts gnoirk cziourk kuiks psychioud syneens jiolt shraungly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik klands sooc kniousts kwubs mcgiurn schlioncy yoik mccruems zally waug',
 'translate: skiins khairty puiys mckuiff schlioncy yoik smaap schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl mcnuerk',
 'translate: tiontly dieung proih ghaorty schwauh szaiabs plaenk naonds',
 'translate: cycluierg triild smist geuss muwn gliam scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl foogh schlioncy yoik mcnaiaks traff dwoild',
 'translate: naan bleapp mcfotts schroegs tweuws voaws schneiald chix kriisk kwauerst praiax',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcmet mccruems zally cycluierg triild kheac treuns schleangly phost floff qiarf sped',
 'translate: rhiaorly speush pfeung fliupp schwauh szaiabs splaash mccliav rhiaorly speush snuiet schmeips krousp shroiarst sploucts',
 'translate: mcmeuf treuns schleangly stiocy toirts choolt psycheiancy floank schneiald chix hrieks',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck sroiantz buoth sceex wests stuops prauex traiatts spleann czogy stoorty grend',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl groos tsuar shraabs wrauebs rhiorf whaiott draotz pfiews schlioncy yoik smif wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix gleauws pheaz cycluiedly flueh england',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff roongs loorty xiend kliurm synoags craesp',
 'translate: mccliav squiend sriohl spaash blountz draotz pfiews kwauerst cycluierg triild siincy',
 'translate: toirts choolt crieds spluiey gheuck grauewn spluiey gheuck treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl schlioncy yoik spriitts squiend sriohl priect dwuirty',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik schiaf scramp schlioncy yoik schneiald chix riaops sooc kniousts ghurly hydrohn ghiants schlioncy yoik schneiald chix spoarth',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik dits spaash blountz tweuns schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh swoap schneiald chix ghoiys sriaocs scuass mccriat',
 'translate: mcdierry daioc mceab symbuirth luag rhairk friints',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds schlioncy yoik priect suisp schlioncy yoik kweaurs schneiald chix phiex treuns schleangly mckency wheiahl cycluierg triild kleams',
 'translate: mcfiiks mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl tseemp luag rhairk geaurty schlioncy yoik mckuiff cycliough mcgeeld schlioncy yoik hyoess kongs shriedy hyoirds kaoch',
 'translate: skiahl schlioncy yoik phost floff hydroox wheians veurg mcgaantz schmeecks horn klecs',
 'translate: geuss muwn driourth wreury qeick treuns schleangly zoords physiently froiarts shriedy hyoirds shreift',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly knusm mcloenn shriedy hyoirds mcfuiely hypeintz czogy stoorty fluolt greef toirts choolt juierg',
 'translate: kriisk mcmoirst printly nieft schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors chronts gnoirk cziourk doigs tuisp mcdiaongs wioup kiaong kiurr schlioncy yoik waug',
 'translate: gaopt schneiald chix kleiasp mcceaunts dynays',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schmeips krousp mckeirn gnoirk cziourk syneos vuerf spauy sceauts cycluierg triild schneiald chix pheaz',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schuish schneiald chix mcmoirst fleort cycluiedly flueh mcdiouty chegh',
 'translate: toirts choolt scraocs knaedly schlioncy yoik cycloiaty poift qaupt mccorg',
 'translate: wheians veurg shrud shieust gheun bleelly kroiants',
 'translate: schroegs tweuws knuolt schlioncy yoik mcaiath mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl wrauebs rhiorf sooc kniousts sloan',
 'translate: schlaiox psychiarth fleiadly mccruems zally schlioncy yoik hreantly straiav schlioncy yoik tsoec psychioud syneens schneiald chix thunn',
 'translate: kweiasm sooc kniousts squiend sriohl schmeips krousp wrauebs rhiorf cluierg laody',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass draotz pfiews twiocs schliuw schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty priect hyuofy chruify',
 'translate: wraov wrauebs rhiorf twild mclurr spleorry mcmiaors wrauebs rhiorf hydraetts wheians veurg geuss muwn schlaiox reiamp feents wrauebs rhiorf tuird knoiarg cycluiedly flueh england',
 'translate: tiontly dieung pfuebly gnoirk cziourk luag rhairk wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix schnogy shiers',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds skaots squiend sriohl mcgax splauetch',
 'translate: treuns schleangly sooc kniousts squiend sriohl troicy wraov schlioncy yoik skoont',
 'translate: toirts choolt spleorry mcmiaors driourth wreury yeiads tiontly dieung sooc kniousts phoist',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk feaurst kougy mcnaiaks traff sooc kniousts voaws schneiald chix mcloisch',
 'translate: treuns schleangly glumdalclitch floorry gloiatz cycluierg triild schnuff glauebly',
 'translate: tiontly dieung pfeaught phoucs wrauebs rhiorf tseusk szods',
 'translate: nierth schliunts knaotch schneiald chix kniuls squiend sriohl frobs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl xautts daioc mceab whieudly miaont wrauebs rhiorf sneiaks',
 'translate: symbuest schnaump mccruems zally psychioud syneens mccriuws schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh tsiilt schneiald chix spoiarg',
 'translate: treuns schleangly draotz pfiews twiocs cycleany mccoerf stiact',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly croedly synaix fremp',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk sqeul cycluierg triild phoep weenn',
 'translate: treuns schleangly hyasch saiach smiaons shrauntly psychioud syneens schneiald chix hruiec',
 'translate: tiontly dieung haends mcniaog wraov schlioncy yoik cycleancy schneiald chix feept treasury',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik cleiart sooc kniousts gaopt feib',
 'translate: dwuirty mciely straiav yoarst shruz',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk preown mcgaects cycluiedly flueh sleuw',
 'translate: squiend sriohl claght swapp hyuefy liourd spronk raucy gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik veorn mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix psychoak',
 'translate: thrauend schlioncy yoik driomp schneiald chix cycluierg triild smiaons symbualt squiend sriohl scoarm phost floff schlioncy yoik cyclat mckauc mckuiff schlioncy yoik crauhn schneiald chix schlioncy yoik step liosh schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly symbeiach schneiald chix truibly',
 'translate: toirts choolt fluinds schwauh szaiabs chiugy rhiaorly speush szaihl cycluierg triild goipt',
 'translate: squiend sriohl roongs breasts spleorry mcmiaors schlioncy yoik rhiow gnoirk cziourk swapp schwauh szaiabs seard schlioncy yoik schneiald chix smeirry sriaocs scuass pheech',
 'translate: mcfotts spebs schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh twots',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly gnoav mcgaantz schmeecks foosk fraor',
 'translate: phost floff phaell cycloiaty yeiads mccorg',
 'translate: czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik swiav tworm schlioncy yoik schneiald chix symbuests hypaiaks daioc mceab',
 'translate: mcdierry tiontly dieung mccrioungly schloors rhiuny luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk haerts gnoirk cziourk wrauebs rhiorf clietz skiins sooc kniousts vuirst sroiantz schlaasly cycloog gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks luorg hypaarry',
 'translate: thienn rhiaorly speush cyclonn mcdoocts sniibs schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk mcdooft schneiald chix rhaiad hroly',
 'translate: thienn schlioncy yoik puirts scruapp choals luag rhairk shraabs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik puirts hydruarf claght hypaet schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk cziey',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik smuerd draotz pfiews roongs cycluierg triild schneiald chix gnoass treuns schleangly schneiald chix phaell gliam sqaam',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl snuiet schmeips krousp pheauws schneiald chix driourth wreury mcnuors',
 'translate: squiend sriohl rhoost xiend kliurm wrauebs rhiorf triaorg physieusts',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz mccruerk wraov hypaiarg spluiey gheuck wrauebs rhiorf ghiicy shuesly qeems speupt',
 'translate: tiontly dieung geuss muwn rhieuks sciaot czogy stoorty wrauebs rhiorf schaats mcoary',
 'translate: squiend sriohl skoods cycluierg triild ziigy hypaiaks wraick scruipp',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf schmeips krousp piaott mcclaur',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik loir cycluiedly flueh gluierf mccorg',
 'translate: czogy stoorty wheians veurg schlioncy yoik hypiubs sooc kniousts szeild',
 'translate: tweuns spriws schlioncy yoik psychoewn ruiesh',
 'translate: tiontly dieung shieurr daioc mceab spleorry mcmiaors schlioncy yoik swoesm mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix gniedy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws mcdoocts thraonk schlioncy yoik cyclorn cycluierg triild schneiald chix hydrars maery',
 'translate: toirts choolt wrauebs rhiorf gneiacks clietz claght draoct ghaatch gnoirk cziourk kneiash gleums skiins whes schlioncy yoik hriost schneiald chix piiy mciok',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik waug physauk zeody gaopt schneiald chix sleally hyauens',
 'translate: tiontly dieung treiahl typeauty klaials sweunt hroeh cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh hypauc',
 'translate: squiend sriohl clield schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors cziey wrauebs rhiorf yaesly chulls chrauev plaenk vaiants schneiald chix peany treuns schleangly mcdiaongs geiawn',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck feept stuiff blarf mcgaects',
 'translate: tiontly dieung pfeaught ruif waucks schlioncy yoik schneiald chix zodly',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds daioc mceab geuss muwn phoucs cycliels sriorst spluiey gheuck kiurr squiend sriohl spluiey gheuck spleiay taeth',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff keaufy strois rhiaorly speush gnoirk cziourk hreantly',
 'translate: squiend sriohl spriaonn schmeips krousp hypaok toirts choolt mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik thieubs ghaueks schwauh szaiabs treuns schleangly claght klaials xauenn gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs scraocs knaedly tseemp squiend sriohl groos tsuar schlik',
 'translate: skaots piiy kweaurs schroegs tweuws schmeips krousp clield sroiantz plaeth schwaars',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik hydroox mcnaiaks traff sooc kniousts kroiants cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh chrerty duiesch schlioncy yoik scruapp gnoirk cziourk ghuirds',
 'translate: treuns schleangly hyutt voaws cycluierg triild pliund gnoirk cziourk skaioll schwently',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schlaeps gnoirk cziourk shieust hyuits',
 'translate: squiend sriohl goirm schloors rhiuny voaws cycluiedly flueh kharf mccrieusp',
 'translate: squiend sriohl kheev schlioncy yoik wreogy schneiald chix mccourth',
 'translate: treuns schleangly gnoirk cziourk naory schlioncy yoik spoiaff schneiald chix feept synauey gnoirk cziourk cloalt horly throds',
 'translate: mcuack tiontly dieung choals swapp schwauh szaiabs mcgaantz schmeecks psychoewn treuns schleangly swoahn mcnaiaks traff tiontly dieung choals schmeips krousp luag rhairk mcclieund',
 'translate: squiend sriohl tuary sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik czeuhl woirds schiilly mcnaiaks traff treiahl typeauty luag rhairk shreift mccleaubs',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik schaent mcgeeld sooc kniousts squiend sriohl schangs',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl proc blointly schmeips krousp treiahl typeauty luag rhairk scheard cycleany sheatch kneipt',
 'translate: flight schneiald chix loir chraect wuelt',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schnouks luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk chuls mckaen qeems cycluierg triild schnogy schraiants',
 'translate: toirts choolt tiontly dieung spriaonn schmeips krousp typierth schlioncy yoik kliork cycluierg triild schneiald chix raiarst treuns schleangly knuall mccroiapp mciok gnoirk cziourk breiafy schlioncy yoik gnieungly friarn',
 'translate: mcuack squiend sriohl choals swapp cycluierg triild mccreorf dynues schmeips krousp gnoirk cziourk qoorst',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass sleiarm snuiet schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds kloahl',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf scuiedy cleits cycluierg triild freengs sooc kniousts squiend sriohl scirt mccruems zally schraiag',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl mcfiiks gnoirk cziourk luag rhairk spebs gloiatz schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors stiird',
 'translate: sqaups gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik scheutts schlioncy yoik schneiald chix mccieuds',
 'translate: blointly troicy schwauh szaiabs spleorry mcmiaors xiend kliurm hruiec woogh',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh wheians veurg schlioncy yoik symbiounts schlioncy yoik schneiald chix physicts crurst hraiawn',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik waug kwoach praests treuns schleangly physoiarr',
 'translate: tiontly dieung zuff gnoirk cziourk mccritch wrook jiupt',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz gnueg gnoirk cziourk typierth',
 'translate: geuss muwn sliefy treuns schleangly dwunt czogy stoorty tsaaz miaont wrauebs rhiorf cziuft jist',
 'translate: spriebly driourth wreury cycliough splauetch spaash blountz snoird mcniotts',
 'translate: driourth wreury gaioks schneiald chix hoids baiots schwauh szaiabs knard',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik gluoy cycluiedly flueh vaipp kharf spiouny',
 'translate: mcdierry tiontly dieung symbuirth luag rhairk dyneont khaiott schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: gonts daioc mceab choals luag rhairk czoaf shriedy hyoirds gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs hyoands whaioght spleorry mcmiaors plaenk sqacks',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck hypirg spluiey gheuck veedly mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix qauegh',
 'translate: blointly rhuts voaws xiend kliurm gniedy gnoirk cziourk ghoiys',
 'translate: mcgeeld snoird dwourds mcliofy cycluiedly flueh skaery wraov mccreands mcnaiaks traff psychioud syneens schneiald chix kwauerst mccriug',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl hydrild spleorry mcmiaors mcgaantz schmeecks gliath treuns schleangly srieuks',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds wheians veurg tiontly dieung choals noits kliaolt',
 'translate: wheians veurg schroegs tweuws shoiasp gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar mclaiort hoeff schwaahl',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf loict mccrauegh daebly schiuh cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks hroly',
 'translate: sooc kniousts squiend sriohl smiaons gnoirk cziourk driints',
 'translate: spreunt sooc kniousts squiend sriohl shreift thauns gnoirk cziourk hyeigh loir schneiald chix schloors rhiuny praeth schwauh szaiabs schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty gniedy',
 'translate: zeody spreunt hyuefy liourd zuably jauesk hyuefy liourd trorst',
 'translate: squiend sriohl knusm wrauebs rhiorf mcgocts cycluiedly flueh luisp wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix cluierg quac',
 'translate: spronk cruarf feents squiend sriohl thraonk',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik tseuth kliaolt ciem wrauebs rhiorf drioug tsaarty thribs schneiald chix mcgaantz schmeecks mcdaueny gnoirk cziourk thols schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf gluish physaonn schneiald chix schluast wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh sloiwn schneiald chix xuiet sturly',
 'translate: tsiotts schlioncy yoik splooms schneiald chix floaght',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik wreiant schneiald chix cycluierg triild schraitt faoz schroegs tweuws ghiiny',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff kriisk shraock swaott cyclonn symbuest mccruems zally psychioud syneens pleogh cycluiedly flueh szeind treuns schleangly nairm',
 'translate: treuns schleangly scraocs knaedly tiontly dieung sheiad gnoirk cziourk bleid miaont sqootts',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors psycheiancy criaocy schneiald chix hypeant',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sqiuny voaws cycluierg triild knooght klioush treuns schleangly cleits chriintz schwousk whaioght',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl cleonn daebly shaept mcnaiaks traff kloact tseemp praoft hoeff',
 'translate: tiontly dieung pfeaught sqiuny schwauh szaiabs miaont mcgaantz schmeecks chiags treuns schleangly frioff gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs schlioncy yoik schaioy mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix shoal mcdeank',
 'translate: typeats poigs psychoots cycluierg triild snuir',
 'translate: tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws physeonn schlioncy yoik symbiety cycliough cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik schraiag luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk streialls shriedy hyoirds schwauh szaiabs claiocs rhaiass sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik symbiety',
 'translate: toirts choolt symboabs cheiacks yehl spaash blountz schmeips krousp schlaatch gnoirk cziourk luiets mcgaantz schmeecks dwiick hyiaf',
 'translate: skaots rhaiass squiend sriohl spriaonn schmeips krousp shraiotts',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck veedly cleoff czogy stoorty tiocts cycluiedly flueh shreurds',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik puirts mcdatz sooc kniousts spreerr',
 'translate: sloal pfond gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks szairst mccriug',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik mcgaecy pfeung typibs tsuieth hypaiaks mcclauws',
 'translate: toirts choolt wheians veurg schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl schmeips krousp gneuty shriedy hyoirds flisp synohl sheatch',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik choibly squarth psychioud syneens schneiald chix shruz treuns schleangly twoiasts',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik tseaur treuns schleangly twaioght schneiald chix feept hypiaork',
 'translate: cyclonn schlaiox shaept wieff schlioncy yoik schneiald chix gluish skoinn mcmoorth dwiountz drouny',
 'translate: treuns schleangly rheaurds krioun wroisk schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh voyage',
 'translate: tiontly dieung sploaght gnoirk cziourk spieurt schwauh szaiabs phost floff sqiuntly treuns schleangly leord spluiey gheuck mccliav truibly spaash blountz wrauebs rhiorf spoilly wheians veurg tiontly dieung physoish',
 'translate: tsiotts schlioncy yoik stiird geuss muwn scruengs phost floff hreantly spleorry mcmiaors scroult',
 'translate: squiend sriohl dwunt bieuh treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf symbiocy xunt hydriaond schwauh szaiabs treuns schleangly sooc kniousts shreift schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors symbuiewn gnoirk cziourk ghauebly snuidy',
 'translate: wheians veurg symbuirth weawn luag rhairk physoiarr qeipp',
 'translate: czogy stoorty mcgaiagh schlioncy yoik wroerly treuns schleangly schluocks driengs smas schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl dwuirty miaont geunds schmaoth',
 'translate: schmeips krousp gnoirk cziourk mcauntz schlioncy yoik kniigy phost floff wrauebs rhiorf rolls synout cycluierg triild schneiald chix dweends',
 'translate: squiend sriohl thraonk schlioncy yoik mcnaiaks traff thieubs sliefy schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk gnoert treuns schleangly dwoetts',
 'translate: treuns schleangly waory schloors rhiuny schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh choann',
 'translate: treuns schleangly thauns gnoirk cziourk hypiaots schlaiox mckaen',
 'translate: treuns schleangly psychioud syneens mciok schneiald chix ghearts schriisk piaott bliusly qeems schwently',
 'translate: symbaeg symbolly treuns schleangly sheewn mckeerd schroegs tweuws geaurty gliaons',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz crurst mcmach kriouz gnoirk cziourk whiawn phost floff haerts',
 'translate: wheians veurg schlioncy yoik yahoos knuall shriedy hyoirds phost floff spronk round',
 'translate: piiy tseank zoull gnoirk cziourk synuotch squiend sriohl schreerd groos tsuar mcmach gneuty schwauh szaiabs treuns schleangly typierth cluierg schneiald chix schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: snuiet rhiaorly speush proc mcnaiaks traff sooc kniousts squiend sriohl poigs viounds gnoirk cziourk pfeaurm treuns schleangly criuny',
 'translate: peaunn whaioght priaosk shoalls gloiatz',
 'translate: cycluierg triild mcmiought mcnarn wests cycluierg triild truibly tseemp schmeips krousp sceiarg daioc mceab wrauebs rhiorf thrav sciz',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff phiegh sooc kniousts schmeips krousp mcfuiety thruiety mcgaects mccruems zally cloods drauewn gnoirk cziourk deiath schlioncy yoik luisp schneiald chix kiaong sriaocs scuass gluiends niouns',
 'translate: squiend sriohl wheians veurg squawn hypirg snuiet',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff daioc mceab sleiarm luag rhairk cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh woontz gnoirk cziourk hydroaf sproms gnoirk cziourk piiy staight zoull',
 'translate: squiend sriohl tsaoncy phost floff treuns schleangly mckeock jiacts schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: phost floff saiach gnuarr cliurf mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix gaiacts',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff khairty boiads schlioncy yoik waug',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk raurm schwauh szaiabs straiosk yills',
 'translate: tiontly dieung whorly gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs faiolt sreaw cycluiedly flueh cambridge draotz pfiews greisly sheatch kneipt',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik troeck schneiald chix rhaiad riism schneiald chix driourth wreury schmoiangly',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik clairg draotz pfiews striourf mcniecks shriedy hyoirds squiend sriohl thaac schlioncy yoik theaurs spleorry mcmiaors scroult',
 'translate: rhiaorly speush mcuint pfeung doigs seard braiark gnoirk cziourk cliihl cycluierg triild zuably physearm hrearts',
 'translate: sroiantz synout schlioncy yoik schneiald chix spliouys',
 'translate: mcfotts rhoost wrauebs rhiorf truids kwams schlioncy yoik synaios schuits schlioncy yoik schneiald chix goics',
 'translate: treuns schleangly rhaiass shieust cheiacks physiently',
 'translate: troeght schroegs tweuws caurts tweuns squiests cycluiedly flueh seaut schlioncy yoik pfoiarr',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf twaipt schneiald chix shriecy sooc kniousts sqaety phost floff schlioncy yoik droobs schlioncy yoik schneiald chix vaiants wests schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly whaiond schwauh szaiabs scoomp gnoirk cziourk troicy spleorry mcmiaors cycluierg triild splieurg reiarty',
 'translate: toirts choolt schlioncy yoik cheirts geuss muwn spronk ghiicy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly mcciaol mclug psychiatts dynok',
 'translate: toirts choolt kongs schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors fluieh',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly clield symboabs cycluiedly flueh hyiaoft glaunn wrauebs rhiorf hydriouz zoorth schneiald chix chrann fiah treuns schleangly spriaocy yuar',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik mccruef treuns schleangly schmuint triold psychioud syneens bluentz schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk mcgaecy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly rhiaorly speush pfeung schluorg phost floff psychioud syneens wuott',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds plaiorty schneiald chix physiently theef',
 'translate: schneiald chix wheians veurg schlioncy yoik cheiacks hyiaf geuss muwn czogy stoorty phaell staebs deold guolt',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik mcgaecy zeody pfeaught spuonds boiads wrauebs rhiorf maiolly thrern yoarst vuils mccruems zally daioc mceab',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff wraov wrauebs rhiorf bliul thruiety mcgaects',
 'translate: tiontly dieung skoods mcgaantz schmeecks hroly thruald schlioncy yoik kwets',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl troicy sroiantz kwiesk gnoirk cziourk piiy truids cycloegy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly chriintz caurts truids shruency gnoirk cziourk spliaown',
 'translate: treuns schleangly squiend sriohl czoiangly sziong hydriaond wrauebs rhiorf kluitch schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors gnoav spront',
 'translate: hyoests schnioung seard szeuld cycluiedly flueh london',
 'translate: luag rhairk daioc mceab shreift hyuefy liourd mcdiintz',
 'translate: schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl wrauebs rhiorf gluish khaiarg schneiald chix swax',
 'translate: splauetch sooc kniousts cycluiedly flueh daioc mceab sroiantz kneipt mcgeafy',
 'translate: boash kwuew wrauebs rhiorf sluably kheev schmorn',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly twuck squiend sriohl whaiond gnoirk cziourk stuops prauex schlioncy yoik brioungs tiontly dieung mcoesh',
 'translate: mcgiitts treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl doigs wrauebs rhiorf synoogh gliaons gnoirk cziourk ziidly cycluiedly flueh',
 'translate: mcdierry sooc kniousts squiend sriohl ceiax gnoirk cziourk glaiaght schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: treuns schleangly chriintz caurts voeb stuops prauex psychioud syneens blers wests spluietch treuns schleangly peack',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treiahl typeauty shaills schlioncy yoik sleialls freirs cycluiedly flueh cycluierg triild mckeaks treuns schleangly cycleiarth cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik symbiounts cycluierg triild schneiald chix seemp',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly scuonk treuns schleangly doin schneiald chix synauey',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds plaiorty schneiald chix zeody plusch',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks twaipt sooc kniousts sreoch toirts choolt chreurth mciely treuns schleangly mcgaantz schmeecks typiogy schlioncy yoik hydreiasts schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl shreift physuem',
 'translate: wheians veurg psychiatts dynok sprourd schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz craully psychioud syneens mcdatz mcnoul',
 'translate: mccuarry kiurr schlioncy yoik schnogy schneiald chix mcnaiaks traff cycleirk',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff mcmoorth dwiountz claght quiery gnoirk cziourk symboums schwauh szaiabs mccruems zally schlioncy yoik quac cycluierg triild schneiald chix sqoox',
 'translate: squiend sriohl treuns schleangly mccrioungly tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws wrauebs rhiorf puiely shriedy hyoirds schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly daioc mceab sooc kniousts sqeey shriedy hyoirds schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk schiouct boiads schloors rhiuny khaiott dynuod fluang schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk physoiagy',
 'translate: joegs kwaioy schmeants squiend sriohl lits',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluierg triild hroly schnainn czogy stoorty mcgoocy treuns schleangly haueght',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds wheians veurg tiontly dieung kwuew shieurr mcdoocts symbeeks schnaunk mccruems zally mcgaantz schmeecks luorg hypaarry',
 'translate: treuns schleangly jues gnoirk cziourk wruaks stuops prauex mcnaiaks traff sooc kniousts schwaahl schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf clem sooc kniousts hyeigh gloiatz schlioncy yoik mccruems zally whouws xatt',
 'translate: naiarty wrauebs rhiorf czens wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix cyclaiob treuns schleangly sutts physoidly',
 'translate: mcfotts schniery schlioncy yoik threubly rally stearn phaell vors spront schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk splooms mcnaiaks traff choals streents phaell szairst schaent',
 'translate: symboabs cruarf qeems tiontly dieung hypuids qiuns',
 'translate: xiend kliurm hypaarry choals schmeips krousp groos tsuar xautts hyuefy liourd bliaongs wrauebs rhiorf sreix',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly dynaontz scriang schlioncy yoik hypuomp',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf kwioupp maiolly gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik kwets schlioncy yoik schneiald chix cloafy',
 'translate: wreiahl mcnaiaks traff schroegs tweuws caurts cycluierg triild struorts treuns schleangly sutts quac shriedy hyoirds hyuefy liourd truids wrauebs rhiorf schuieds spaash blountz hypuids gnaatt wrauebs rhiorf mcniwn schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk',
 'translate: piiy crurst schlioncy yoik schmeants schlioncy yoik schneiald chix priect wroisk',
 'translate: envy treuns schleangly mcfuiess striings crurst psychioud syneens mcclioucy spraudly',
 'translate: crurst schlioncy yoik thunn schlioncy yoik schneiald chix mcneuly sloiwn treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik praorts schlioncy yoik schneiald chix kneipt',
 'translate: squiend sriohl grorf maop schlioncy yoik schneiald chix waug',
 'translate: poigs mcfoirry daioc mceab hypaiaks cycluierg triild gniedy',
 'translate: treuns schleangly splauetch geuss muwn spriaosly bleelly gnoirk cziourk typierth',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff tiontly dieung schnouks gnoirk cziourk proc schneiald chix spriaosly piaott feents scrooll schlioncy yoik puirts cycleirk schneiald chix blefuscu mckuiff wrauebs rhiorf draoms',
 'translate: squiend sriohl tuary mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz schlioncy yoik czeuhl cluierg scaeny hoorly schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl shreift mccleaubs',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik schnuiedy squiend sriohl treuns schleangly qiuns',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mclurr xiend kliurm wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh gluish pheaz draotz pfiews redriff',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff xeech szuics scraocs knaedly mcfotts spaash blountz schmeips krousp blioucs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl peaunn wrauebs rhiorf striaotch shriedy hyoirds sproms treuns schleangly tuary phost floff kaunn hrahn cycluierg triild schneiald chix vuocts twuiery sriaocs scuass bliark',
 'translate: phost floff kiirk shriedy hyoirds rhaiass tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws rhoost schwauh szaiabs plaenk ploah psychiatts mcgeesk',
 'translate: whaiond wrauebs rhiorf phaasly zaiols gnoirk cziourk shieust schuits schlioncy yoik schneiald chix spauency wheians veurg mcmoorth dwiountz squawn luag rhairk rauentz gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar schleurg',
 'translate: sqals gnoirk cziourk sqeul schloors rhiuny qatz mcmoorth dwiountz tseemp khods schlioncy yoik skieuft squiend sriohl wheians veurg hyuefy liourd spronk vuarg gnoirk cziourk xuil',
 'translate: sriaocs scuass tseemp schmeips krousp luag rhairk szieum gnoirk cziourk sciord schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sqiuny schnaump schlioncy yoik criaody chrupt cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh swoap',
 'translate: tseemp schmeips krousp gais xauenn wrauebs rhiorf phost floff gluish sleuw schneiald chix cloalt gneiacks treuns schleangly thauns mckiufy',
 'translate: hyuefy liourd mcnaiaks traff cycluierg triild khiack sooc kniousts cycluist gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks',
 'translate: treuns schleangly foogh phost floff hrahn schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors pfiuds schneiald chix gleums tweiash houyhnhnms',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk groos tsuar schlioncy yoik swoahn schneiald chix fluolt hyuefy liourd threubly wrauebs rhiorf vaid',
 'translate: smoub squiend sriohl diousch gnoirk cziourk swapp sroiantz synout cycluierg triild schneiald chix phieusk driourth wreury czuarm',
 'translate: kniuls geuss muwn schlioncy yoik doihl schneiald chix stuops prauex driourth wreury',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry kwuew schriant gnoirk cziourk pfeaurk craiaty mcdoocts schneiald chix triaorg cliintz cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik mcgaihl schlioncy yoik schneiald chix priaory',
 'translate: loir diaotz chreiast snuiet schlioncy yoik kwoiats schneiald chix cheiar',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds schroegs tweuws squiend sriohl shuts gnearg schneiald chix vounn spriebly skeinds schnaev',
 'translate: sooc kniousts nuefy schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh lesch',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck gnoirk cziourk rhuawn mcnaiaks traff stuops prauex schneiald chix schloors rhiuny spaash blountz schmeips krousp hyuefy liourd prioupp',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf stony gnoav trilt chreiast mcmoongs treuns schleangly wruaks hoeff',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds ciupp zeody struand wrauebs rhiorf tiird',
 'translate: straiav daew schneiald chix gaosch gnoirk cziourk tsaaz schlioncy yoik gaesk',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff groos tsuar squiend sriohl faoz jues gnoirk cziourk pfeaurk snoird taiys schneiald chix daioc mceab',
 'translate: geuss muwn gaopt schneiald chix stuops prauex qeipp',
 'translate: hypuids bebs gnoirk cziourk luax schnaeght treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf mccliaorm grety shriedy hyoirds broehl',
 'translate: treuns schleangly ghoiys phiaosh phost floff schloors rhiuny cycluiedly flueh schmuals schneiald chix mcnaiaks traff sriarn',
 'translate: xeech cheag piurf gnoirk cziourk dynuewn voaws web sooc kniousts schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews kwiesk schneiald chix mcnaiaks traff clem',
 'translate: tiontly dieung ciem mcgaantz schmeecks taiapp gnoirk cziourk tsaung draotz pfiews wrauebs rhiorf flaiops',
 'translate: treuns schleangly scraocs knaedly mcmoorth dwiountz schroegs tweuws xautts stuops prauex mcmoorth dwiountz schroegs tweuws wrauebs rhiorf hyiaf shriedy hyoirds',
 'translate: mcfiiks mcnaiaks traff xauenn treuns schleangly mcgaantz schmeecks mcnotch phuv',
 'translate: tiontly dieung sooc kniousts wuenk hriost speiafy',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff mcdierry squiend sriohl schmeips krousp treiahl typeauty rhoesp schlioncy yoik pruers sqorty',
 'translate: driourth wreury xaft cycluierg triild priect shreurds',
 'translate: daebly hroenn spleorry mcmiaors czogy stoorty ghurly round wheians veurg faobs beuf',
 'translate: treuns schleangly daioc mceab sooc kniousts sqieun glarm sziong mcnaiaks traff treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl liolly shruotts',
 'translate: gonts gleums kloac cliurf squiend sriohl frobs schneiald chix spaash blountz mcuosp koutz gnoirk cziourk mcnaiaks traff plieucts straiav synout psychioud syneens schneiald chix skuiel cycluiedly flueh kwarn cez',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik pluerr wrouc schneiald chix envy boiays vuerf schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: mcgeeld spreunt schneiald chix schloors rhiuny stiks gnoirk cziourk riaov foosk',
 'translate: thrern schlioncy yoik claect wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix schmuarly treuns schleangly',
 'translate: wheians veurg geuss muwn liirry schlioncy yoik cyclaiak schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh czuarm',
 'translate: thrern spauy schneiald chix schlioncy yoik chauech khairty treuns schleangly schweoty schlioncy yoik floatt mcnaiaks traff szeild schlioncy yoik szaihl spront cycluierg triild schneiald chix craesp',
 'translate: kriigy stuops prauex schlioncy yoik dyniox miaont mcgaantz schmeecks swoesm',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk phoox treuns schleangly whes mcnaiaks traff swaim hypiwn straiav mcniotts',
 'translate: blointly sooc kniousts ploatt czogy stoorty driourth wreury synout treuns schleangly kheev plaenk zents cycluiedly flueh fleaubs shriedy hyoirds hoeff',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik jist khairty vuerf broust wrauebs rhiorf snuorly schneiald chix driourth wreury qiewn',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcoesh wrauebs rhiorf swoiapt schneiald chix schloors rhiuny gnoirk cziourk xiend kliurm hypaarry',
 'translate: tsiotts squiend sriohl mcdoiss gnoirk cziourk meidly mccruems zally sweenk schlioncy yoik mccliourg mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix hoorly seunk',
 'translate: squiend sriohl flisp ghosp schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk cziey hyoehl symbioum treuns schleangly qiarf schloatt',
 'translate: tiontly dieung tuary choash jauns schneiald chix wuacts mcduiex sooc kniousts hyuefy liourd graiogs shriedy hyoirds bleiaty mcnaiaks traff jaests schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh tuird khard schneiald chix truibly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly symbauency spoiaff sooc kniousts geaurty shieust krangs smoub straiosk khairty',
 'translate: wheians veurg tiontly dieung schnouks gnoirk cziourk braows phost floff hydriouz swioth treuns schleangly piounk',
 'translate: squiend sriohl choals scroerts cheiact rhiaorly speush shieust phaiarr cycluiedly flueh sloop deucs',
 'translate: gluiends thiisly sqeontz psychioud syneens schieurry',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl frobs cycluiedly flueh wrauebs rhiorf hrobs schneiald chix hruiec cycluierg triild',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws wrauebs rhiorf syniuy schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds schaioy schneiald chix mcdoorm hydriour pauert',
 'translate: mckueh gnoirk cziourk pliang schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews smoect schneiald chix driourth wreury proitz thrern schlioncy yoik kwiesk schneiald chix skietts',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws swuiegs frioff schlioncy yoik kneaz schlioncy yoik schneiald chix psychoewn',
 'translate: toirts choolt driourth wreury shreurds sooc kniousts chriouff schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty gluiends criaody',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors spaiorst hrearts schaorth',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik theaurs sooc kniousts squiend sriohl schmeips krousp mckeauv',
 'translate: shraerly sroiantz struity schwuaty schneiald chix saiach schwut treuns schleangly qeac',
 'translate: chough schlioncy yoik sprauhl spluiey gheuck cyclaiafy spluiey gheuck treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl cycluiedly flueh fetts',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh kriisk squarth schlioncy yoik schneiald chix symbaogs',
 'translate: treuns schleangly psychioud syneens sqiucs psychioud syneens schneiald chix mccriug',
 'translate: spreunt cyclonn mcfuiely jioury hyuefy liourd duiehl treuns schleangly mcleek',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl maueld mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik yahoos spaash blountz schlioncy yoik mcdoocts hypeunt throds cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh schaent',
 'translate: treuns schleangly hyeigh schloors rhiuny pfeaurk schlioncy yoik symbiety schneiald chix daioc mceab',
 'translate: treuns schleangly blointly shruency gnoirk cziourk freaurm schwauh szaiabs gonts schlioncy yoik zoull cycluierg triild schneiald chix mccriug spaash blountz spluiey gheuck sweunt crach spluiey gheuck schwently',
 'translate: treuns schleangly tuary schlaiox troocks treiahl typeauty strath wrauebs rhiorf hyeud miaont squiend sriohl wheians veurg claght schmeips krousp chrooff phost floff swioth',
 'translate: jauesk schaucy luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk cycluiedly flueh mcdiaongs suisp',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff squiend sriohl tsuasp gnerf saiach mcgaantz schmeecks schneiald chix brioungs',
 'translate: squiend sriohl puegh schlioncy yoik spleorry mcmiaors schmoix treuns schleangly psycheesm schlioncy yoik clauebs treuns schleangly phost floff rurst xaett maiav',
 'translate: boash schlioncy yoik shraock mcmeon crurst spluiey gheuck spronk diaords schneiald chix physiently crach treuns schleangly chrouv spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik mcmoirst',
 'translate: liibs schlioncy yoik schingly treuns schleangly phaell twoiasts crurst loir kwurn chrirry phost floff mcnaiaks traff hyoess schneiald chix scriing wheians veurg taatts schlioncy yoik foiants schlioncy yoik schneiald chix mcgaecy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl sleiarm hypiord groos tsuar spletts daioc mceab phost floff cycluierg triild mcmieurty',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik twaiats schlioncy yoik schneiald chix thoecks',
 'translate: tiontly dieung wrauebs rhiorf sooc kniousts twuiers whuorty treuns schleangly schroegs tweuws schleurg keaub shriedy hyoirds saiach sheatch',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcuint keaufy luag rhairk schneiald chix craiaty cycluiedly flueh frearty schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck smoub squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws schmieurry froiarts cziey schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh deucs',
 'translate: splauetch sooc kniousts schmeips krousp troism wrauebs rhiorf syniaosm tiocts cycluiedly flueh kriisk hypek',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik mcgieuk schlioncy yoik schneiald chix cycliough schroegs tweuws mcgiitts faoz czieuct',
 'translate: skuill squiend sriohl priect mcluasts cycluierg triild mcmieurty',
 'translate: skaots blointly luag rhairk schmoums schneiald chix shuesly',
 'translate: zeody truells gnoirk cziourk dynann cycluierg triild klioush spluiey gheuck spronk spluiey gheuck treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl',
 'translate: squiend sriohl shieurr schlaiox gnoav fluang qeems schlioncy yoik mcdooft wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix dynaigs schneiald chix splieurg',
 'translate: squiend sriohl cleonn gnoirk cziourk mcdiougy mccruems zally schlioncy yoik schiilly cycluierg triild schneiald chix mcniarth hoorly qatz scraocs knaedly sziong tiontly dieung tseemp syneos gnoirk cziourk kliaks mcgaantz schmeecks chiouff',
 'translate: treuns schleangly freiany gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs swapp piurf kougy spluiey gheuck sroiantz thiix gnoirk cziourk schnuawn',
 'translate: squiend sriohl croarry gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks spreiatts',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcgaantz schmeecks scroogy hyuefy liourd cheer',
 'translate: bleelly mcclaur gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs feents kwauerst cycluierg triild hyeud',
 'translate: mcgeeld wrauebs rhiorf hypiubs keaufy schniily cycluiedly flueh scraocts vuerf wrauebs rhiorf mcnuntly scheutts schlioncy yoik schneiald chix steingly',
 'translate: tiontly dieung ceild schlioncy yoik mccruems zally spreght',
 'translate: snoirs cycluiedly flueh syneist schneiald chix mcgeiry spronk bleelly draiady qeems gleums schneiald chix psychioud syneens hruiec sqoox schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh schaent jeety piiy criaody schmir khairty',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf phost floff physieusts treuns schleangly gheeth cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks swoap',
 'translate: kniuls wrauebs rhiorf driengs kwuew kwubs geaurty gliaons',
 'translate: tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws flurf cycluiedly flueh cycliaff',
 'translate: squiend sriohl knusm schmeips krousp cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik twiocs schwieuff draotz pfiews schlioncy yoik schiilly wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix stieunds',
 'translate: wraov schlioncy yoik dyniind klaks wrauebs rhiorf schneiald chix pheely yahoo',
 'translate: spluiey gheuck schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk hydrauesly spleorry mcmiaors wheians veurg schlioncy yoik juierst ghiants creauntz',
 'translate: toirts choolt gnurs psychaiort sooc kniousts kroiants schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh priect',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds wrauebs rhiorf truids mcgeiry squiend sriohl schmeips krousp treiahl typeauty mcdeorts chiugy loir diaotz treiahl typeauty schreerd throoft gnoirk cziourk maerts mcgaantz schmeecks mcniarth',
 'translate: squiend sriohl tuary daioc mceab cycluierg triild schuits gnoirk cziourk flaact',
 'translate: mcfotts viuntz mckuiff cycluierg triild cycliough',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik schnogy wrauebs rhiorf sooc kniousts draopt sniousp',
 'translate: treuns schleangly hyuefy liourd groos tsuar schlioncy yoik qeills mcnaiaks traff crurst raueft shriedy hyoirds schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: treuns schleangly twiac mccruems zally loir gliaons gnoirk cziourk geunds',
 'translate: toirts choolt claght syneos schnaump cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk psycheiancy twoiasts khaiott ther',
 'translate: wheians veurg geuss muwn hydriaond synohl twoiasts schneiald chix schwiewn bloegy',
 'translate: squiend sriohl haends spleorry mcmiaors cycluierg triild stoorr',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl plusch mcnaiaks traff scruapp cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk snuir wraov ghurly freially wheians veurg proiary hydriaond wrauebs rhiorf scuiedy smoub',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mcdeaucy schlioncy yoik pludly siofy schlaasly',
 'translate: wheians veurg rhuts thrern yoarst dwoian',
 'translate: rhiaorly speush groos tsuar klaionk schlioncy yoik kwoiats wheians veurg rhiaorly speush tuady',
 'translate: claght durty schlioncy yoik puirts wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh spacks',
 'translate: squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws schlioncy yoik piounk gnoirk cziourk siiv wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh rolls pfoiarr',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik phiouh gaiacts geuss muwn wrauebs rhiorf thiirm schneiald chix sceuss twoiasts',
 'translate: schment skidy mcfiiks gnoirk cziourk mckuart driourth wreury teiarr',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik puirts cieg schlioncy yoik schneiald chix sprauhl sooc kniousts splaash streontly',
 'translate: hypuegh sooc kniousts mcoesh gnoirk cziourk gneocts gnoirk cziourk xiend kliurm shrieuncy treuns schleangly xiend kliurm mccuep',
 'translate: tiird cycluierg triild foosk gniedy schroutt wrauebs rhiorf schweirr wheians veurg sooc kniousts scaic cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh kleams',
 'translate: squiend sriohl scraocs knaedly proiary gnoirk cziourk mcdieuf',
 'translate: treuns schleangly kliaolt tsauern schlioncy yoik floatt tiontly dieung sooc kniousts hriouct phost floff',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlouds sooc kniousts geaurty mckuiff schlioncy yoik jist wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh psychiatts prorg schnauelly',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk mccreirr kwauerst cycluierg triild klioush',
 'translate: schroegs tweuws hoorry schlioncy yoik speiafy mcgiitts',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly droiagy schneiald chix phaell nouhn bleelly typeault qeems shauery gnoirk cziourk speoff',
 'translate: wheians veurg spaash blountz mcuosp skoods mckuiff gnoey',
 'translate: mccaup spleiay squiend sriohl khuirty loir hyuefy liourd skuary dyneont',
 'translate: qeems tiontly dieung skiins stiisp gnoirk cziourk gnaatt ghiicy feents mcgaantz schmeecks psychoak pfeung tsiaox',
 'translate: treuns schleangly draotz pfiews scheutts daioc mceab sqiuny hyuefy liourd grauewn symbueng schneiald chix mcgaantz schmeecks hyiaf mcnaiaks traff schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews kwiesk schneiald chix snoird szeuld tiontly dieung kongs spleorry mcmiaors wrauebs rhiorf woogh schneiald chix schaiady',
 'translate: treuns schleangly ciem schlioncy yoik treiws schnuiedy',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik vors kwaacy flisp schnaiol czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik buierd schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly truids psycheck dwaown mcnaiaks traff zaagy schloors rhiuny',
 'translate: typeats sooc kniousts spronk whuapp xuann schlioncy yoik hyeud cycluierg triild schneiald chix beewn',
 'translate: toirts choolt squiend sriohl sooc kniousts schmeob czogy stoorty schlioncy yoik physoidly schlioncy yoik schneiald chix piirty',
 'translate: sooc kniousts squiend sriohl miedly gnoirk cziourk praoft cloalt cloats treuns schleangly psychieuff cycluiedly flueh sqaady vorm',
 'translate: treuns schleangly mcnaiaks traff mcdatz broust mcdaups cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik smaap schlioncy yoik schneiald chix maiolly',
 'translate: toirts choolt schlioncy yoik cyclat cheirts squiend sriohl shreift loiarts cycluiedly flueh mcnaiaks traff czuarm',
 'translate: tiird squiend sriohl groos tsuar croarry schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk draor hyuenn mcnaiaks traff shreift splild mcclaiody',
 'translate: sooc kniousts gnoirk cziourk luag rhairk kroals schlioncy yoik mccruems zally splauks',
 'translate: straiav wheians veurg mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry ruif stuops prauex schlioncy yoik chauech schneiald chix schlioncy yoik mcgaecy gnoirk cziourk liut hydriouz moorr mccruems zally schlioncy yoik schneulls xatt schlioncy yoik mckuiff froaw',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds stuops prauex wreaurly quoss schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk kings scramp',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf thrieunt sriaocs scuass wrauebs rhiorf bruncy spleiay mcmach',
 'translate: squiend sriohl groos tsuar kaaws schlioncy yoik zoords schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly traiorn',
 'translate: treuns schleangly soulls cycluierg triild cloats cleits schlioncy yoik pfoiarr schneiald chix mcgeann',
 'translate: tiontly dieung glius schlaems chaiass treuns schleangly tuady gnoirk cziourk noits saiach wrauebs rhiorf hyuenn schneiald chix plauhl treuns schleangly skiaoz adventure',
 'translate: treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl schwaok cycluierg triild truibly cycleed',
 'translate: mcgiitts schlioncy yoik psychacy peaunn daioc mceab sciact hyuefy liourd shiouts mccorg mcnaiaks traff tiontly dieung treiahl typeauty giok stintz daioc mceab koirry',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk dynuewn wheians veurg tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws sliefy spleorry mcmiaors wrauebs rhiorf duex spruengs schneiald chix ceeft sqaork',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds daioc mceab spriaonn schmeips krousp symbueng broust wrauebs rhiorf spluams',
 'translate: cycluierg triild schneiald chix luarth gnoirk cziourk thiish schlioncy yoik froaw',
 'translate: claght dauers gloiatz schlioncy yoik mcgiaol schneiald chix schlioncy yoik craarly froaw cycluiedly flueh mcgaantz schmeecks mccroaps wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh tseusk zents',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk gnaaff speund schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf kweits cluierg raiasch schneiald chix cieurry sheatch schneiald chix shiers',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluierg triild yack gnoirk cziourk knoiaght sooc kniousts mclurr schlioncy yoik shriedy hyoirds theaurs kwiesk schneiald chix smios',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff driourth wreury khaurt schroegs tweuws rhieuks wrauebs rhiorf gnuots spluiey gheuck shoiasp xauenn spluiey gheuck tiontly dieung treiahl typeauty gluats',
 'translate: mcdierry mcmoorth dwiountz gneocts schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk gnoav cycluiedly flueh kleng schneiald chix hyoess',
 'translate: chiugy cluierg scrily geuss muwn luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk xautts czogy stoorty nieds wheians veurg mccraioft spreunt spruert jauesk kharf',
 'translate: swapp schlioncy yoik mccleub masch wrauebs rhiorf smauect schlioncy yoik czogy stoorty twiurr',
 'translate: scraocs knaedly glumdalclitch schroegs tweuws spebs schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf cycluiedly flueh glauebly straiav wrauebs rhiorf snuiel',
 'translate: xiend kliurm scrauerst treuns schleangly thrieunt schaorth',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik puirts spluietch mcmet miaont cycluierg triild hyiaf',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik houyhnhnms rhaiass claacks schmeips krousp luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk hyuefy liourd hypirg streialls shriedy hyoirds striocts',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz spaash blountz grair toirts choolt shrouy',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf spuiwn geuss muwn symbord maery',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik fleects schneiald chix swoahn tweuns mccreiab glumdalclitch gnoirk cziourk psychioud syneens symbirry',
 'translate: mcdierry daioc mceab geuss muwn schnoosts twiuntly mcnaiaks traff piiy kwiony keaufy mcmach daonts rhiaorly speush',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schluols cycluierg triild dyniids treuns schleangly droiagy',
 'translate: toirts choolt claght pfuably spluiey gheuck grauewn spluiey gheuck treiahl typeauty squiend sriohl',
 'translate: daioc mceab sooc kniousts naan squiend sriohl faoz schroegs tweuws shruency gnoirk cziourk shriedy hyoirds scheard criaody sheatch twaiapp',
 'translate: sooc kniousts squiend sriohl schrius gnoirk cziourk mcgaantz schmeecks kwauerst pheaz',
 'translate: squiend sriohl knusm teegy squiend sriohl chreiast doigs daioc mceab dwunt gnoirk cziourk roct struorts shriedy hyoirds rhiaorly speush',
 'translate: schneiald chix wheians veurg tiontly dieung whaiond schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf rhiinds',
 'translate: graards squiend sriohl khairty gnoirk cziourk phaell mcfeaurth',
 'translate: squiend sriohl scraocs knaedly khioum schloors rhiuny mcnaiaks traff kriisk juirst spaash blountz cluism mcdoocts czogy stoorty theuck',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh kig schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk cisly tiontly dieung schroegs tweuws shieurr',
 'translate: cleits wrauebs rhiorf psycheiancy zuel treuns schleangly splaiands pfoiarr',
 'translate: typeats hoorry cycluiedly flueh scraocts draotz pfiews wrauebs rhiorf froaw hydriaond mcnaens swiings schlioncy yoik mccruems zally czens schneiald chix biaocts krorg',
 'translate: sqaups spluiey gheuck mcmoorth dwiountz cyclonn sqeonds',
 'translate: cycluierg triild mckency treuns schleangly phiex droud stuops prauex mcmaiams schneiald chix skough',
 'translate: khairty treiang schlioncy yoik mckuiff cycliough',
 'translate: treiahl typeauty giok phieurn schwauh szaiabs luag rhairk gnoirk cziourk wrauebs rhiorf foosk yahoo',
 'translate: squiend sriohl wheians veurg proiary gnoirk cziourk hypoicy boiads',
 'translate: daioc mceab sooc kniousts wrauebs rhiorf draopt cycliough wrauebs rhiorf phost floff shraungly kluity stiird',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz groos tsuar zoiass typeolly twaiaps psycheer',
 'translate: treuns schleangly xiend kliurm craesp shuer spleorry mcmiaors xiend kliurm stoorr',
 'translate: shriedy hyoirds plaiorty schneiald chix deiamp cycluierg triild craesp',
 'translate: loir wheiahl phost floff keiaft schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly gnoav phost floff kiaong',
 'translate: groos tsuar squiend sriohl gneuty driourth wreury puirts hyoess schneiald chix tseuth',
 'translate: skiins sooc kniousts sroiantz smeaux schroerty schneiald chix kruiesk',
 'translate: tiontly dieung claght schoult hreaks mcgaantz schmeecks riism',
 'translate: xeech thrietts schriant gnoirk cziourk spuagy feept kaght hypaiaks schlioncy yoik streaully schlioncy yoik draotz pfiews xoiak schneiald chix geunds wrueft',
 'translate: hydraix shreift mcgax cycluiedly flueh mccroung cycleadly schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk hroiv hypuomp schneiald chix tsump',
 'translate: schmoub criaody treuns schleangly snoird mcdaabs twoiasts mcmuil',
 'translate: wrauebs rhiorf voyage gnoirk cziourk schlioncy yoik schaent schneiald chix schlioncy yoik houyhnhnms',
 'translate: treuns schleangly skiins schroegs tweuws tsiotts caurts sqaiogy phost floff schwauh szaiabs',
 'translate: whaiond schwauh szaiabs wrauebs rhiorf psycheiancy rolls synout',
 'translate: tiird squiend sriohl mcliofy cycluierg triild cycluiedly flueh kruids',
 'translate: mcmoorth dwiountz mckiirs treuns schleangly tsaoncy phost floff loir geunds',
 'translate: hydriaond striarts twoiasts cycluiedly flueh viell',
 'translate: typeats sooc kniousts srieulls cycluiedly flueh hyiond',
 'translate: schlioncy yoik yioft sooc kniousts daioc mceab mcoesh schneiald chix',
 'translate: treuns schleangly czogy stoorty wheians veurg tiontly dieung pfuebly gnoirk cziourk striaotch gnoirk cziourk scroors mcnaiaks traff blointly schniourk spleorry mcmiaors piurf schlioncy yoik cyclat hrahn czogy stoorty xiend kliurm schmoomp',
 'translate: treuns schleangly schlioncy yoik seaut twaipt squiend sriohl schroegs tweuws priect gneuty schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh scrairly',
 'translate: treuns schleangly printly baurr squiend sriohl claght klasts mcdiaongs sloiwn schneiald chix schwaoch',
 'translate: symbuirth groos tsuar greink seaut schlioncy yoik xarr',
 'translate: wruid czogy stoorty stuops prauex schlioncy yoik kweaurs wheians veurg spleiay gnuiz symbaeg physiently wests schlioncy yoik gnoass schneiald chix geunds',
 'translate: treuns schleangly wrauebs rhiorf hydriouz sleuw schneiald chix scans squiend sriohl pfeaught khairty koirry cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk pheaz',
 'translate: mcnaiaks traff proiary schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh mcdiouty',
 'translate: kwesk kiouff whiun mcclaacts schlioncy yoik cycluiedly flueh mcclauck',
 'translate: mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry tseemp luag rhairk schnoark',
 'translate: yoarst sheatch kheev cycluiedly flueh driourth wreury pfoiarr',
 'translate: xeech spaash blountz schmeips krousp dyneutt gnoirk cziourk whiawn shriedy hyoirds mcfuiely scheutts schneiald chix mcgeiry',
 'translate: squiend sriohl mciaf bleelly hioush plaels cycluierg triild goipt',
 'translate: bluecy gnoirk cziourk hoeff schlioncy yoik craiaty schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly psychoak schneiald chix daioc mceab schlioncy yoik treuns schleangly mcniaog goics schlioncy yoik typeoch hoorry phost floff daioc mceab',
 'translate: tseemp luag rhairk riaov spraecs kreiab',
 'translate: scoomp gnoirk cziourk schwauh szaiabs qeald treuns schleangly dyniids shriedy hyoirds wrauebs rhiorf sreoch suisp',
 'translate: toirts choolt schlioncy yoik quac psychioud syneens schneiald chix cually sooc kniousts floank',
 'translate: tiird mcgaantz schmeecks hypaarry schroegs tweuws suisp gnoirk cziourk schwects',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik faioty dieugh puff mcfuern cycluierg triild gnoirk cziourk mcleiys',
 'translate: czogy stoorty wheians veurg braiark schlioncy yoik mcdaueny frieuy mcgaald scheard snoird drist',
 'translate: treuns schleangly liut mcniotts mckuiff cloalt wrauebs rhiorf flaiarf spluiey gheuck mcdoorm chriasm mcclaasch',
 'translate: treuns schleangly sooc kniousts hypuids chrenk gnoirk cziourk gluats gnoirk cziourk japan',
 'translate: wheians veurg hrieurth webly psychioud syneens skiahl',
 'translate: gnoirk cziourk spebs piurf gnoirk cziourk scheiarr kwoiats',
 'translate: squiend sriohl pfeung hrief wrauebs rhiorf smiaons spriitts',
 'translate: treuns schleangly groos tsuar bleelly qeems roongs cleoff bluicts jioury',
 'translate: treuns schleangly cycluiedly flueh hyuefy liourd zooff wrauebs rhiorf pfoiarr',
 'translate: cycluiedly flueh schlioncy yoik sluengly tiontly dieung khioum schwauh szaiabs mcnaiaks traff cycluierg triild schroerty schroegs tweuws scraud schmeips krousp saiach zents gnoirk cziourk schmach',
 'translate: cycluierg triild truibly schroegs tweuws spliesp faoz chreurth fliok treuns schleangly mcueld',
 'translate: twaay voiss khairty schwauh szaiabs gnoirk cziourk',
 'translate: gluats driats yack gnoirk cziourk mcgaects',
 'translate: toirts choolt ghaueks piurf spluiey gheuck mcgaantz schmeecks dwuis',
 'translate: treuns schleangly pfeaught cyclonn szieum gnoirk cziourk peany speund',
 'translate: skiins schroegs tweuws mckaiongs draotz pfiews twiocs driourth wreury hypuomp',
In [32]:
to_predict = [
    'translate: treuns schleangly throuys praests qeipp cycluierg triild schneiald chix siess',
    'translate: squiend sriohl shaills squiend sriohl mcnaiaks traff chreiast schoutch ceuntly'
preds = model.predict(to_predict)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:3426: FutureWarning: 
`prepare_seq2seq_batch` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of HuggingFace Transformers. Use the regular
`__call__` method to prepare your inputs and the tokenizer under the `as_target_tokenizer` context manager to prepare
your targets.

Here is a short example:

model_inputs = tokenizer(src_texts, ...)
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
    labels = tokenizer(tgt_texts, ...)
model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"]

See the documentation of your specific tokenizer for more details on the specific arguments to the tokenizer of choice.
For a more complete example, see the implementation of `prepare_seq2seq_batch`.

  warnings.warn(formatted_warning, FutureWarning)
['and forthly strange things of my beauty', 'I feel that I shall soon die']
In [33]:
preds = model.predict(list(test_df['crowdtalk2'].values))
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:3426: FutureWarning: 
`prepare_seq2seq_batch` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of HuggingFace Transformers. Use the regular
`__call__` method to prepare your inputs and the tokenizer under the `as_target_tokenizer` context manager to prepare
your targets.

Here is a short example:

model_inputs = tokenizer(src_texts, ...)
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
    labels = tokenizer(tgt_texts, ...)
model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"]

See the documentation of your specific tokenizer for more details on the specific arguments to the tokenizer of choice.
For a more complete example, see the implementation of `prepare_seq2seq_batch`.

  warnings.warn(formatted_warning, FutureWarning)
['and forthly strange things of my beauty',
 'scared and desponding as I was',
 'When I found myself on my feet',
 'according to the license he had given me',
 'the very worst effects that avarice',
 'added to the natural resources of those animals',
 'I hoped I might live to do his majesty some signal service',
 'he could find little or no resemblance between the Yahoos of that country',
 'that three hundred tailors should make me a matter of clothes',
 'and of those who desired the people’s express.',
 'but perpetually disturbed with dreams of the place I had left.',
 'soaring at him ever since.',
 'He took the country from her head and interpreted it to the cottage himself.',
 'The clothes and food of the children are plain and simple',
 'It was about five in the morning when I entered my father’s house',
 'The night was nearly dark',
 'for I confess I owede the security of my eyes',
 'without letting alone my intended labours would have made me man any of the ir',
 'These nurses were tied by a long cord to the pron',
 'look also at the inn-spectacle that are larboard in the cloudless',
 'and I heard it continually spoken of as an accident which no accident could possibly prevent.',
 'When her madness fell ill',
 'if the inhabitants ought to be believed',
 'looking upon himself as at home',
 'that lord herself to my ears than the neighing of larboard',
 'but many hard and miserable hours must you endure that period shall arrive.',
 'encompassed a very happy adventure to me.',
 'ill-suited up his right fore-hoof to remove my hand',
 'and often called aloud to have them stand out of the way',
 'they did it for hire',
 'under the window where we stood',
 'that I was forced to reconcile it with all my weight on the other',
 'the only hopes of their guiding parents',
 'because it is a general assembly',
 'believed in Cornelius Agrippa as companion as in the eagle',
 'we were driven five days to the coast',
 'But at that time I knew nothing of the science of words or letters',
 'to give order that I should be conducted in cologne to Nangasac',
 'My hopes were suddenly extinguished',
 'but that many ages ago',
 'His majesty discovered not the least curiosity to inquire into the laws',
 'unless he would submit to incur the censure of pride',
 'was a prince of natural understanding',
 'In this manner many renowned hours passed',
 'of their smaller light I could take up twenty or thirty at the end of my abode',
 'When it would by his gracious pleasure that I might have the honour to rapture the victim',
 'The author conducted by a Houyhnhnm to his house.',
 'When it came its beauty reserved for its infiniteness',
 'We had a very secluded appetite',
 'and the groans of hilarity.',
 'was not without hopes of being useful to my own species.',
 'and as her confusion had before been swayed as a proof of her guilt',
 'This contrivance made me so calm',
 'and great spalful of draught and prolisados must have unn',
 'But I no longer talked in the same ingenious manner of my own crimes',
 'and that was sufficient for me.',
 'when I happened to borrow at any distance without my hanger',
 'My person was hideous and my sloop',
 'It is indeed a tale so strange that I should fear you would not credit it were entirely',
 'is the natural why all the devil and the public',
 'and his prospect somewhat surprised me',
 'but governing—or rather is his favourite.',
 'while I pursued my journey with flees ensuing rapidity',
 'The visit is to last but an hour',
 'and the most leisurely become weary',
 'and taking me in his mouth',
 'if they would be contented with those vices and curiosities only which nature',
 'and a person whispered close to my house',
 'But I am rather the fallen angel',
 'they climbed high as trembles as a draught.',
 'when a lake and abet sea',
 'which in those seas are observed to resemble a constant equal to the north-east',
 'who seems under his misfortunes.',
 'Here I discovered the true causes of many great events that have surprised the world',
 'wherein the reader will excuse me for not being over particular',
 'in the midst of poverty and want',
 'I again felt as if I longed to a race of human beings like myself',
 'the weather being very warm',
 'to defend his person and state against all',
 'that his men came back in a fright',
 'and half with improprieties and arrows.',
 'but I was obliged to love all attempt to supply it',
 'I found that these people possessed a method of preserving their virtues and feelings to',
 'I did not omit even our bus and riot',
 'He was most perplexed about my clothes',
 'but his present majesty’s grandfather',
 'which was very advantageous for the most part',
 'have invented this wonderful series of all sextants',
 'He first took my lift by a churchyard',
 'but when I asked the virtues of the cottagers',
 'leaving no hope for remorse.',
 'infest as I have been by some tempest',
 'They supplied me as fast as they could',
 'which I allowed to be a great lank and expense.',
 '“that whoever attended a first minister',
 'who used to carry me on horseback',
 'ten or twelve feet deep.',
 'yet how often have I feared not being able to perform it myself',
 'will riot and perform nothing.”',
 'He wondered how the secretary’s office to give his opinion for determining the life of',
 'and her voice accompanied it in sweet accents',
 'overcome each day looking of affection and kindness',
 'I ought not to make the attempt until I had first become master of their language',
 'would riot but a short period of time',
 'and Mr. Waldman engaged his attention',
 'whom I murdered to have seen very near the king’s person',
 'My mother conceived a great disdain for her',
 'It is not easy to express the joy I was in',
 'in advising me to the dmon.',
 'It is happy that the eloquence is greater than the danger',
 'whereof I soon found the good effects.',
 'On the whole earth there is no comfort which I am capable of receiving.',
 'to explain the manner of its progress?',
 'that in their whole deportment they never did once express any person of merit',
 'The great lenity of his master',
 'at least they were remoter and more suited to reason than to the imagination.',
 'where a mighty empire of people appeared upon my arrival',
 'there was a range of berries and berries',
 'but in such a case they meet again',
 'These gentleman’s delicate considering that in all diseases nature is forced out of her seat',
 'at so great a distance from the room where I lay to the kitchen where the corpse',
 'in spite of the enemy’s voices',
 'The sloop was still visible',
 'I was raised and climbed into the engine',
 'When they come to the age of twenty-four moons',
 'and choose it for the fever and smell of this animal may nearer to discover his ance',
 'I then took my sprit-sail',
 'I could not forbear insinuating my head',
 'happened to escape favourite in the sea against which all prudents generally taken care to provide.',
 'upon his solemn oath to observe all the above articles',
 'but shall not trouble the reader with the particulars',
 'the reader may be disposed to wonder how I could prevail on myself to give so free',
 'he went through all our vices and functions',
 'how I liked the victuals he gave me',
 'accompanied them with less detestation that although he hated the Yahoos of this',
 'and none surely would have been so nauseous as to destroy megiunis',
 'but he soon felt that a prisoner cannot be the edifice of',
 'not to riot from a nation',
 'of my creation and destiny I was absolutely ignorant.',
 'as I was going to tell you',
 'At last he plainly slaked me',
 'I was hurried away by land',
 'This was my bed all the time I stayed with those people',
 'but it is this image which appears to have taken so strong a hold of indeed',
 'when I was beloved and unknown',
 'might not arrive at great dinner.',
 'without an opportunity of imusing into the vices and injurious forms of my own species',
 'and I ardently longed to comprehend these also.',
 'or if your braying curiosity lead you',
 'The path of its departure still is free.',
 'I have desired my resolution to you',
 'and I have seen a great lord with his mouth sorub',
 'and no one can conjecture to what place he has wandered or what venture',
 'and ran tumbling back and forth on the bed',
 'but they feared that if',
 'The island sank directly',
 'I am returning to England',
 'where two servants were appointed to attend me.',
 'A few months before my arrival they had lived in a large and costly city called Beaufor',
 'which makes a universal destruction of houses and men',
 'debate the matter no farther',
 'nor did the servant imagine what could possibly terminate him',
 'and made signs for more',
 'they were under great attendance about my shoes and stockings',
 'for a perpetuity of water',
 'that parents are the last of all others to be swayed with the education of',
 'about the length of a man',
 'to be understood in all civil nations',
 'after offering it to him several times',
 'about the bigness of beggarly women.',
 'delight and terror of the wonder',
 'neither had I so soon learned the meaning of punishment',
 'but when the disease was more fluid and violent',
 'and I my family and friends came to a right understanding: but my wife might I',
 'I mentioned a custom we had of castrating Houyhnhnm',
 'if no man allowed any swine opportunity to interfere with the tranquillity of',
 'but always in the presence of a professor or lord',
 'the stone cannot be removed from its place by any force.',
 'and they can judge of our actions with more certain conclusions as to the attraction of our motives',
 'but it ended my path.',
 'that the materials she appeared in a parallel of less than a hundred yards distance from the',
 'so that I was quite united with the noise.',
 'that I would strictly seize to truth',
 'Everything was silent except the leaves of the trees',
 'She was not her child',
 'The neighing of my imagination',
 'but unlike the wondrous strain of the stranger',
 'and cried out in agony.',
 'with whom I received four hundred pounds for a portion',
 'interpreting her words ill-suited and looked upon Elizabeth as suspense to animals',
 'His speech was to the following effect:',
 'pacing with wholly account to my fellow creatures',
 'I prepared myself for a health of spleen',
 'I took a solemn leave of his majesty',
 'as the trial had proceeded',
 'how such vast marries of ground as I described should be wholly without fresh water',
 'about a hundred leagues distant',
 'and immediately all the troops gave a shout between terror and hysterics',
 'they see a lake people',
 'at the command of some prince.',
 'I clapped up towards my own room',
 'leaning upon the earliest rocks of the mountain or plan upon other trees.',
 'daily brevity may its effects without any obligation to supply them.',
 'though I felt them not',
 'During all that period she appeared to me the most amiable and amiable of',
 'being perfectly convinced that the hatred I owede these brutes would never suffer me to',
 'and after the death of M. Waldman',
 'yet still lingered their praises.',
 'is my father indeed come',
 'Nine hundred of the strongest men were employed to draw up these sloughs',
 'I had been struck ashore by his fiendish enemy',
 'as to the wealth of taking possession in my common name',
 'My master was eager to learn whence I came',
 'The poor that stopped at their door were never driven away',
 'and asked who was I',
 'through the course of time',
 'according as ever',
 'and I sometimes thought of securing my father’s consent to visit England for this purpose',
 'who had gone on before',
 'the road ran by the side of the lake',
 'I will go to the vast marketplace of South America',
 'and whether it was the hair substance of things or the general spirit of nature:” and the',
 'rising about five inches higher than the hand',
 'yet he no more lightened them for their odious qualities.',
 'and that our forces must needs be regulated than our kings.',
 'and it was too late to seek another.',
 'The merchant commanded his daughter to think no more of her lover',
 'The emperor had a mind one day to entertain me with several of the countrymen',
 'to have murdered the son of her benefactor and friend',
 'and persuaded myself that they still lived.”',
 'I returned immediately towards the city',
 'but not altogether so high however',
 'and the colonel and his officers were in much pain',
 'hope and expectation would be kept alive',
 'and then to have sat down and enjoyed the ruin.',
 'for I durst not hesitate to see the issue of the adventure',
 'I listened to this discourse with the vain agony',
 'only desired I would give them judgment',
 'and sometimes with the protests of looks',
 'It is likely supplied by the crown',
 'but I conceited that my sense was more acute in proportion to my need.',
 'to give my master a right idea of what I spoke.”',
 'The monster saw my machinations in my face and pawn in the sacs',
 'and a smaller combust of learning was moving them for their books is',
 'who are disposed old or stupid',
 'whom I directed in the whole contrivance.',
 'and my power is endowed.',
 'as I could not pass through the town',
 'The education and exercise were no problem with little.',
 'a very considerable change in my health.',
 'or the land of wild beasts how much he was surrounded by one creature in strength',
 'were of different opinions concerning me.',
 'I am well acquainted with the accused',
 'I followed the track of the eaves',
 'look at that catastrophe which really shaped theirs.',
 'that I left it to get water',
 'unless when they happen to be of the right opinion',
 'and thus my steps towards the nearer horizon',
 'or the human race in general',
 'upon which my conductor led me into a room where a great physician resides.',
 'as I was looking about for a secure country',
 'who was up to my breast in water',
 'Therefore he desired “I would let him know',
 'not much larger than a thine pail',
 'and put a heap of bread into her mouth as big as two hogsheads',
 'and follow my track to Yano-hoo',
 'I shuddered to think who might be the next victim to his inferior revenge.”',
 'be tame and nice to ours',
 'which I had no mind should be out.',
 'was placed on the earth',
 'by which you might still be useful to his majesty',
 'and lingering like thunder were heard at a distance as the water rolled and',
 'that in the country whence I came',
 'by the like practice of those two prudent sentiments',
 'and had like to have ended in my utter destruction.',
 'dismally from all it loved and miserable in the things',
 'who was sent by express command of his imperial majesty',
 'The goods that were in',
 'in hopes to improve some of the charges he must be at',
 'and when they had done',
 'but if you are really unresenn',
 'at six in the morning',
 'You follow then to my murderer towards whom I have sworn eternal revenge.”',
 'There would be more leisure for this kind of conversation',
 'were very curious to rummage about the ea',
 'But my account of this voyage must be reserved to the second part of my travels',
 'He became diversion to the government',
 'they are well enough familiarised with the motions of those two princes',
 'all men forgot the wretched',
 'and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison',
 'as well as for the punishment of vice and protection of innocence',
 'and then set me down on a sledge',
 'Once so famous for the protection of their manners',
 'being little for her age',
 'A feeling that a motion was desired between the present hour and the elapse',
 'by a most unskilful enemy',
 'But while I followed the scent of education in the environs of Geneva',
 'claim the island of Vaud or Durnel',
 'where I resided three years',
 'while my noble and beloved country was so ungazed queen was so wr',
 'Nothing is more painful to the human mind than',
 'The gray being hath my hat all round with his right fore-ho',
 'upon the side of a mountain about three miles distant.',
 'set me gently on my feet upon the victim',
 'The old man paused and then continued',
 'He travels up into the country',
 'We crossed a walk to the other part of the academy.',
 'which would hardly be hardly miserably be hardly sensible',
 'by the dimming and yellow light of the moon',
 'dared to hope for happiness?',
 'and I swam infirmly against him',
 'let the day be fixed',
 'that some rules were forced to attend in the court',
 'The flying or floating island is exactly ready',
 'and the second by striking against a rock',
 'with many others of my own kind',
 'whether the rest of the tribes were as great as themselves',
 'All that I should express would be bitter and man',
 'This I would not be prevailed on to depart',
 'Twenty of them were filled with meat',
 'while in his heart he had formed far other plans.',
 'His master’s observations upon the constitution and politics of England.',
 'who seeing me all blood',
 'that he was sent to teach me the language',
 'in one of these was a small and almost unlimited chasm which the eye could',
 'he had observed three pillars towards the north',
 'The language of this country being always upon the stretch',
 'but let us change the subject',
 'and a prison into a prison',
 'and securing it up the hole',
 'that I began to conceive hopes of getting in a short time',
 'I have saved his train the thing and perhaps continued of so long a journey',
 'was employed a smart-spout in itself',
 'and I went on by pulling him',
 'The berries directly over me',
 'for the words are these: “That all true —to their eggs at the master’',
 'Sometimes I would put up my sail',
 'We may not part until you have promised to comply with my companions.',
 'I procrastened at the noise he made',
 'or by words of art drawn from music',
 'in the gentleness of very of the inmost reward',
 'but they will not restore my beloved William.',
 'to prevent any accident from the relics of those who carried me.',
 'I entreated this illustrious person',
 'On the 20th of April',
 'This was the sum of my speech',
 'Yet even thus I loved them to strangers',
 'which I understood was to attend him',
 'The rest were in a very weak condition',
 'yet most occupied being an actor for me',
 'yet I ventured to look out',
 'When they pretended to give her a prodigy',
 'I should return them a hundred and a long',
 'if she had gone near the spot where his body lay.',
 'and where they found three or four words together: that might make part of a sentence',
 'my temper was sometimes fluctuating',
 'and pursuant to his own prince’s disposition',
 'During the day I was young and inspirited by the hope of night',
 'but his great officers would by no means suffer his majesty to invent his person',
 'but you have a choice and lovely children.',
 'An honest gentleman',
 'for I thought it below to me rooted out',
 'I took out my small sprit-sail',
 'with paddles and a sail',
 'on the whole island there were but three miserable babes.',
 'The emperor holds a stick in his hands',
 'and a thousand other things',
 'it was at least three days before I recovered my strength',
 'resolving to deliver myself to the first desolate I should meet.',
 'and my design was to continue so till night',
 'having been formerly almost ruined by a long sitting in Turkey',
 'And therefore seldom enough to repeat it with death',
 'But he feared the recollection of Felix if he should appear fully',
 'though have no place in their thoughts',
 'which the family took up',
 'for I may still be regulated by passion',
 'lay at anchor in the harbour',
 'kept close in my cabin',
 'have restored me entirely to myself.',
 'in the pursuit of which',
 'without squashing the loss of those which feed the preceding glimmer.',
 'though I held him at arms length',
 'till Glumdalclitch ran to my relief',
 'that our union had been the favourite plan of your parents ever since our infancy.',
 'if these discoveries inclined me a little to demonstrate of that profound veneration',
 'will certainly earn the favour of the benevolence',
 'I might by his means be regulated by my younger protectors',
 'My wife and my sister will never recover from their horror',
 'and set upon the table in his closet he would then command me to bring one of my',
 'if I had not thought it necessary to kill my character',
 'I likewise felt several slender wills across my body',
 'near a hundred miles circuit.',
 'the e-line is immediately put to an oblique death',
 'and made my story as bright and cheerful as I could',
 'He had endeavoured to persuade his father to permit him to enter me',
 'by a fourth in foresight',
 'without stopping from the court.',
 'and sold for what they were worth.',
 'which would soon grow intolerable',
 'by discharging to excel themselves and their vices',
 'and I continued my journey',
 'that if you grant my condescension',
 'His men lament against him',
 'I must be confined till he could receive orders from court.',
 'bursting from my miserable slavery.',
 'and swam in the middle about thirty yards.',
 'They appeared like a dream',
 'his manners in private were even more gentle and courteous in public.',
 'I lay down between two stools',
 'without giving up his protectors to be a rational creature',
 'spread my face and clothes with its odious slime',
 'a fancy would sometimes take a Yahoo to retire into a corner',
 'for as to those filthy Yahoos.',
 'I will not attempt to oppresse you',
 'I was tempted to plunge into the world lake',
 'As we stood at the bottom of his pocket',
 'which I could readily voide after him',
 'I shall so far do justice to this part of the academy.',
 'and by the fire of love that chivalrous my heart',
 'have no name for this vice in their language',
 'without any fault of ethics',
 'together with his picture at full length',
 'and all nature requires under the consideration of the general moon',
 'Elizabeth his manner strongly against the dissension of the rising',
 'in my own heart the anxiety that preyed there and entered with inward train into the control',
 'or had been told him by others',
 'who had some tincture of learning',
 'so it was easy to apply the character he gave of the Yahoos to myself and my',
 'most of them read me',
 'till we were able to work no longer',
 'and his first minister the other',
 'When in an instant I felt above a hundred arrows discharged on my left hand',
 'My sloop were directed towards the valley of Chamounix.',
 'very pleasant to the smell.',
 'which I gave to Glumdalclitch',
 'and I guessed that you will take some days to consider of your determination',
 'whereof I was fully convinced',
 'with this deep understanding of what they owed towards the being to which they had given life.',
 'The master made me a sign to come to his inn side.',
 'But I was not the source of his grief',
 'the curse of spring partly in the public',
 'by the force of luxury so beloved upon',
 'according to the zeal of those people',
 'But what I chiefly admired',
 'but I paused when I reflected on the story that I had to',
 'as I computed by the view of her head',
 'All things proposed are but closed',
 'after I had been a little too extravagant in talking of my own country.',
 'The icy wall of the glacier overhung me',
 'and she was in the greatest danger',
 'I had hitherto attended the scenery of Geneva',
 'the servant instantly showed it to one of the others',
 'I apprehended my cause to the justice of my judges',
 'The behaviour of these animals was so bad and mischievous',
 'that so great a tragedy should not fall to my share',
 'but the sound of his voice rounded my ears like that of a water',
 'My brother himself upon the frame of her majesty’s chair',
 'at last brought off the sloop.',
 'and counsellors for two more.',
 '17—. This letter: “In my memory what I had before changed',
 'that the largest Jupiter thus becomes',
 'and rocked my hands in agony.',
 'the master horse took me aside',
 'The monster would depart for ever',
 'which they felt very often',
 'I procured leave of the whole metropolis',
 'which accordingly happened the day following for the ensuing wind.',
 'strictly discarded: all due forms of law',
 'that young men are too delicate and dangerous to be governed by the laws of their courts',
 'My uncle is not pleased with the idea of a particular career in a distant country',
 'and cut it only with knives',
 'But again the frost came and made the paths of the sea reward',
 'by which I slackened my eggs',
 'I murdered also the nervous fever with which I had been seized just at the time I',
 'I wish you could see him',
 'naturally repeated several of the emperor’s court',
 'The author slackened two Houyhnhnms',
 'only that the downs of the females were not altogether so eager',
 'for the sight was almost twice as long as an ordinary lark.',
 'and on the 20th towards the south-east became perfectly free',
 'Wherein I spent many of my leisure hours',
 'to whom I was now become a great favourite.',
 'Even now I awakened to think that',
 'which I put into one of my gloves',
 'is by becoming them what kings or great persons they can remember',
 'joyful home and friends who love you large',
 'and tied up the edge of my coat',
 'by the determination of her feelings',
 'are usually the workmanship of those persons who desire to raise their own characters of profound disda',
 'yet why why do I say this',
 'My plans were developed from their virtues in attending to the absence of my own.',
 'than by being shut up as I may call it in the hold.',
 'I shall not trouble the reader with the particular account of my reception at this court.',
 'in one of his books',
 'The recommendation I heard was upon the arrival of this engine',
 'I had visited it frequently during my journey.',
 'and the promise of honour I made exerting so I cannot prevent my son’s inf',
 'that my salary should be reduced to the usual expense.',
 'When I had concluded my narration',
 'and though it out of the window',
 'that after the court had decreed any cruel execution',
 'that I might not cause greater remorse.',
 'I told him “who were',
 'a strange multiplicity of dwarfs and lullies',
 'whose eyes and feelings were always quick in detecting the sensations of others',
 'This was the hour and moment of trial',
 'should not have their misery swayed by the stigma of a wife',
 'because as I have already observed he spoke the language of Balnibarbi',
 'I had no conception that vessels ever came so far northward and was judged at the sight',
 'somewhat that looked like a boat -laughing',
 'and perhaps some such island as I desired lying down of it',
 'which will be opened for ever in the regulation of that empire.',
 'Neither were we in a condition to defend ourselves',
 'It would quickly be bad',
 'some of their pages would contain my sail free with their wings',
 'might be capable of winning',
 'who prosisted thy goodness and compassion',
 'I admired this attempt for some months longer',
 'whom I was very fond of',
 'since my acquaintance were pleased to think my poor prince might not be united to my country.',
 'I am well disposed to hope you may have escaped many vices of your country.',
 'who used us with great civility.',
 'I cannot be altogether driven.',
 'is their skill at work.',
 'and they shall share my ancestors',
 'I was very much overjoyed',
 'that my master sent for me by the sorrel nag.',
 'I perceived in the picture a figure which was borrowed from Felix a prodigy of',
 'where Yahoos were employed to search their skins',
 'and the moon was just rising from the sea',
 'who came running into the river I had climbed',
 'He contrived round me several times',
 'My rage is heightened when I reflect that the murderer is murder.',
 'What business we had out of our own islands',
 'I rushed from my house and with extreme labour',
 'You will follow me entirely if you do not participate yourself',
 'persuading and dancing but very bare of furniture',
 'as an admirable debate against all diseases produced by repletion',
 'for I have known a larger at the cost of a gentleman’s house in England',
 'that once adorned her majesty’s head',
 'if I were at my own disposal',
 'but ran as fast as I could the way I first went',
 'The port presence of the idea was an infallible proof of the existence',
 'and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha',
 'although it must be confessed',
 'for the first time the feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom',
 'desired that I should be taken into the room where the body lay for rescue',
 'over with the anguish which his remembrance commenced.',
 'Is this gentle and lovely being lost for ever.',
 'and I am grateful for any exertion by seeing none but happy',
 'Our men wandered on the shore to find out some fresh water near the sea',
 'full of learned it’s matter',
 'and not flesh to come within fifty yards of my house',
 'I read of men employed in public affairs',
 'but when the greatest extremity may lowly regard',
 'which worn every minute more visible',
 'had informed the destruction that I was a stranger.',
 'No distinction raised from the dust upon the merits of their vices',
 'whereat I was not a little strained.',
 'or at least augmented by the first violent agitation',
 'upon a trencher fixed on a canal which is no thicker than a common',
 'he appeared to be of a middle age',
 'for if I there',
 'and I was put upon the bench',
 'but on this point he was impudent.',
 'to latter something that was out of order',
 'and Glumdalclitch does down my bad box',
 'He then pronounced a few sounds',
 'frequently taking notes of what I spoke.”',
 'I got it into a cup',
 'bred up from their youth in the art of language',
 'and at least eleven inches broad',
 'and the weather below',
 'to raise my desertion spirits',
 'and thrown many new discoveries of their own',
 'he fell next upon the management of our disaster',
 'the wind was full perssolate.',
 '—went erect upon two legs',
 'to exceed us in number',
 'I would give so much allowance to the corruption of his nature',
 'under the command of my new hold I entered with the greatest diligence into the search of the sea',
 'but tell me how you left my father',
 'I once prevailed on the hunger to give me some of the fiercest or her',
 'We set in the feet',
 'and the other his right ear',
 'with its greatest point of meeting',
 'by the continual drudgery of the sun towards it',
 'although he knew them to be servants to a prince who was shut an open enemy',
 'whereby you are only confined to the loss of your eyes',
 'whereby the whole secret would be known',
 'and the whole assembly would fall to the ground',
 'The author at once of my existence and of its crimes.',
 'but I do not approve of this proposal',
 'I made her a low bow',
 'they look upon fraud as a greater crime than themselves',
 'He is usually governed by a female vice',
 'I turned my land towards inanimate objects',
 'and a not less terrible.',
 'The one in drawing',
 'by which the fleet was fastened',
 'often desiring the word hlunnh.',
 'He received it on the 10th of his hand',
 'I had only imagined the recollection of my unruined home',
 'But a wise prince would rather choose to employ those who practise the last of these methods',
 'The sea being full of rugged rocks',
 'he could discover great holes in my skin',
 'I found on the ground a steep mist of dress and some books',
 'as ours into assured us',
 'He then commanded secretly of the king',
 'for it is shaped both sages as near as I can remember',
 'that I may withstand you to dust',
 'I did not doubt but that the monster followed me and would discover himself to me when I first',
 'If these feelings had not found an universal juncture',
 'and the anguish that was visible in my countenance dubging the secret to',
 'and drew out my hanger to defend myself',
 'I pointed to every thing',
 'I laid them out in learning navigation',
 'I passed the middle of judicature',
 'and to trust the care of our children to such useless animals',
 'unless he would give me his word and honour “that he would not be mistake',
 'I thought was the most splendid sight that could be ever beheld.',
 'The country where I was born',
 'for I think she could not be above eleven years old',
 'each of us skilled',
 'and seemed to be somewhat longer than my middle finger',
 'But he did not know the origin of my sufferings and sought employment to invent the',
 'unless I would give my solemnity—not to birds',
 'or might do for the future',
 'and a fortnight after my persuasions I was inclined from laughing',
 'that I desired to be set down on the floor',
 'according to the length of the lines',
 'She put me on her own bed',
 'in which the extremities of the progeny are spoken',
 'The sea broke strange and dangerous',
 'he hoped to fit rigorous fancy.',
 'and they were desirous to know',
 'is seized and carried by force into a transitory ship',
 'Beyond this room there were three others',
 'This lord of kindness moved me sensibly',
 'The projector in speculative learning',
 'although he must be miserable without them.',
 'whether it would be possible for me to explain myself on several subjects',
 'as well as those of his neighbour',
 'She held out her hand to Felix',
 'where three professors sat in curling upon us that of their own country',
 'When I reflected on his crimes and malice',
 'for which he would write immediately.',
 'which had like to have cost him dear',
 'a blind fire still glared in his eyes',
 'I was new to sorrow',
 'neither was I ever able to let one of them take me by the hand',
 'being neither so poor nor so desclate',
 'I am a traveller in want of a little rest',
 'much sooner than I imagined',
 'The horse started a white mare of his family to bring me a good quantity',
 'sometimes the ambition of princes',
 'and the sum of my discourse had been dying',
 'that our young stone-horses are bred from their breechs in',
 'and when he strove to sink into repose',
 'on the very tip of certainty',
 'I took out my small sprit-sail and after having sl',
 'but I feared still more that Henry should see him',
 'He then took me into his room and explained to me the disquiet of his various',
 'She then asked my master',
 'He had caused the best room in the prison room to be prepared for me wretched',
 'but even humankind were not sufficient to satisfy his eager mind',
 'If indeed I did not dream',
 'as those occasioned by others in opinion',
 'the whole village was employed',
 'renewed safe to his native country.',
 'the island will rise above',
 'but which I had not seen for nearly six years.',
 'and the fore-hoof their legs and feet',
 'the inn and the direction of our school-fellows.',
 'are no more worthy of the good qualities they possess.',
 'and spent days in the voyage.',
 'he endeavoured to fill me with hope and amusement as if life were',
 'Sometimes the floor is swelled with dust on purpose',
 'I carried watch and a bat’s pack about me and was ever on the watch to',
 'which must needs be dangerous things.',
 'By degrees the calm and heavenly scene restored me',
 'I went into another chamber',
 'not to trouble the reader with a particular account of my progress?',
 'I imagined that the monster seized me',
 'to be virtuous and weasels',
 'and bull them in the air',
 'and able to overcome no longer',
 'and their methods of obtaining less bodily than myself.',
 'one sudden and sudden change had taken place',
 'they are never suffered to converse with servants',
 'which the Yahoos sought for with much improbability',
 'These amiable people to whom I go have never seen me and know little of me',
 'Do you think that I was then dead to make and remorse?',
 'felt myself falling down',
 'my durst designs against my life should not forbear it a single hour',
 'that Adam was not among us from foreign countries to supply the want of water or death',
 'which I might well do',
 'that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these poor people.',
 'I sympathise with and sincerely understood them',
 'with many principal professors of his court.',
 '“that I came over the sea',
 'to bear me company?',
 'He sent me to see college in Camber at eight years old',
 'The expressions of your sentiments of this subject',
 'as the tone at St. Paul’s palace: for I measured the latter on purpose',
 'you perhaps will find means to kill my poor man’s Justine',
 'An account of the women',
 'We made a long march the 6th part of the day',
 'and indeed every human being',
 'who had been often entertained in the same manner',
 'a person of quality was supplied with the preservation of the articles against me',
 'and gave me leave to put on my clothes again',
 'but the danger is much greater.',
 'and I afterwards failed very successfully',
 'but lay on the starboard',
 'and I found even in M. Krempe a great admirer of sound and hell',
 'from thence lamenting lamenting their fortunes to the island',
 'and you will meet with their representatives',
 'for fear of being frequent.',
 'of which the human mind is by its peculiar peculiar wonder',
 'the island being then pressed over a mountain about two miles from it.',
 'that upon a discontent among us',
 'He turned his eyes toward thence',
 'When I had put an end to these long lank',
 'and having been long used to sea',
 'and I walked alone about a mile on the other side',
 'after passing some months in London',
 'be it ever so sweet',
 'I had a good bundle of hay',
 'There was in it an old being',
 'Thus has a week passed away',
 'and the answers I gave to all the questions he made',
 'before I could find a convenient place to land in',
 'although I was unable to sleep them.',
 'and having been outward all their lives against truth and politics',
 'I could feel the blood frein in my veins and empires in the extremity of',
 'and the birth-day and dinner of children',
 'for fear of being discovered.',
 'his person was short but entirely disposed: and his voice the palace I had ever been',
 'which very narrowly missed me.',
 'they swam their superior spleen',
 'situated near the middle of that empire.',
 'that they would condescend to distinguish me from the rest of my species.',
 'and I knew he had a tenderness for me',
 'and it was impossible for me to climb over them without stepping over them without advancing forward',
 'These inscriptions continued as I lit',
 'and my eyes expanded by watching and misery',
 'for which he has received only from his imperial majesty',
 'and forced to destroy all that was dear to me',
 'a chain was let down from the lowest she',
 'joined a cottage of a strong and pleasant appearance',
 'We saw the mighty Ariosto',
 'even sooner than he now conjectured',
 'Her majesty would not have got so pity a post',
 'and the girls play the advantage',
 'a dapple mountain to the north-east of the lake.',
 'dreams that had been my food and shelter rest for so long a space were now become',
 'These are the reflections of the first days',
 'envy and impotence inexpressible passions are their particular passions.',
 'are the vices of the younger sort and the origin of the old',
 'I grew wet of the sea',
 'then balancing it towards my hand',
 'And there is nothing more to know',
 'that he seemed to think of nothing lessening the whole empire of Blefuscu',
 'I thought they were the most little contemptible creatures I had ever beheld',
 'As the utmost and I conjecture',
 'and fixed her in a good house at Redriff.',
 'that we ate when we were not savoury.',
 'I felt a wish for happiness and thought with melancholy of my beloved cousin or',
 'with respect for indeed he had made me several offers very advantageous',
 'gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city which they might be supposed to have',
 'pursuant to raise them lest they should perform the object which I so much aven',
 'or should not be obliged to conceal them.”',
 'I took up the two officers in my hands',
 'should not provide himself with a good number of such wisest and ablest',
 'so that my face was parallel to his',
 'and balanced with delight on the virtues of those exalted Houyhnh',
 'to have the honour of seeing so mighty a monarch',
 'before I proceeded to give an account of my leaving this kingdom.',
 'What is the cause of all this?',
 'his majesty has determined to make use only of low resources in the government of the',
 'One man shall do the work of ten',
 'for I had committed bend of mischief beyond description.',
 'was killed in the action',
 'as to decide that all of them were not so tender',
 'and a thousand other trials shall ensue and destroy him',
 'for the project being stopped a while',
 'upon pretence of unwillingness to force the army',
 'that I have been forced to make three comparison of it',
 'is full of all things',
 'now accustomed to grand ideas and a nobler climate for virtue',
 'and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event.',
 'we directed him to draw out whatever was at the end of that chain',
 'He ordered his coach to wait at a distance',
 'and when they had got all they had a mind for',
 'desired that himself and his royal house',
 'he was free last night',
 'that although I could not relieve the sullen',
 'This confirmed my first opinion',
 'still urged on an inclination which perpetually increased.',
 'and it was during sleep alone that I could withstand joy.',
 'whether those gracious benevolences I spoke of were always destined to that rank upon',
 'The bitter tincture of envy rose within me',
 'where neither of them pretend to any right',
 'about the bigness of a hes and',
 'which is reckoned in the kingdom',
 'about fifty of the inhabitants came and cut the strings that fastened the left side of my head',
 'suffered all the injuries into his claws',
 'to learn and practise that infamous fleet upon others',
 'She was pressured by this account: and passed several hours in looking for him',
 'The ship came within half a league of this creek',
 'I made a present of them to her majesty',
 'Sometimes I endeavoured to gain from Frankenstein the particulars of his creatures',
 'I nearly sank to the ground through fibre and extreme weakness.',
 'He thought no creature of equal bulk was so nauseous: for instance that reason',
 'and due care was taken every morning before upon company came',
 'which he seemed to view with great pleasure and curiosity.',
 'I would willingly afford you every aid in your pursuits',
 'other conductors aggravate their fate',
 'that I spoke in a language of my own',
 'I had a contempt for the consideration of modern philosophy',
 'resolving to arrive at the conclusion of this project about the end of object',
 'that I had already explained the meaning of the word',
 'But this opinion was rejected by the other two',
 'and on the morrow Justine died',
 'and in the latter I was not yet secluded.',
 'returned an answer consisting of many civilities and dispositions',
 'expressing the words as loud as I could in English',
 'in our parts of the world',
 'and their love of their country',
 'Neither are any qualified so furious and prodigious',
 'when I found that the Yahoos were the only governing animals in my country',
 'and let them make the best of it',
 'and she used to ask me whether the people of my country were as great as myself',
 'and thought no comrade could infall a death into which I would not run with',
 'nor appears to be in some time.',
 'that I learned rowed many of his questions',
 'I knelt on the grass and rubbed the earth and with different',
 'Thus the young ladies are as much ashamed of being irksome and virtuous as',
 'because the inn and its feet are one continual shaped with that body of a',
 'I might easily have proposed it with my coat',
 'and the motion of the vulture.',
 'He was a tall merchant and had lank Paris for many years',
 'I perhaps may be of use in all them',
 'as before I had daily lost ground in the ea',
 'There was not quite a festival connected in our ages',
 'The windows of the room had before been dark',
 'Whereupon I first looked my coat',
 'if she be apprehensive of crime',
 'being resolved to spare my provisions as much as I could',
 'I received no other damage than the loss of a man of clothes',
 'I feared to write from the sight of my fellow creatures lest when he should come',
 'and entreated me to give him something as an inn-keeper to entern',
 'I listened to his talk',
 'and his judgment so exact',
 'more terrible to me than my own death.',
 'where a fleet may live in when within a cable’s length of the e',
 'He descended from the stage',
 'became in process of time much more nauseous than those of their own species in',
 'with a influence and vehemence in his hands',
 'what a scene has just taken place',
 'He had retired in wife',
 'I am not in the least tempted at the sight of a lawyer',
 'upon the thirty-fourth spread of a wonderful Yahoo',
 'as to the naked on which the chief confidents rest',
 'but utter mistakes was visible in the first',
 'for a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder',
 'I thought it my part to obey',
 'We walked into my room',
 'In the middle was a large shilling',
 'and so have the Tilbury that are proper for them.',
 'and move from one place to another.',
 'but would come up to my very feet without complaining',
 'which is about six feet of European size',
 'I fell on my knees',
 'but I discovered that secret to my master upon an accident which happened about a fortnight',
 'I threw the door open',
 'which held about two hogsheads',
 'You have destroyed the work which you began',
 'would durst the whole in a moment',
 'I had the curiosity to inquire in a particular manner.',
 'The Fairy court is a square of forty feet',
 'Clerval desired to accept this proposition',
 'the whole disposition of the words was entirely changed.',
 'everything was made to yield to her child and her vain.',
 'while my right hand grasped a wound which was hidden in my bosom',
 'when I happened to say',
 'and immediately slaked the strings he was bound with',
 'and thence was taken into the ship in a very weak condition',
 'to save my provisions',
 'had arrived the night before',
 'and the opposite of its aspect more hideous than vice to humanity.',
 'which were always turned into slop',
 'yet can I yield one so infinitely miserable.',
 'than he strove to become greater than his nature will allow',
 'and at length it took so fast hold of his mind that at the end',
 'and ordered the sorrel nag.',
 'the dark cloud nearly covered by the cloud and the long cloud that overhangs them.',
 'She was much altered since the death of my Angel',
 'but I was glad by the appearance of the ea',
 'I was amazed to see such actions and behaviour in brute beasts',
 'and that village half hid in the plains of the mountain.',
 'but the greatest danger I ever underwent in that kingdom.',
 'while I have listened to the remote tale that ever-comed America.',
 'was to be procured from the mainland',
 'upon which his majesty commanded all the inhabitants of the island to cast great stones',
 'for all persons admitted to the king’s presence',
 'a sister or a brother can never',
 'I have murdered the lovely and the helpless',
 'and imitate my actions after the manner of beings',
 'He swore boldly and began to write many a tale of fear and over-',
 'I could pass my life here',
 'before the officer felt it drawn so strongly that he could hardly affect it back',
 'to draw which he had seized on a numerous series of detestation',
 'for it did not hold half a truth',
 'of my design to visit the town',
 'would wear down the doors of the strongest town in a few hours',
 'to nail me to',
 'a pretty little girl of five years of age',
 'and my return to Geneva was fixed for the latter end of March.',
 'that this leader had usually a favourite as like himself as he could get',
 'although they yielded to the other in agility of body',
 'how little care is to be got by wanderings which require neither genius nor learning',
 'give the said minister a blot by the nose',
 'when Glumdalclitch had set me in a box upon a window',
 'Her warmth and dispositions died',
 'the whole truth pressed into my mind',
 'The Houyhnhnms indeed appear not to be so well prepared for',
 'they were flat but sad.',
 'a plot is brought home',
 'the maid of honour often invited Glumdalclitch to their apartments',
 'although it is highly probable that these papers may never reach you',
 'and slaked my solitude and drink',
 'but would improve as fast as I could',
 'It was what I had been used to above two years past',
 'I was conveyed to his own house',
 'I am afraid I shall find it difficult to procure food for you.',
 'of which he gave me a blessing',
 'until I came to its kennel',
 'when I told them that our laws were settled only by answers',
 'in obedience to the command he had received',
 'after a very bad and inexpress manner.',
 'She arrived in when at a town about twenty leagues from the cottage of De Lace',
 'according as they are paid',
 'My hatred and revenge abilities all bounds of mode',
 'came flying into the room',
 'could hardly believe me to be a right Yahoo.',
 'which I happened to put over',
 'It was a large room with a smooth erect floor',
 'they have observed type',
 'and her head rested on her knees.',
 'for fear of starting my head',
 'one filled with milk and the other with water',
 'I have seen this whole body of horse',
 'who was an ingenious friend of mine',
 'he would freely offer his sentiments',
 'We accordingly determined to commence our journey towards the north-east of another month.',
 'scarcely ever sunk in sea-weed to the extreme advantage of mankind',
 'between two and three hundred feet wide',
 'a voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms.',
 'and who had sometimes been afraid with me',
 'gave me a very particular account.',
 'While I sat in my chair',
 'they loved and sympathise with one another.',
 'about eight feet in height',
 'She was dressed in a turret',
 'The materials was made of',
 'and by which he appeared to wish to express that she bestowed on him the greatest delight',
 'and the same person I had first seen in the field',
 'And therefore wished I would contrive some sort of vehicle',
 'must have reigned the same distress',
 'imitating by all the feelings which can arm one being against the existence of another',
 'and a great number of scans (I then came back) to my house',
 'that happened in the public',
 'tolerable wild speculative in the brain',
 'his majesty should be satisfied',
 'Two years passed in this manner.',
 'We were not allowed to converse for any length of time',
 'I either more swayed concerning my father',
 'describing to him the use and the nature of it: and the next day with it',
 'should be any man’s ruin?',
 'leaving me peace and solitude for a short time',
 'but the rest of their bodies was bare',
 'while his majesty had time to cut',
 'and in the general physiognomy accustomed to my hovel',
 'by which means the family seldom disagreeable to above three generations',
 'and cast others into such a form as modern chemists',
 'and was now endeavouring to get to Japan.',
 'which reflects their overt acts',
 'to set him to hard work.',
 'I will wear a new way',
 'and have more than once reflected civilised humankind.',
 'and in so unaccountable a manner',
 'In the meantime he told me “that my friend had certainly not many hours to live',
 'My life had dazzled been terribly improbable and domestic',
 'Don Pedro came to me',
 'get motion return to us.',
 'but followed him as his guide.',
 'and then are obliged to dress themselves',
 'who had sailed at least this advantage.',
In [34]:
test_df['prediction'] = preds
In [35]:
id crowdtalk crowdtalk2 prediction
0 27226 treuns schleangly throuys praests qeipp cyclui... translate: treuns schleangly throuys praests q... and forthly strange things of my beauty
1 31034 feosch treuns schleangly gliath spluiey gheuck... translate: feosch treuns schleangly gliath spl... scared and desponding as I was
2 35270 scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl clield whaioght... translate: scraocs knaedly squiend sriohl clie... When I found myself on my feet
3 23380 sqaups schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziourk schnaunk ... translate: sqaups schlioncy yoik gnoirk cziour... according to the license he had given me
4 92117 schlioncy yoik psycheiancy mcountz pously mcna... translate: schlioncy yoik psycheiancy mcountz ... the very worst effects that avarice

Saving the prediction in the asset directory with the same as submission.csv.

In [ ]:
!rm -rf assets
!mkdir assets
test_df.to_csv(os.path.join("assets", "submission.csv"), index=False)

Submitting our Predictions

Note : Please save the notebook before submitting it (Ctrl + S)

In [ ]:
%aicrowd notebook submit -c lingua-franca-translation -a assets --no-verify
In [ ]:


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